before yesterday at 15:20
Salut, qui dispo ce mardi de 12.30h a 15h, très envie de sucer des queues bien raide, me faire tripoter par plusieurs mecs, et surtout me faire sodo par un ou plusieurs gars.J'ai un bon petit cul bien lisse, a bouffé, adore plan à plusieurs.(MP: possible)
À partir de 21h pour des actifs!!!!!
Bonsoir en tant que passif, je souhaiterais y faire un tour mardi à 20h pour la soirée Adam , comment cela ce passe faut emmener une serviette? Le poppers est autorisé? Désolé mais ces ma 1ère fois. merci pour vos messages
Salut, qui dispo ce jeudi de 12.30h a 15h, très envie de sucer des queues bien raide, me faire tripoter par plusieurs mecs, et surtout me faire sodo par un ou plusieurs gars.J'ai un bon petit cul bien lisse, a bouffé, adore plan à plusieurs.(MP: possible)
From 8 p.m. Assets? In mp
Soirée Adam Black-out vendredi 7. Pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas, c'est tous à poils, sauna plongé dans la pénombre, pas de portes aux cabines. C'est LA soirée PARTOUZE du mois. Pour amateurs de cul en groupe.
Du monde en fin d'après-midi ? Mp si vous voulez un plan précis...
Lots of people on Friday, either between 12 p.m. and 2 p.m. or around 3 p.m.
On site at bbk. To be picked up directly without any qualms.
On a business trip to Toulouse from Sunday evening to Tuesday evening (26th to 28th), really want to spend a nice evening or end of the day at the Sauna. Any advice or opinions to give me? Get back to me in PM, thanks!
Knowing the Thermes and the KS I frequent both but I have a preference for the KS. Jdxte therefore recommends it.
Je suis dispo ce dimanche. Me conseillez vous ce sauna ?
Just pay attention to the evening program because some are naturist...but we still leave you a little cloth to dry yourself after the jacuzzi or sauna!
Hello, very simply, you pay your entrance fee and you are given a towel and a locker in which you leave your clothes.
J'aimerais découvrir cette endroit entre 12het 14h, comment ça se passe à l'intérieur ( la tenue à l'intérieur par exemple
No, no one does. It's more gay-gay... No femininity there.
Hi Is it common or not too shocking to put on sexy feminine underwear (stockings or tights-garters, thong...after the shower of course) and walk around or wait in a cabin. Is this done at the KS or is it rather ridiculous?
Good evening, Any fans for the ks between noon and two on Thursday 26th!!!
Anyone interested in coming to have fun tomorrow?
Friday 20th from “noon to 2 p.m.” for active people.
Another beautiful afternoon, another beautiful meeting.
I'm going there on Tuesday when it opens.
Looking for a nice plan with active poppers hum
I will be there on Thursday at the opening.
Du monde pour un midi-14h!!!! Mardi 10! Bonne soirée à demain
Anyone here this afternoon?
Hello everyone today between noon and two?
Sorry for the publication error, but is there anyone on Thursday or Friday between noon and two?
Are there people early in the morning at this place?
Hello everyone Wednesday between noon and two?
Mardi entre midi et deux!!! Pour des actifs. Bonne soirée
Anyone want to go to this place? :)
I'll go there during the week either when it opens or after 8 p.m.
I went there several Saturday afternoons and it was nice.
Can you tell me if there are people early in the afternoon on Saturday? Thank you.
Des actifs aujourd’hui entre midi et deux? Dites moi en mp! Merci
Anyone today from 1pm to 2pm?
Anyone going there on Monday?
Bonjour Entre midi et deux des personnes ? En mp pour confirmation.
Bonjour, Des candidats pour venir au ks vendredi entre midi et 14h? Des mecs actifs de préférence. En mp pour en parler. Merci bonne journée
Anyone here today between 12pm and 2pm?
Hello, Anyone today between noon and two… in pm
Anyone on Monday between 12pm and 2pm?
I'll be there tomorrow to suck and get fucked! Very greedy!
J'irai bien y faire un tour demain. J'offre ma queue au Glory holl
Anyone going there today between 12pm and 2pm?
Hello, is anyone going to stop by today at opening time for a quick hour?
I will be there early afternoon.
I will be at KS on Friday 11th afternoon
Anyone coming tomorrow for the naturist afternoon?
Fab461, you tempted me to go there, I'll try to go there next week.
I'll be there from 12:30 to clear some queues.
Generally, yes. There are a few people from the opening.
How is the attendance at lunchtime on weekdays? I am passive, can we easily find active people during this time slot?
