Du monde vers 22 h ce soir ?
Bises je correspond au profil . Faites signe sur le jour
Nous y serons de passage la semaine prochaine ... Madame (femme) sucera et se fera prendre par des queues circoncise et parfaitement propres
Lots of people tonight around 10pm
There aren't many people, if anyone.
There are often couples who come
Passing by today from 11am to 1pm to suck good cocks until they cum
Du passage ce soir vers 18h Cherche couple open
I would have liked to join you
Hello, Anyone here in the afternoon?
un couple de passage ce midi?
Calme 2 mecs qui s enculent tranquil au fonds de la salle
I'm here to squirt on my pumps?
Who goes there today around 9 p.m.?
Tonight a young hetero couple around midnight, the girl was very pretty but zero action..
Lieu découvert hier... j'ai réussi à tenir 1h quand même. Salle assez petite à l'étage. 1 black qui comatait (probablement shooté) disant clairement qu'il n'était là que pour etre au chaud, et rien d'autre. 1 autre gar qui dormait allongé sur un banc. 1 mec est arrivé, reparti aussitôt. Et 1 autre qui faisait les 100 pas dans la pièce. Autant dire, rien de folichon là bas.
Je serai dans le secteur en debut de soirée vers 20h30-21h et bien envie d'aller découvrir ce lieu. Qui peut me donner des infos, qui y va ?
Ha I was there the day before yesterday I got fucked right by an old TBM.. I was very happy!!
Slut to empty you if several days of underwear and good smells of cock a plus I love it
Hello Qui y passe ce soir ?
Who's available there? Want a big submissive cum on my shoes
Is there anyone there now?
Is there anyone here today?
Friday October 11th around 6pm for jerk off and big cumshot. Available for couples including greedy women too
I go there on my way home from work, also available for gourmet couples
Thanks to the big cummer who flooded my shoes with his thick cum this Friday late afternoon. Too bad the other one didn't add his dose.
Who's going this afternoon?
Du monde ce midi ? Contactez-moi en MP.
Anyone to suck today Monday 08/19 between 12pm and 2pm? ;)
Hi, I'm coming this afternoon to suck cocks, for me it's with poppers Jean-Michel
Hi, are there any male and female couples in this place and are they reasonable and serious because I would like to come with my wife on a weekend day? Are the men starving like at the cinema at Atlas de Pigalle?
Anyone out tonight around 11:30pm?
I will definitely be there next week to suck and get fucked :)
Merci vous êtes un couple parfait à bientôt j’espère Gros bisous à vous deux
Quelqu'un peut-il confirmer qu'il s'agit du sex Shop TOYS STAR ? Je pense aller y faire un tour dimanche après midi, s'il y a des couples, ou des mecs à sucer...
Thanks to all those who have enjoyed sucking it
Merci à cplbi45 pour ce bon moment que j’ai découvert. Au plaisir de vous revoir.
Thanks to the couple who sucked me greedily (madam and sir). It was delicious.
small clarification it will be rather around 5 p.m.
Ballade coquine cet après midi sur Pigalle paris 9 vers 16h à 19 h visite de sex chop et ciné et terrasse alors si tu nous vois n’hésite pas de nous aborder et pourquoi pas un petit délire dans un sex chop dans une cabine notre préférence homme bi / trans/trav pour les pomper à deux
I'll be there this Saturday afternoon, good slut and good cock sucker and good ball licker, for me it's with poppers
I'll be there at the end of the month to suck and be asparagused by old perverts, I'll be in great need
Small but nice place, I sucked an old guy naked both of us but he wasn't hard enough to fuck me, I'm going to try to go back tonight and I hope to get fucked in front of some Amateurs, it excites me to see a cock in the ass and one or more in the mouth, I'm very hot right now, for fuck's sake
I'm going to this place to see if there's any cock to take according to my nickname??
I'm there right now, I sucked a cock but nothing more he came on me but I would have liked to get fucked in front of everyone. Too bad I have time
A couple passing through tonight? I might be there with an accomplice around 9pm
Who's going there this week? A couple interested in exhibiting?
I went there on Wednesday 3/07 around midnight. Luckily a couple was present. The young lady sucked her boyfriend very greedily. Some men present approached. The most insistent were rebuffed. Not even a hello, the guys are abusive, it's too much disrespect. The lucky few who were able to get sucked, we cum in her mouth and her superb breasts. Very very rare couple however given the very dark place which does not give confidence at first sight. Nice manager.
Mee75 present tomorrow morning at the same time at Odyssex (Paris 14), in 1 sex shop in Pigalle, in 1 other at Gare du Nord... and as 3 places at the same time are not enough, he will also be at the same time in 1 sex shop in Madeleine! Impressive... lol
For Wednesday afternoon come with my submissive slut to offer it and more thank you for answering in mp
I went nice. Apart from a heavy guy that nobody wanted I got knitted and exhibited by an old pervert too bad hard wooden bench. I'm probably going back Tuesday but earlier because I think more old people. If a very mature pervert wants to take me but a real very mature and clean one who knows how to be dominant. Reponsexen mp
THANK YOU We look forward to hearing from you.
I'll go see this afternoon if it's still open otherwise I'll go to the toys I want to suck
Is this sex shop still open ckne comment and customer thank you
is this cinema still open thank you
Is this sex shop still open and the movie theaters thank you
In the Pigalle sector this afternoon, I really want to have fun, treat myself. Who can give me the best advice (the atlas, no thanks...). I know Star City cruising but want to discover other places.
Will be there around 1:00 p.m. to suck good cock thoroughly. PM for appointment please.
This one is a priori closed. Can someone tell me if there are still sexshops with a common screening room in Paris please?
Dick_tateur if I agree on your first observation I do not join you on the bars. They are often as creepy, smelly and limited unsanitary as the first ones.
Bonjour Sur Internet au 51 bd de Clichy je trouve SEX SHOP FANTASY. Est-ce bien cela ? Si oui, est-il finalement toujours en activité ? Merci !
Very funny how some would rather delete their message than apologize. How brave.
This is not the first time that I have been called a liar on this site by people who find it easier to denigrate than to dare to go and see. So for those who are allowed insults in pv, Go see and .... dare to apologize. THANKS
Hello when am I going hard internet there is written closed permanently? Who can give me the reite thank you.
Message for Sabine78 why did you blacklist me when I didn't even talk to you
Cela faisait des mois que je n'étais pas passé ici. Alors ce matin, en rentrant de soirée, je suis allée voir de 3h00 à 5h00. Toujours aussi compliqué de se garer dans le coin. Celui qui était en caisse il y a 6 mois est revenue et c'est mieux. par contre maintenant il ferme à 5h00. Quand à l'ambiance, agréable surprise. Je me suis fait entreprendre par 3 gars et 1 voyeur sur un de. Un m'a bien doigté, l'autre me sucait les seins et le troisième se masturbait. Puis cela qui me doigtait c'est mis a se masturber et les deux ont jouit sur ma poitrine pendant que le troisième léchait tout et partageait le sperme avec moi. Vers 4h30 un couple est passé, la femme a sucer son homme puis ils sont repartis. Ils se sont laisser regarder mais rien d autre. En repartant j'étais encore tellement excitée que j'ai du m'arrêter à Auteuil
Anyone have any info? is it still time limited? do they always kick people out at midnight unless they're paying for a seat? is there again attendance at night? ....
Hello is the room still open? In the photos it looks like it has changed.
Covid restriction: limited number of people and limited time. But I don't know how they count since after an hour I was asked to leave while the man who had arrived at the same time was able to stay. In any case there is no more interest in this place for the moment
Nice testimony ... how many places does the room have?
this morning 12/19 around 3:00 am I passed here to see what was going on. The place is frankly better kept than before, no sleeper. There were 2 beautiful young black women (24/25 years old) with a beautiful 85E both who were having fun with each other. Nobody paid attention to them because they were very discreet in the area. But at one point they lost their discretion when the oldest came. They agreed to join them to give them a cuni. THE oldest gave me her girlfriend to lick. it had been a long time since I last licked a woman. I rediscovered all the smells of pleasure and taste. Unfortunately they cut the thing short because the youngster was bad for her first here. A great first to see 2 women walk into a sex shop
I was there this morning of 10/23/2021 from 3 a.m. to 4 a.m. It has become a real pain to park and it is even aggravated. Even less parking space because even more space for bicycles. And even at this hour it was full of people because the bars were still open. Me who knew the Friday evening calmer. 2 people present, one of whom was sleeping. The other was masturbating through his pants. Nothing to get out of it. On the other hand, when coming out, hour + Alcohol meant that there was a "parade" of panties visible, garter belt, necklines and touching in the middle of the street visible. A real feast for the eyes.
No, it's completely open and at the same times as before, that is to say until 6 am. I just went there to see and the info comes directly from the seller...
Hello Are there sometimes couples ... my friend and would be interested QQ can he describe the place to me precisely (large room? Etc
the 17/07 after a passage in Auteuil war concluding from 0h30 to 2h00, I still had very much desire. So I came here around 3:30 or sometimes there are good surprises. In the room a young man who tries to masturbate discreetly. I sit down so that I can see him clearly. Quickly a black enters and sits next to me. 5 minutes later his hands caress me and his mouth sucks my chest. 6 minutes later he lifted my skirt completely, made me stand up and penetrated me in front of the young man. 8 minutes later the young man gets up and comes to stick his penis in my mouth. 10 minutes later the black man started to cum inside me, but he withdrew to offer me the rest of his sperm in my mouth, shoving the young man. The young man masturbates him for more results. Then he also starts to cum but he sticks it in my mouth. 12 minutes later everyone has wisely re-seated in their place and I realize that my skirt is covered in sperm. And end. there was nothing else .... business smoothly conducted as I like but with a taste too can
For information: I wanted to go there yesterday by targeting after midnight so as not to have to pay twice, But impossible to access it. It becomes hell to park. Bars have requisitioned parking spaces and bicycle garages have sprung up everywhere. In addition it was the reopening of nightclubs and it was visible by the queues on the sidewalks. At least 1/3 to 50% less parking space. And ditto around the Atlas.