Hello, I'm passive bi, I'm thinking of going there tomorrow. I'm leaving on Friday so if there are any actives don't hesitate to send me a PM so we can meet up. Have a nice day, see you soon.
Are there people during the week?
Bonjour, je vais venir faire un tour le 25/09 pour m'occuper un peu et pour que l'on s'occupe de ma rondelle je prévois de passer par la dans la journée ou soiree. N'hésiter pas à m'envoyer un MP A bientot.
Today at 12:00 PM opening for a TBM asset
Great thanks for the info ?
Hello, pour info le KS est fermé du 5 au 20 août pour congés d'été ;) (Cf site internet)
I'll be there in a good hour
I'm going to KS, if anyone wants to drive with me on Sunday afternoon we can combine business with pleasure
Hi, I'll be there Friday August 2nd at the opening at 12pm, really want to suck and get fucked by one or more guys, let me know if you're going too, if anyone is receiving near Toulouse I'm available in the morning.....
Hello, I'm going there on Friday 19th. Active and passive bi waiting for nice cocks and good asses.
Hi, I plan to go to KS this Friday 12th around 9pm. Want to suck as many cocks as possible at the glory holes and then get pissed on my body and in my mouth by as many guys as possible
Bonjour Je compte y aller cette après-midi de 13h à 17h Je suis bi plutôt passif
The strong point of the KS in my opinion is the gloryholes. Jacuzzi less tiny than at the Thermes but hey, it's still a shame that in a city like Toulouse no sauna for men offers a big enough pool like at the S64 in Bayonne or at the Thiers in Bordeaux (before the fire).
Salut ! ;) J'y serai le lundi 08/07 pour la soirée fetish. Je me poserai direct à genoux en self-bondage avec bâillon entonnoir pour servir d'urinoir public une bonne partie de la soirée, puis je serai dispo pour assouvir toutes vos envies perverses le reste de la soirée jusqu'à minuit. N'hésitez pas à me contacter en MP pour plus de précisions. Au plaisir !
Mardi 2 juillet qui m'accompagne au sauna ks ou thermes Lequel est le mieux...
Bonjour j'y vais cette après-midi de 13h à 16h30 je suis bi plutôt passif
Hi, who's available this Thursday from 12.30 to 3 p.m., really want to suck hard cocks at Glory, get groped by several guys, and especially get sodomized. I have a nice little smooth ass, to eat, love group sex. (MP: possible)
Are there usually people on Monday afternoons?
Hello, I plan to spend there Thursday at the end of the evening 10 p.m. which passes there in those hours?
Good evening I'm going there tomorrow afternoon around 1 p.m. until 5 p.m. I'm bi rather passive very hot open to any proposal
Hello A review on the KS. I would like to go there for a first discovery. THANKS
Want to go there this Monday, May 6 from 1 p.m. Who will be there?
Hi, who is available today from 12.30 to 3 p.m., really want to suck some really hard cocks
Feedback: not too many people around 3:30 p.m., a little more around 5 p.m. and especially few cocks offered at the glory holes. I was still able to practice on short and long ones but unfortunately their owners were in no hurry to give their juice! So I remain hungry for sperm!!!
And as usual I will give you a little feedback!
I'm going to go there around 3pm, looking for cocks to suck on the juice...
Looking for a good job to have a good time tonight
How and where are they well attended?
Hi, who is available this Tuesday from 12.30 to 3 p.m., really want to suck hard cocks at Glory, get groped by several guys, and especially get sodomized. I have a nice little smooth ass, to eat, love group sex. (MP: possible)
On a business trip to Toulouse, I can receive you discreetly at my hotel in central Toulouse.....
From 12 noon for hot plan with big tail
Hello I wanted to go there on Wednesday I stayed from 12 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. in front of the door it was closed I don't understand? I am very disappointed he could have put a note on the door for information.
Who goes there between noon and two today?
Bonjour Je vais y aller mercredi 13 mars De 12h à 17h je suis bi plutôt passif
I would love to get sucked there next week
An asset with a big cock to get sucked to the balls early in the afternoon on Tuesday 5?
J'y vais cette après-midi de 12h à 15h20 Je suis bi plutôt passif
Who's going Friday the 9th?
@zephir64: Do you mean Thursday February 1st or Friday February 2nd?
de passage au ks vendredi 01.02 de 14h00 à 17h00 pour servir de jouet sex
Tonight from 8:00 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. I fist, suck and get fucked.
si vous avez eu une reponse positive, alors c'est tres bien! je m'en félicite
Travs and trans are not allowed in Ks!!!!
work in KS? since when ? they usually saw them.....