Where is it exactly ? This sexshop?
I was there on 07/04 around 4:00 am. They changed the schedule. Now it is no longer 1 ticket for all the time. There are timeslots and the night is minuiy / 6h for the ticket. Only three people but they knew what they wanted. I loved
@ sabine78: thank you very much for this information, happy holidays and lots of kisses
travpourgroup: the sexshop part is open but the room part is closed
hello, could someone confirm if this place is open right now? I would like to go there dressed as a female available between 28 and 30/12 during the day. thank you in advance ... kisses
Still a lot of places closed. The one seems open. Including the movie theater? People at the moment? If anyone has any information, take it
hotboyparis19: it's not for lack of having repeatedly indicated that this place sucks and that his only interest was in the fact that it was open all night, lol. On the other hand, what you say is a pure lie about the ages.
It's archi no average age 70 .... small room ... cemetery atmosphere
Sorry, I got confused in the dates in my explanation, the curfew started well on Saturday but the 17/10 and not the 16, I was good with the days of the week but not the numbers in the month !!!
For "sabine78": not a subscriber so I will answer you here: indeed few people had understood the start of the curfew, but if the police are relaxed with individuals, they are less so with establishments, and to allow employees to retuurn home, in principle closing is 1 hour before curfew. My God (yet I do not believe it) that this new period will be hard, because I do not think of going out.
One of the only places in the area that stays open during the day. Shall we meet there?
claude75 - And yes I had understood absolutely nothing at the start of the confinement and given the number of people met I was not the only one.
Unfortunately yes "sabine78" the curfew started this Saturday 10/16/20, so from midnight to 6 am, to start again at 9 pm until midnight, and continue on Sunday 17 from midnight to 6 am, and so on. Excuse me for the details, but I attended shouts at Atlas on this subject where of course one of the antagonists did not want to understand what the second was saying to him, and the tone was raised each time.
yesterday 10/17 I went to Pigalle at midnight. Absolutely everything was closed.
I went there on Monday 12/10 at 11:30 pm to buy poppers and I took the opportunity to make a passage in the room. 5 gays apparently very gay. There was no sleeper which is rare. I got caught anyway but I had to quit because of some drunk asshole. The neighborhood was quite deserted
I come back empty-handed (12/09/2020 at 5:00 am) all the seats are occupied by sleepers: 'in short, as sabine78 often says, its main asset is to be open at night ...
I've had personal attacks lately that I was a perfect myth when I said going out outdoors as a girl to get here. So yesterday afternoon, while going to the Atlas, I took some photos that I just posted and connoisseurs will perfectly situate the place which is far from being deserted.
fabrice75009: you announce this disinfection as good and big news. But the room should be sprayed EVERY DAY !! Once the operation is done, and after people have passed for several days there, it is as if nothing had happened. It's a bit like saying "the same plate and the same cutlery with which we have all had lunch for several weeks have finally been completely cleaned in the dishwasher" !! There is a real hygiene problem in this place. At Cruising, a few meters away, the cabins are cleaned and disinfected several times a day.
Hello everyone, the shop has so far been completely decommissioned by a team of professionals who have stayed for more than 4 hours has sifted everything with their vaporization device and their steam cleaner every corner of the store and especially the room, you can come and have fun without worrying about hygiene whatsoever.
laurelardy: I went there last night and yes, I was also stung for the first time not cool. But there night it's only open
Last Saturday night, I spent a good part of the night sucking and getting fucked by beautiful specimens. Very good times. Two shadows on the board, however: one of the guys who took care of my ass was also (and above all!) Looking to steal my backpack that I managed to preserve in time. It came close to leaving the room in the simplest device I was in, my things being contained in the bag. A word of advice: even under poppers, keep a little lucidity and never lose sight of your personal effects which remain a goal for some! Second problem: hygiene. I had already been to this place a few months ago and had retuurned home plowed with flea bites. Same last Saturday! No wonder when you see the mountain of used handkerchiefs and condoms littering the ground, no doubt already there for a few days. A shame !
Sabine78 if you have the information give me, I do not manage the others because I see that you frequent this place more.
saucepasila - You should ask those who know the place well because I only tell fictions
sadralil - My approach was only to alert other people, who like me do not know the problem, that this location, ideally located because the boss sees everything from his cash register (which helped me this time), was not a classic delivery place and was prohibited at all times. So contrary to what some say, it can be verbalized even on Saturday evening. And it is me who is called a liar lol.