Porn videos: only gay or possible trans films?
I will also be there at the fetish evening on Monday 8 from 8 p.m., to similarly be dominated and used, or even used as a public urinal.
Je suis une lope a dispo sans tabou Lundi 8 à partir de 21h je serais à dispo lors de la soirée fetich pour être dominer être utiliser et servir de vide couille en plan direct sans blabla sans sélection
Hi ! I'm looking for a plan to celebrate the New Year properly tomorrow evening. I am open to any proposal, so do not hesitate to contact me by PM and we will discuss it. Looking forward to it
Bonjour à tous cherche accompagnateur pour découverte
Too bad it's too far for me on a bike.
Suite à ma visite du vendredi 22/12/2023: Employé souriant et accueillant. Jacuzzi et hammam spacieux. Cabines propres et respectées. Très belle rencontre (2h passé en cabine avec homme très tactile, câlins et sexe). Prochaine sortie aux thermes pour comparer.
Qui y vas aujourd'hui en fin d'après-midi ?
Salut Du monde demain vendredi entre 1h et 14h
Hello world tonight before closing?
Faut passer a l'action alors ;) . Tjrs de l'activité au gloryhole mais en effet en tant que passif j'ai du mal a trouver un actif alors que lorsque je veux être actif on trouve plein de passif ;) Je compte y aller faire un tour se vendredi a l'ouverture
Hi, the KS has the advantage of the jacuzzi (much bigger) but I find that there is mostly a lot of watching and not much action in the end... after that Wednesday evening at the KS it's youth evening so there will certainly be some entertainment!
Good evening What are the differences between the Thermes and the KS? Is the jacuzzi at the KS good? I have to go to a sauna and I don't know which one to choose. Thank you for your answers.
Passive available for nice tail tomorrow 1pm until 4pm
I'm going tonight after 8:00 p.m.
Bonjour Du monde cette après-midi pour s'occuper de mon cul?
Hello, anyone on Monday evening?
J'y vais sûrement mardi 05/12 au alentours de 13h jusqu'à 17h30 Je suis bi plutôt passif
J'y serais de 12h a 14h et puis de 16h30 à 18h30
Passive for big vicious tail Monday 20 from 12:00
J'y serai mardi 21 novembre vers 15h30
Tonight I'm making my anal pussy available for bbk filling during the sm evening
le KS n'accepte pas les trav et trans c'est vraiment nul !! contrairement au thermes .........
@toulouzzin Oui il y a du monde le samedi et le dimanche.
Are there usually people on Saturday afternoons?
Ok ok thanks for the info
Gay couple if... It's a male sauna
Straight guys can go there, women can only go
Hello hello... Someone explain to me a little how it goes in this sauna? Can straight people go there or is it only for gay people?
Hi, who is available this Tuesday from 12.30 to 3 p.m., really want to suck hard cocks at Glory, get groped by several guys, and especially get sodomized. I have a nice little smooth ass, to eat, love group sex. (MP: possible)
Du coup j'y serais plus tôt que prévu vers 12h30
Du coup j'y serais plus tôt que prévu vers 12h30
J'y pense y aller au alentours de 14h Je suis bi ouvert à toute proposition.
I'll go take a little tour tomorrow around 1 p.m.
I'm there in 1/4 to pump and get fucked all afternoon
Je compte y être mercredi et jeudi en mec Très passif et salope, je suce et me fais prendre ! MP
Bonjour j'y serais cette après-midi au alentours de 16h
Anyone there this afternoon to accompany me to KS?
Hello, I hesitate between the private and this one as a sauna. I am passive submissive to turn into gangbang message in MP. I can be there Friday. Or be summoned to active who organizes. Serious and discreet.
Hi, who Monday at the opening for real good plan, me very docile passive bi, loves group plan
Bonjour il y a du monde cette après-midi ?
At your disposal tonight for the blackout party starting at 8pm. Come and use me without restraint without asking my opinion. To recognize me, I would have my key bracelet on my left ankle with condoms.
Bjr ,je voudrai savoir si le mec qui ma baisé hier aprems dans la cabine au miroir et sur ce site ,il porte des lunette et moi je suis imberbes ?si tu te reconnait merci de me contacter que je puisse te remercier
Retour du sauna ou je me suis bien fais longuement sodomisé par un mec bien monté et bien endurant ,vivement la prochaine fois
Wednesday afternoon for a nice meeting between towel, pretty little ass to honor kiss
Who's going to Ks tonight??? Really want to get fucked and filled
Question for regulars, are there people on Saturday afternoon?