Good evening everyone, please this place is open on Sunday? I would like to take a ride tonight
For me parking in Paris and to my knowledge is paid from 9am to 8pm Monday to Saturday and free on Sunday (especially on the delivery locations;)
Take the google street link since you must not have the slightest idea of the place: https://www.google.fr/maps/place/Boulevard+de+Clichy,+Paris/@48.8833161,2.3337972,3a,75y , 258.26h, 71.92t / data =! 3m6! 1e1! 3m4! 1smaIs_a5NpAcY5eX5RTsHGQ! 2e0! 7i16384! 8i8192! 4m5! 3m4! 1s0x47e66e4f116dc3348b!
Any man normally made up of a minimum of intelligence and who does not know the place would have to check on google street ........... but so much easier to denigrate the others
You have the right to be a PMU counter pillar! Not cool that one judges you on that Sabine me I think that you are free and that if this is what you like to be a pillar of PMU bar well that's cool! You are free my coconut. Don't let you dictate your life man! Especially that in addition you have a lot of general knowledge a priori. I can't wait to read your next fiction. Have a nice day in the meantime!
Happy are the pillars of the PMU who know everything
Indeed, you cannot know everything! We forgive you! But personally I like your fictions.
Happy are those who know nothing
I told myself the same for the PVs lol and in addition yes you can park on the delivery places except in the case of certain exceptions! Just see the number of strokes and anyway ... The car is pulled out when it's like that.
Sunday 07/26 2:30 am - There was nobody of interest. On the other hand, the films were much better than usual. But I had to leave urgently. THE boss reported that they were issuing tickets to all cars not on a paid parking space. Me who believed that the WE to park on the place of delivery was possible and well not. So I hurried, so much that I got to my car, blouse open on my corset, poorly put back skirt and we could see the suspenders and the top of the stockings. The woman who was putting on the tickets looked at me disapprovingly but let me go without putting on the ticket.
I'm not many people there and really want juice
Want to test Monday at the end of the afternoon around 5 p.m. an asset for me passive I like to suck in deep throats and also get my Q of a big bitch in heat removed
Want to test me passive I like to suck in deep throats and also get my Q removed
Sunday 05/07 around 3h00. After Auteuil I came to see. I had not arrived since 5 minutes since my skirt was on the floor, a guy analed me and another put me are sex in my mouth. Then came a guy with a beautiful shemale. He was a prostitute. sucked her attendant, then she motioned for 2 others to come and took turns sucking them. Then she offered to join her, which I did. I was just starting to stroke her (small breasts and pretty nipples) that the other guys rushed at us so she left.
06/13/2020 at 12:30 AM: We see that attendance at Pigalles changes and that parking spaces are becoming more scarce. I went to buy my poppers and see what was going on. 6/8 people present including an acquaintance Tavestis who had not even changed so it was calm. In addition the "bitch" who insists heavily to suck the guys was present. But this cost he found a guy and didn't bother the others too much. I only stayed 40 minutes
analove75: ouiiiiiiiiii. But beware it's not the Atlas, it's very small and the random attendance in quantity and quality
hello analove75 of course he accepts transvestites
Super glad it reopened. For now I will wait to take the metro. But I will soon be sucking on big stems;)
So in addition to condoms, mask and hydroalcoholic gel, don't forget the Baygon. It's crazy how much gear you need these days to empty your balls.
No need I won't be going back there again!
@Mec75018, moi pareil. Démangeaisons après-avoir y passer samedi dans l'a-m.
Attention! I left there with bug bites! Just before retuurning home I discovered a bed bug on me!!!!!
Yesterday 23/05 around 11:00 p.m., after 2 months of confinement, I took great pleasure in re-pampering myself. What a treat to put stockings back on, to put on makeup .... Pigalle is rather very very quiet apart from the eternal fauna that perpetually squats. Everything is closed except the food stores and sex shops which are almost all open. There are customers in some. This one is also open, and the room on the first floor too. The salesman confirmed to me that they were open without restrictions compared to before. I went to look upstairs and there were still 4/5 people including a small threesome. For me it will be another time because I am keeping my distance for the moment
J habite le quartier, mais je ne suis jamais encore allé dans ce sex shop. Les avis ont l air partagé, mais comme le choix est restreint en ce moment, je tenterai bien. Plus d infos sur ce lieu ?
The cinema room on the 1st floor is open, I asked this morning!! I really want to go there as a guy with sexy lingerie under my guy clothes. Very eager to be caressed, wanked and even sucked. And I love having my nipples bitten at the same time. If anyone is tempted, that would be great!!! It would remind me of beautiful cinema sessions at the Béverley. Am available on weekday afternoons.....
Open or unopened? at the same time? even at night ? Even the TV room above? - thanks for the answers
It is open! For the cinema it is compulsory masks. It sells for 2 euro at the cash desk
Last night I went there and that 2 sexsohp d opened on pigale. Everything else closed, bar, nightclub, .... In talking with the seller he said to me: All of us have received the order to close except them but he is waiting for the official order which had not yet arrived. So beware: For your outings, be well informed because I am afraid that everything is closed, sexshop, cinema, club, saunas, etc. When the exteriors that I visited, they are not served but not far. In the garden of the Louvre 15p, in auteuil 4 cars, empty chalet des iles, towards the empty equestrian center, empty casca. There are some prostitutes and suddenly they are more exhib. It had been a very long time since I had seen so many breasts or penises on the avenue de la Reine marguerite.