Retour d’expérience : pas mal de mouvement et de belles queues offertes au glory hole et au sauna. Sur 8 prises en bouche 3 m’ont offert leur divin jus! Des tentatives de sodo mais sans capotes, j’ai dit non
A quick trip to KS this Friday around 1pm, looking for cocks to suck…
I will be there tomorrow at 12:30 and 3 p.m. (naturist day)
Who between 12pm and 2pm?
Anyone today between 12pm and 1pm?
Bonjour du monde lundi entre 12h et 14h ? Réponse en MP
Hello world between 12 p.m. and 2 p.m....
Glory hole plan at my place now, send me private message
No need to worry about the attendance... especially since the heat is dropping and the guys who went away with their families are back, they'll be looking to let off steam!
Hello, are there usually people there on Tuesday afternoons during Adam Days?
Hi everyone, I'd love to get fucked at the GloryHole while I get sucked, any good cocks available for me?
I'm going to go for a walk at 12 p.m.
J'y ai mes habitudes et mon petit rituel : après ma douche à l'arrivée, direction le hammam pour monter en température et y attraper qq beaux morceaux qui s'y prélassent.. Ensuite, une fois le premier round terminé: direction les GH au fond et, selon l'humeur, soit je commence par me faire pomper en haut, soit je passe direct en bas... En général, je ne remonte pas les couilles pleines...Bises à ceux qui me reconnaîtront. N.
I'm going today if anyone wants to join me
Hello who is coming with me on Tuesday at the opening, 12 p.m. to pick me up, want to suck a lot of hard rods at the Glory or in a cabin with several people and do anal at the same time,
Hi, who opens on Monday, 12 p.m. to fill me up, want to suck at Glory and do soda at the same time
Hi all. Change I would be at the Campanile Toulouse Sud Balma. I receive from 6 p.m.
Hi Thursday night receive hotel Residhome hotel. Preferably thin meks, sanstabout, get all night long.
Hi everyone, Thursday evening I receive at the Residhome hotel in Toulouse boulevard de l'Embouchure, I await your messages.
Present tonight from 8 p.m. if certain motivated
hello to all want to go today at 5:30 p.m., someone to accompany me? Message in PM
Hello Friday naturist day who goes there?
J'y passerai jeudi vers 18h jusqu'à 21h
We always have a good time there (especially in the steam of the hammam and at the Glory Holes
J'y suis dans 30 mn Au plaisir
I'll be there in 30 minutes, available to everyone.
Tuesday, June 13 At 12:30 p.m. for active…. PM thank you!
Who available tomorrow, Tuesday 13 around 12:30 p.m. / 1:00 p.m.? Handsome passive guy for unbridled active and BM...
I'll be there tomorrow night from 8pm (Monday, June 12) for the fetish party. You can use me first as a urinal, then as a sex toy. Looking forward to meeting you there.
Back from the sauna and another good time spent at the ks where I fucked 2 good asses and sucked good cocks
Passing through this evening at the ks, want sperm in the mouth and a good sodomy with protection. I can move when I retuurn and come and empty you where I receive.
An active guy with a big cock to fuck me on Monday around 12:30 / 1 p.m. ...
Bonjour il y a du monde aujourd'hui qui va au sauna ?
1ere pour moi aujourd'hui dans ce type d'établissement. Je trouve que bcp de personne ne font que "courir", sans prendre le temps de s'arrêter, de discuter. Pas mal de timide aussi :D En tout cas j'ai passer un agréable moment qui a commencer dans le jacuzzi, parfait pour s'effleurer, se caresser la jambe ... ;)
Hi, who's available this Tuesday around 12.15pm, really want to suck hard cocks at Glory, get groped by several guys, especially get anal. I have a nice little smooth ass, to eat, love group sex. (MP: possible)
Availability of my anal pussy direct plan without blabla without selection
Looking for a real little female slut tomorrow afternoon
Hello I want to go there in the early afternoon
I really want to go there and get sucked for a long time by a beautiful slut
Encore un bon moment passe hier aprem 15h au sauna plein de beau cul et bonne bite a sucer .merci au mec offert en cabine ouverte ,je me suis régalé dans sont cul
Hello.. I very regularly consult the frequentations on the "Places of Drag" proposed on the site around Castelnaudary.. For years, I have been desperately looking for people who could embark me in a car to take me to one or the other place, because personally I don't have a vehicle!!! According to my availability, I am open to all proposals. Thank you
Bonjour, Des personnes à midi pour me prendre?
Looking for a good female slut to suck me off
Looking for a good female to suck me off
Hello From the world this afternoon? Provision of my big ass...
Bonjour Pour midi!!! Et vous?
Bonjour, Jeudi midi pour les actifs!!!! Hésitez pas à me contacter. À demain les coquins.
Bonsoir, J’y suis allé mercredi midi!! Très sympa… J’y vais lundi midi! Pour des actifs !
Cc, if no date I will be Friday afternoon at 2 p.m. at the sauna as a dab, no naked towel, to meet me a pat on the buttocks. thank you
Passing by Friday 24/02 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.... open to all proposals... ass to work on... poppers available... Looking forward to seeing you there
I will be at KS on 02/28 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Hello, I'll be at KS tomorrow from 12:30 p.m., submission mode, lizard tattoo on my left shoulder, thirsty for juice...
who for a sauna at KS on Friday? furry day!
Hi all. Receive at the end of the day at the Residhome hotel Toulouse boulevard de l'embouchure. Without tabout and without blabla. Prefer thin
To all, from Monday evening for 2 nights, receive at the Residhome hotel Toulouse boulevard de l'embouchure. Send Message.
I hope to see again soon this beautiful ass of jmlecul31. Hmm.
jmlecul31 took it seriously in the big red mattress cabin. Beautiful slut.
Great naturism afternoon. Thank you to 3 good ass for welcoming me. I love this sauna
Cuocou, I'll be there at 2 p.m., towel immediately sex zl air
Who's going tomorrow afternoon?
I am a lope without taboo I put my mouth and my anal pussy available for direct plan without blabla without selection (bbk ok) I am free in the evening during the week contact in pm
I would like to go there tonight for a little walk if anyone wants to join me it will be with pleasure
Ch to be filmed hooded as a submissive: spanking, edging, dogging, minion, sucker, soda, only naked guy in front of a dressed group... Online video uploading possible.
Passing by tomorrow afternoon with my very very good sex friend, I hope to find a nice tail for a threesome!
I will be there Thursday 26/01 from 2:00 p.m.
Vivement mon retour dans se super sauna ou a chaque fois je prend énormément de plaisir a me promener nue et faire de bonne rencontre toujours tres chaude ,a tres bientot
I will probably go there tonight around 7 p.m.
Hello, who is available today around 12.30 p.m., really want to suck stiff cocks at Glory, get fiddled with by several guys, especially get sodomized. I have a nice smooth little ass, ate, loves a several.(PM: possible)
Hi, if anyone is interested, I'm going there this afternoon.
Me available Saturday from 12.30ha 15h
Who is interested on Friday 13 between 12:30 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. for a hot and humid break?
Salut, qui jeudi fin d après midi, a partir de 17h30, très envie de me faire tripoter partout par plusieurs mains, sucé et me faire sodo au Glory hole
@tania not really the style of the house, in any case you have to go to the locker room before going to the sauna so it is of little interest, I recommend club72 instead (Monday and Friday afternoon bisex) or the lynx
am in transvestite can I stay like this if I come home tonight?
I'm going tomorrow from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. I'll have my poppers and will be available to everyone Open to everything... just make me an indecent proposal
Hello I really want to go there this afternoon I am bi rather active
Bjr What afternoon is it busy? Is there a convention in these establishments to indicate what one is looking for? Will try to go there on Tuesday or Wednesday to be defined... Thank you
Hi ! Who would like to join me there tonight. Leave me a message
Hi all. On Toulouse tomorrow Tuesday evening. Receive at the hotel center ville.mek thin de pref without tabout. leave me a message
I would love to go there tomorrow and do my slut. Are there people going there and what time I had thought for noon. Who would like to join me? If you find me there, do not hesitate to serve you, I will let myself be.
What a foot yesterday, thank you to the handsome brunette that I was able to fist deep and to the 2 handsome males who fucked me well. Kisses to all.
Friday, December 9 at 2:00 p.m., I will be there.
Hello I'm going to try dy go today December 6 in the afternoon I'm bi rather active
Hello, who is available on Wednesday at 12 p.m., for a good time with a good, very docile passive. Serious desire for a plan to several
I'll go and have a look there tomorrow at the beginning of the afternoon.
Hello, If a regular can let me in. With revenge, of course.
Tonight at ks 9:00 p.m. or I can receive a couple and a mature man. Often in video in the evening.
I've long wanted to discover black out parties, and I'm going there tomorrow. Does anyone have any feedback on this type of evening so I know what to expect?
Who tomorrow from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m.
Bonjour Du monde demain à l'ouverture? MP pour proposition. Suis open à tout plan
Tonight at the ks to suck your cocks and take a max of juice in the mouth and want to take my behind wildly.
I will be there on Tuesday 07/19 from 4:00 p.m. to get fucked, dildoed and fisted.