Passage Tuesday afternoon. Finally I was able to go back !! At the beginning too calm Then I sucked a nice rebeu with a big acorn and it orgy around. Happy with my visit
This night of 02/16/2019 from 2 a.m. to 5 a.m. I passed. A girlfriend tav was already there (she is very dyke), an h sitting by her side but nothing was happening. I removed my mental and my thong and I went to throw myself on it. Immediately the man took advantage of it and we had fun under the gaze of others. Later, a couple came by, but, despite the man's flagrant stop carrying us, his wife asked him to leave. We then went back to 5, Good evening. It changes me from my last pretty bad pass
Lucya_G the Italian whore retuurns to Atlas on February 15/16/17. I'll be at the sex shop cinema the night after the atlas, I'm waiting for you for a great fuck !!! Bacybacy
lucya_g - same kind of population that the atlas except that night are more alcoholic and tired and it's around 16 small square. for the rest read my comments
Question for small TRAV sisters: Does well attended or are they men? Or is it always better to go to Atlas? THANK YOU
Sabine78, you drive some cool places and own genre film sex shop to meet transvestites? (Uh huh not Atlas)
Hello sabine78 yes I have that this place has no interest to meet trav
Jeannem _ I have posted a lot of comments saying that this place was zero and are only interest was that it was open all night, because of this sometimes in the night from Saturday to Sunday couples passed, and when there was trav of this could be hot if the h respected which is rare. Otherwise wooden bench, small TV, guys are sleeping, sometimes shottent, regular alcohol and that no door was closing the magazine section so you can hear everything from the bottom. And tomorrow is v 96% uninteresting.
Hello to you, I'd probably this Sunday 15 February
I'm here. Skip if you want to get pumped
I passed that night around 2:00 for the first time and although no 6 people donated 2 snoring strong film so !! no trav I left after 15 mins
19/01 2:40 arrival. J have a lot dragged home before leaving. So I arrived very late. A trav my KNOWLEDGE was already in the room. I went immediately went to see. kisses, caresses, oral sex, games Teton ... it lasts 20bonne minutes. no one has stumbled into the room. Shame for the. I left out around 4:30 to go auteuil
I stayed until 4:00. A highlight 2.30am: I was talking to a guy and I told him that J stays exhibitionist. He put in my challenge to prove and if jy arrived he would jump me. While we are gone Fromentin Street and the middle of the street I'm lying on my back on a car hood, I have notes my skirt and well spread her legs and .... nothing. He did not dare. until we saw a couple lol. After we wandered on Pigale discussing.
My Christmas night starts here.
I spend maybe Saturday in the after noon. I would affirm the morning. It will be mostly based train ....
I would spend the end of the afternoon to suck and empty tails and good why not reciprocal
Want to go this week to pump day and maybe more. If someone wants to accompany me message MP
tested for the evening several places, I think that going at night on weekdays c's are losing time lol
Passage Last Monday, blah atmosphere, just suck a dick but early ....
Hello, I am visiting Paris Sunday, November 10. After setting my obligations, I will have free time in the second part of the evening. Bisex Straight look, I will wish to put myself naked to suck good tails and also make me suck. This place is it suitable? Except that I advise you as a place? Thank you
Hello everyone. I'm a good bitch trav Normandy. I have heard of this place and I would go there. I am looking to have information about this place because I do not know. feel free to send MP am and why not become friends. thank you in advance. Kisses to all
Hello ! I'll be there tomorrow to suck and relieve me;)
Hello to you guys ! I affirm you that but I'll try to go into The Week quelqies suck cock and relieve me too
Could someone tell me if it is possible to enter this site in drag?
Sunday, 20/10 1:00 to 3:30 - It was quiet when I arrived. Then 2 couples arrived. they stayed 15 minutes but not nothing. As against this has triggered the envy of my present and I were the only one like trav at this time .... I have enjoy .... 2 times when couples are another trav party arrived and when we were 5 on her. I ve even taken the penis of an hour to go in his anus ... exciting. J had to leave at 3:30 after throwing a punch at a young reubeux drunk who, after I pissed all the evening had been violent. At least that's calmed me but my completely demotivated
Hi to you I spend today in the afternoon and maybe late night I suck and suck me;)
hello I do not know this place what are the hours or assets guys are there and what is there is well surrounded? thank you for your response Baguerra
This 24/09 2h jarrive a bit shy three ranger seat not too many people go there I'll put my Acoté a beautiful black I suck makes me slutty outfit with leaves and three guy touch me tetpn ass I see a back well up top on the glans and hop sucks good little soda once finished the first cums in my mouth. good little address
22/09/2019 2am to 5am - After spending my evening at Auteuil I moved here. As jy meoment pass the good times. The trav of last week was there and we did something a 3. C's funny because since I crossed that we never talked, c is quite mysterious. A big F black arrived with 3 black guys. they all took the 2 times, then the Aure trav made him a big cuni, then me and my devrorer also my breasts crushing me sex without getting email (surprising). After his departure I found myself with 2 guys, one's fist then the other after my decision. Now c is surprising because it goes full shower thing and that was not the case in each of my way the last winters. Outside there was still crowded at 5am, as it was surprising ca
Good morning all. Is this sex shop is a "good" place for a docile cocksucking Saturday aprem ???
15/09 after a passage in Auteuil I came here to finish my night around 3:00. In one of the streets or I have the habit of my station came across two girls who were taking pictures and the middle of the floor a shirt that left apparaite are no panties. In the room I sat at the bottom next to the staircase. I found myself quickly balanced on the back, legs in the air, to make me take. Meanwhile the other trav OQP was on the forefront. A couple came in to time. Hyper exciting when my wife hailed in this position. Then I was invited to join the other trav. I ve started doing something with another trav (very nice chest) And the festival. At one point we were 2 transvestite for 6h. I did not know that sucked me or take me and other such trav. Even the hours among the s amused. All this before the eyes of the couple. J had to stop for an hour harassing me to take me without a condom. Threesomes, gouinage, and voyeurs voyeur, porn movie mixes all that I love
Jy would tomorrow afternoon to pump and kiss me. No taboo
That comes kiss and dildo I put my 4 legged ass in the air
Big desire to try to pump directly under poppers .... there are not too many hustlers Down? World lunchtime?
I will be tonight at midnight, who wants to fuck me and my dildo? Poppers and availability gel
Hello, I'm straight I like to try my rate the two, to tell the truth I have always asking what effect his Sucking I'm looking to start a trav my age my mostly a transsexual who venture to discover there 'has often you at sex shop? kiss has all Sabine78 the person is Hypocrite especially under the influence of alcohol or narcotic even among young if save is one day he will come and will turn to suffer
Sunday, 8/25 from 0h to 3h - Quen I arrived the room was empty. it's the first time. then a couple went 5 minutes lol. A guy my downright heated during more than one hour, caressing, cuddling, masturbation, .... He was joined by another guy ogling. But when the excitement was too much I'm asking them to me day and nobody there. sad leaving around 3 monde.En I undergoes homophobic insults from 2 guy and a girl who bsuvaient a beer. This is my second time. The first time was at the c output of the hippocampus saunas with a girlfriend with a group of guys who insulted all those who came out of the sauna ... sad mentality
Someone also asks that if one of the employees (a rather cute young) involved? I'd love to try it sometime;)
Saturday, 08.03 jy arrived around 2:30. Until 4am boring. A drunk guy and shit disturber who darange everyone. 0 4h happened a couple. Him within 35 she 55. In less than 10 minutes they had removed their pants and it sucked. but not touch us. Then 1 / 2h plustard another couple. Him in 55 years and the 25 years just wearing a long shirt. Upon arrival the first FPIC has changed pace. The woman is c faitre take and c is set to moan quite strongly. I went to the 2nd install m torque. open shirt, his h masturbated. A very beautiful body, tanned, small tits and pussy all smooth. Before them I've sucked a PM who enjoys my fast on the breasts, no reactor from them. 10 minutes later the wife of the 1st couples enjoyed. The second pair then left without young ja n is sketched the slightest movement of fun. The first cutting handed it and 20 minutes later they enjoyed. The show being finished I left. At the corner of a street, a guy approached me. At first I did not understand what he wanted me. In the end, he asked me my rates which made me bursting out laughing.
Sunday 28/07 around 2:30 am - After my Auteuil fiasco, it was too late to start any other searches so I fell back here. Almost no one. A transvestite that I had previously caressed refused this time. At one point I dozed off and fell. Thanks to her for immediately coming to see if I was okay. It's rare in a sex place that someone reacts like that. Faced with the inactivity I dozed off. When I opened my eyes a couple was there and the woman was sucking her man. But they left as soon as he came. Sad night for me, one of the saddest of the year
Saturday, 20/07 from 11:45 to 2:00 a.m. - Can people. A couple passévers midnight and remained 1/2 hours without doing anything. After their departure, sperm festival. Each turn, 5h m is squirted on my breasts and my face. uncommon here and enjoyed. Then after nothing. So I went to see what he was going to tile the night.