Salut à tous, j y serais dimanche fin d aprem,je recherche un ou plusieurs homme actif pour s occuper de mon petit cul,n hésite à m envoyer un message Je suis affamés
People tonight? Am passive, an asset to accompany me?
Chupas sorry, I had forgotten this Wednesday promo in. The other sauna. In fact it must play into it without a shadow of a doubt Sorry for my previous message
Well, it's precisely because it's not usually like that at KS that I gave this opinion... I'm leaning more towards the competition which has just reopened the sauna and the thermal baths and which has a great promotion on Wednesdays ( one free entry for one bought), it's unbeatable!
Chupas, when it's hot or even super hot the guys desert the saunas And in summer you'll see, the ks will be desert and it's normal!
I'll be there tomorrow 1-2:30 p.m.
Well I come back to my opinion of last week, to be back there on Wednesday I would say that it was dead from dead, I don't know if it's competition from the thermal baths but there must have been between 6 and 8 p.m. 15 people at the same time in the sauna
Hello, for having been there last Wednesday at the end of the day, I found that there were few people (the good weather certainly had a lot to do with it) but suddenly those who were there were very hungry for queues
Du monde se rend encore ici ?! Le lieux est il encore bien fréquenté ?!
Super good time yesterday spent at the ks, a guy offered me his ass in the open cabin. I had a good time and the guys who are watching too
I might go tomorrow afternoon
Hi, who on Saturday 23rd at the opening? I'm looking for good cocks to suck and get screwed, exib plan and many enjoyed.
Coucou ma belle Joelle31,tu devrais tel le ks pour savoir s ils acceptent ta présence en travesti. Ils me semblent assez fermés sur le sujet. J'espère que tu pourras t y amuser
Hi, who's available tomorrow at the opening, Thursday April 7 at noon, for a real good plan, I love sucking at Glory, getting fiddled around and getting sodomized in the dark.
Hi, can we go there in a cage?
Hi. I'm going to go there in the middle of the afternoon. Metis 28 years old looking for guys rather tbm to suck or even more so good feeling. Don't hesitate to write in pm. To all, I'll write here when I'm there ;)
Première visite au sauna lors d'un déplacement pro. J'aime bcp le lieu, propre, accueillant, j'ai apprécié notamment les labyrinthes Gloryholes, le jaccuzi... Le personnel accueil est bar très agréable en plus d'être bogosses : -). Je dois retourner à Toulouse mercredi prochain. Je vais y refaire un tour.
Hi, who is available on Friday from 12 p.m. to 2:30 p.m., really want to suck cock and do soda.
I'm getting ready to go but reading the messages it doesn't look crazy tonight
Today I was at KS. Disappointed, few people, I sucked with pleasure but could not get fucked, no feeling. Very disappointed this is the first time.
Hello everyone present today
Who invites me I want to find out and I am very grateful for the male guy who will invite me I will be his very naughty female
Feedback from the fetish evening on Monday 14: a little disappointed because not too many people (between 8:45 p.m. and 10:15 p.m. at least) and not many cocks ready to be sucked. Weekday visits between 1-3pm have always been more satisfying for me!
In the end, I couldn't go there tonight, but since the fetish evenings are every Monday I think, I'll probably go in the coming weeks. Looking forward to busting your ass there soon :)
Who invites me to discover
Hello great time spent with Thierry who will recognize himself (with a tattoo on the right breast) which really gave me a lot of pleasure, and me by offering him my little hole and my little experience pinched the breasts. We do it again when you want
I discover that there is a "fetish" evening, Monday evening at KS. I will be there too, total epil, pierced nipples and submissive metal collar (see my photo). Available to authoritarian guys in direct shots. Message in pm if you want.
Bonjour à tous, je serai à la soirée fetish lundi soir, corps lisse et bien épilé, seins percés avec anneaux, chaîne au cou, à la recherche de mâles sévères et dominants à satisfaire de toutes les façons!
Coucou, du monde lundi soir pour la soirée fetish ? Me mp avec photos visage/corps/cul pour se donner rdv, j'ai besoin de bouches à étouffer et de cul à remplir pour soulager mes 21cm :) Préférences pour les tenues féminines très salopes
Je viens du ks Toujours autant de plaisir et quelle séance Merci
Hello, who is available Saturday March 12 around 12.30 p.m., really want to suck stiff cocks at the Glory, get fiddled with by several guys, especially sodomy. I have a nice smooth little ass, ate, loves a plan several.(PM: possible)
Fistbi31, you just have to sit on the easel and wait, ass well offered. For my part, this is how I proceed and I have almost never been disappointed.
Are there really a lot of guys to do a gangbang on Friday for example?
Cc who invites me here to make me discover?? I am super grateful in retuurn
Again and again one more great moment happens at the ks, full of very hot handsome guys, great sodomy received by a very sweet guy. Thank you all
Hello, available Monday at the opening, really want to suck cock and have me fiddled with by several guys.
Passing through this evening from 8:45 p.m. to 10:20 p.m. in transit to matabiau looking for good tails
Joëlle31, si tu veux garder une petite culotte ça passera peut-être mais je pense que tu te feras virer immédiatement sinon. C’est pas trop le « style de la maison ».
It seems complicated to me because the place doesn't really lend itself to it, between the steam from the hammam, the humidity from the jacuzzi and the heat from the sauna...
Coucou ,retour du ks ,moment genial quelque bonne queue a sucer et surtout 2 bonne sodo par 2 mec différents en cabine qui mon bien démonté ,merci a eux
Bonjour, Lundi tout fonctionnait parfaitement
Hi does anyone know if the hammam is fixed? THANKS
Cc, super afternoon goes to the ks, lots of handsome males and nice cocks to suck. I had a blast and I sucked lots of nice cocks, a treat
Hi, who is available Monday, March 7 around 12 noon, really want to suck stiff cocks at the Glory, get fiddled with by several guys, get sodomized. Me 1m90 95 kg, good smooth ass ate, very docile, loves group sex.
Hello males, I'll be at the ks tonight for the 9:30 p.m. Black out party on site to get your juice.
I'm going there this afternoon 02/12
Hello, who is available tomorrow Saturday (2 p.m.), too eager to suck good stiff cocks at the Glory, to be fiddled with by several guys, to eat my ass and above all to do sodomy several times, am very docile passive. (possible to contact me in pm too) kisses
I'll be there from 3 p.m. today Friday 11/02. I suck all the big thick cocks to the juice
Hi guys, see you later from 1:30pm, looking for cocks to suck deep or receive in my little ass….
This Friday, February 11 (tomorrow), at noon I will be at the KS sauna in Toulouse, accompanied by an active sodo buddy... For my part, I intend to take it full in the ass, empty a maximum of balls and eat some male rings... And also welcome to the uro donors in the wet room
Good evening! I will be at the sauna on KS this Friday from 2:30 p.m. I really want to get fucked by several hot guys. You can contact me by message. See you soon
I will be there on Friday at the beginning of the afternoon....if anyone is interested.
Yes there are people on Thursdays in general and even more in the evening, it is often thematic Adam so everyone is naked! On the other hand, last Thursday the hammam was down again...
I would like to go there on Thursday evening. Is it frequented?
Bjr a tous j’y passerais jeudi après-midi Ou ailleurs si on me reçois Je suis actif
I love the glory holes where you can meet beautiful, well-dressed sexes. Remembering a rascal who fucked me up my little ass. See you very soon, I'm coming
I would like to know the price of the entry I would like to come during the week to see if I can get sucked or fucked to make a good anal pussy
I'm at KS when it opens at noon, really want to suck cocks and get screwed
On Friday, February 11, I'll be at KS when it opens at noon, accompanied by a friend... I hope to meet a lot of cocks there for my mouth and my ass... And notice to pissers, I'm very catchy ... So, I will go very regularly to the wet room... Small precision, I will not wear lingerie, I will be naked
Hi, who is available Monday January 31 at the opening (12 p.m.), too eager to suck some good cocks at the Glory, get me groped, eat my ass and do me sodomy.
Encore un grand merci aux mecs qui m’on defoncer, remplie et fister au sauna Ks l après midi du 27. Si vous vous reconnaissez contactez-moi
Hi, available tomorrow Wednesday around 1/1:30 p.m., for a real good plan, I'm very docile passive, I love being fiddled with by several guys at the same time, exib plan.
Hello everyone ! I would like to get fucked there by several men one day. You can leave me messages ps: my ass is very hot!
Hi, who will be at KS on Wednesday around 1/1:30 p.m., really want to suck some good cocks, really want to show off and fiddle with several walls before blowing me up.
I put my anal pussy available for direct plan without blabla without selection! Sunday 23 from 9 p.m. and Thursday 27 from 2 p.m. who is interested?
I will be there on Wednesday January 12 from 2:30 p.m. with another liability.
This evening put my anal pussy available! Direct plan without talk without selection!
Who in the sauna in the afternoon on Friday the 14th?
An asset this Friday the 17th for a session?
Want to get caught tomorrow! Amateurs I have little experience so a narrow c will have to be lubricated
Who tomorrow between noon and two?