Saturday, 7/13 was my out of my "funny lady evening" jy went around 3: 00. Almost nobody. a shit disturber who sevis for several weeks has annoy all the guys to pay them so that the 'jumps'. c is heavy because it scares everyone insistée of strength. And when you start a fun t happen. In plus it n not like travs which is a shame as this have been fun when he finds a guy who do not mind lol. iN any case 3 that tried me in starting and only my cum in mouth (rare but j had fain).
vidkouil34 - it is but I was compared to my tastes. Frankly not great when compared even has other places. The day I have not done a lot so do not judge but night hours mainly alcohol and sleepers, the pout bands, some couples, which brings protituées pm and chiuer. So few hyper moment this is why jy retuurns. Indeed absolutely not just dirty outdated. Interssant because open all night and can be surprising.
This is not no one can do a lot of good meetings there. And especially not greasy like other places in the area. In addition to the ticket remains valid if one leaves. I like coming to suck it ...
looks5 - yes but it's very small and c is zero
There's world in the day?
Seeking to suck a cock tonight. I'll be late cer evening around midnight.
next to the cash you pay 10 euros and you take the stairs
If anyone can tell me where is the entrance I loved looking for an hour without success
Passing tomorrow afternoon to make me kiss and dildo with poppers gel
hello I wanted to see paris crossing your say on 51 Boulevard Clichy is accurate c is null and dirty
stefhommebi - watch this place is bone void as I repeat all the time. The only thing interesting c is that it's open all night when the other sex shop are normally closed and suddenly there regularly passing people come discover or torque coming s popping but not always nose too far. During the day it should not really be top
Hello. Want to test it places tomorrow afternoon for my first sex shop in fashion bitch (low open string and chemise). Want to be available and has taken a direct hand domi. I'm bi Liabilities No. taboo 1m70 58kl brown. Are there ways you to change on site and to keep his case?
Sunday around 01h0 out of the ATLAS I decided to come here. There was plenty on the boulevard and what fun dy déhambuler daughter. And surprised and encouraging look of some women cross was overcharged exciting. I have so enjoyed the ride up to the sex shop. plien room. A guard is repidement arrived like a keel games. He spent his night in and out. Each time he came, he jettait in front of the other guy is bared and a half out of the ball to the guy lets himself go. It was rigolot his ride but it rots the atmosphere. At one time he was absent c longer and there ars we started to relax. Hardly had I recovered the m ass looks for m Offret a guy, that he retuurned spoil the mood. IN most movies were zero. J ' gave up and went back around 4:00. The streets and the boulevard were still crowded no risk to cross the exciting thing about my trip. bad night
this morning after 02/24/2019 Atlas I came here to 0:30. Population different from other long passage and the demarage. Yet my skirt to see my panties is fast waltz. There was a trav that my turns from a strong close downright unpleasant. Ungars has not stopped masturbating looking at me but nothing more. A veteran pawed my fingering long enough that c was very exciting. A guy I truly smashed while veiux caressed me. I believe that it is the bottom enttendre m. After the session J stays HS and I left. I understood why I had not attracted too. At the back of the room a group of four gay men s ammusaient them lol. it was 3:30 ET I was surprised to see so many people in the street. So nothing special in flying at my car unlike my other pass. In any case no Camme of drunk or sleeper tonight. Back home through Auteuil
I am in front. Guys inside to fuck me?
This is not very appealing when you read the comments at the same time it's exciting to be the worst it say when there's no one day can be out of the atlas then
25/12 at 0:30 - 2 places: out of the ATLAS management this sex shop. very quiet dePigale Crossing but I've seen a telephonan jf with his coat open too low which made appear airlock and nothing else. seen too fleeting but nonetheless pleasant. At the entrance of sex shop there 3 hours and a longer one woman whose loins are man made purchase inside al. She disfigured me, very exciting. One of hours myself. Just sitting there comes next to me and caress me. He asks me to suck but I luis replied that tonight is that soda c. So we deal, I suck and take me. So he gets up and puts me have sex in mouth. And then he made me stand up and lean m front bench of the file and takes me. J heard giggling in the room and realized that there is another trav. Then, he s taking me sit hips and made me sit on her sex. After that nothing. I'm going to trouble around 2:00 venue management 3, Auteuil.
Peradventure I'll qualify this: it's qhop sucks. the only advantage is that it is c opena when all else is closed either 2h at 6am. As c is the only open, the couple are frequent passage is to make purchase. some dare get in the room. and sometimes like yesterday, doing things but it's rare. C's are only interret night. THE day is so much better
23/12 this morning at 5:30 3h. Starting again Auteuil I'd still want so I came here. there was a transvestite I have not seen right away because he spent time are 4 leg between the bench to suck those coming s sitting. I was groped, kneaded, and a guy still my soda. C is at this moment that a couple of black (40 / 50years) entered. My sodomisateur stopped. Quickly the guy dropped his pentalon to get sucked by his wife. Voluntarily showed al another trav and I, his sex and his wife who swallowed. Then I was invited to come suck and found myself between her thighs to suck and fondle the breasts of his girlfriend. Then another couple entered (30 / 35years). they asked m ^ d arr ter. The black went before the 2nd pair showed them his ass and retuurned s sitting. The wife of the second couple comencer sucking her man, then c is made to take then they invite everyone to join them. The black has not faltered and was festival
12/08/2018 yesterday I got a can before midnight and left around 3:00. More sleeper that was my other pass which are troublesome. A couple went about 2:30 and like all the time, it attracted attention and are tired all left without having done 15 minutes later verbally snubbing those who remained. Apparently here are not greedy soda because even at 4 foot in this small room that does not work. For the pipes against his will. It was time that oral sex had made no m enjoy. Thank you was the one who made me.
Hello this sex shop in Paris is how. Are there changing rooms. Transvestites are accepted
09/23/2018 from 2:00 to 4:00 - I'm ironed. It snores, ca sleeps, his sniff rails, its smoke, its speaks loudly, incidentally a little masturbation. place without the interret has done this to be ouvet overnight. As against the corner exitant around 4:00 while walking to daughter. At this hour people come out of a box can be hot and has nice thing to see and sometimes hot. In addition, on my visits I have been approached and almost every time dredged in the street. Yesterday it was even passed a stage since a sucking my between two parked cars.
This morning 15/09 out of the am jy retuurned atlas view for the 3rd time. Always dorm room and people have sweaty drunk. Just a little masturbation plan 4. After one of the guys woke up a sleeping trav in sodomy. I'm enjoy to enjoy him. The only tuc well this place is c are open all night, nothing else
09.01.2018 of the 2:30 to 4:00 - I tested this place during the day there are a few years. So I wanted to know what it was night. Very old room like that already gives an impression of not clean. Home became deplorable. the room was full with 2 trav. The room apparently used as a dormitory for guys who sleep it off. Fortunately I was able m fun with one of the two trav. i stroked the already well has seen those who did not sleep. 1 guy then came the soda while I kissed the and masturbated. Even that not has nothing to trigger other hand has a completely drunk guy would not let me. The trav who is accustomed place, told me not to cétait as usual and that there was even couples who came. I therefore retesterai
Which is where the surrounding
Jsuis not far away. May be willing to spend if a good male wants to accompany me polish that I give him my ass lil ....
Which for me emptied the balls to clichy tomorrow?
dining upstairs wooden benches. tested aprem 14:30 à15h30. Not many people: 1 old who masturbates. guys that come and go .. not the right time probably
In the corner next week, I search for contacts ...
Hello jy happen on Thursday 19 evening if couple or woman pm ok thank you
Search for blacks banged my ass me very enduring
who wants to accompany me this apm
lacking discretion place because the separation between the floor and the store is but the staircase and not always closed curtain. And c is a small screening room on a TV. Now the night c may be well
I was there just now barely arrived I spot a black in the shop and I suck up it is very hot the bottom
A micro room of 15 square meter and nothing else. Forget if you want even a mini privacy place. I found this place ... no 10 euros lost ...
The room is not so great, there is a fifteen seats with wooden seats. Far from a real movie. Guys are more walls, often cock in hand
Came as a couple, atmosphere quite blocked unlike other times.
mouth and ass available to November 14
j go one day with 1 or 2 macho pumping
I try to spend Thursday evening and later 10/03/2013 04/10/2013 Thursday late morning, would there be a sexy transvestite to accompany me ??
I expect to be there for the first time tonight in drag, big test for me will there be good to meet standards?
I will do a tour for tomorrow 27/07 session matage.Y Ayra there any amateur or amateurs?
which become seen my or my mecene for me and dressed me educated in transvestite (trav trans man or woman)
I went last night, enduring two tails but rather skinny :(
Who wants to take me to pump?
I am looking for a man to accompany me there and offer my mouth ... Any takers :)
transvestite seeking man or group of men to be your bitch gave me an appointment, I'd be your bitch, I love to feel sperm poured into my mouth, my face, my body and my butt
I seek group of guys to fuck me in this endroit.donné appointment
Open until 6am passing ??
ah, your pr ok..merci rdv78 pipe
is what qq'un know if there are gloryholes sx ds this shop?
Well, first experience: nice room but a pity it serves dormitory for blacks night. I will be this Friday, January 11th from 12h to 18h, open mouth. We'll see what happens during the day ... I expect the nice cock to suck ...
No tails in their mouths, damage
I go there in 20 minutes ...
I'd open mouth January 11 from 13h. The world to pump?
So!!! Who now? .. There's a few people
Hello everyone ! very curious about this place! want to go there tonight but it will get you in the world to honor me? If I go in drag t leave me 'come in?
I'll spend tomorrow night 22/05 ... if guys want a cocksucking let me know I do not live far and few moving quickly .... blacks and beurs very welcome!
looking for guys to pump tomorrow, Sunday here or other places let me know and am greedy chochocho
I may be going tomorrow, Saturday 12/05 ... blacks will be present to give me their bottle?
Hi, I try to empty guy. paris'm 18. I move or outside blond blond plane yx VRT 176 71 35 a good greedy mouth.
Sylvie submissive slut loves blacks beurs pm, is this the right place? When we go up to Paris.
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