Goes to Toulouse on Monday. I receive ACTIVE(S) certainly at the BB hotel quoted space from +-12h to the next day Tuesday morning before 08h. The door will not be locked. It will be enough to push it even at night... I will communicate the room number to whoever is interested as soon as I arrive.
Hi. Tomorrow Thursday evening receive at the Mercure Toulouse Sud. Active or passive. Sanstabout. Clean and thin please. leave me a message
Availability of my anal pussy direct plan without blabla without selection
Someone to introduce me to this place now?
error of the preceding message, sorry, it is in the sauna that I think to be in the beginning of the afternoon. who else?
I went there, 15 days ago, but not really found any real males, who go my males?
Yes I confirm for having tested yesterday the hammam works, and (in principle) mandatory mask inside the sauna...
hello, do you know if the Hammam is working again?
Availability of my anal pussy!! Direct plan without blabla without selection
Good evening, I'll be there for the opening (12:15) this Saturday 20/11 Hope to have one or more good meetings
I will be there Friday 19 around 2:00 p.m. I hope to fist a fan of deep fisting. Deep sucking and getting fucked will fill me up.
I was there this Friday the 12th, "Adam" day, naturist. Not a lot of people. It was quite nice.
Slt I want to go there tonight people?
Sorry, impediment, I could not come today
On ne peut évidemment garder les chaussures de ville, mais tu peux amener des tongs. A défaut des tongs dont vendues à l'accueil pour 1 euro.
I'm going to go there 'actif_passif' can we keep our shoes on inside g horror of walking barefoot nice your answers in pm kisses
Retour d’expérience : pour la défonse anale c’est raté mais côté queues à sucer j’ai eu mon compte!
Hello rascals, I'll be at KS this Tuesday 9/11 from 12:30 p.m. looking for cocks to suck hard and/or to welcome in my little ass that really wants to get screwed.
Friday, November 12 from 2:00 p.m., I'll be waiting for you.
Are there people in general for the Adam days? There's one tomorrow, I think, right?
Really want to visit this place. I can go there tomorrow afternoon. But I don't know how it goes
Hi, I'll be there on Monday at the opening, from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m., I really want to play with several cues, I love being fiddled with everywhere by several hands.
I put my mouth and my anal pussy available tonight at Ks!!! Who wants to take advantage of it?
Salut à tous, des mecs actif se soir J ai tres envi de me faire prendre Biz
I was there on Wednesday, great as usual. I sucked thoroughly, to the juice, I got caught twice. Marvellous.
I will be there at the end of the afternoon, I really want to swallow good big cocks very thick until the juice
A good shaved lope ready to have her taken or fisted in the back room tonight from 9 p.m.???
I'm in front not open yet
De passage au KS cette après midi à la recherche de queues bien raide à vider dans ma bouche ou mon cul… Bises
Passing by on Sunday afternoon, I find this place of pleasure with great happiness! Active-passive, I'm looking for an asset that will deflower my ass; I want to meet a male with a fine and long tail to finally make me know the happiness of being possessed! Contact me on my profile! See you soon.
I was there and it's always nice to meet nice people too!!!
bsr, qui JH y va demain apm?
I go there in the early afternoon
Feedback: there were cocks at the glory holes, I certainly had the pleasure of sucking 6 and feeling them stiffen deep in the mouth, unfortunately none gave me their juice. I only served as a preliminary…. Too bad friends!
New visit to KS this Monday around 1 p.m., looking for cocks to empty into my mouth or my ass….
Discovery of the KS for me yesterday (I went to the colonial before it closed and hope it reopens…). Cool atmosphere, a few people, of all ages. I had the pleasure of sucking two beautiful cocks at the gloryhole. To do again!
Qui veux me remplir ma chatte anale au sauna Ks ( plan à plusieurs ok Plan bbk ok Je suis dispo certains soir plan direct sans blabla sans sélection 0644667436
I make my anal pussy available
qui demain a partir de 13h ?
Provision of my anal pussy live plan without talk without selection
Passing by this afternoon. Big brown well fitted and poured real.
Passing from August 17 to August 21 in Toulouse
Who comes with me tomorrow MP: possible
I will be there Thursday around 1 p.m. I can't wait to suck a stiff rod and many other things
I will be there Monday 12:30 p.m.
you actually need the health pass
Pff .. of course it's open
No it won't open until tomorrow
The Ks is closed until July 28 due to Covid
Sauna closed until July 28, all staff are in contact
Hi "try me". I have never seen anyone on this easel. Personally, I put myself there 1/2 hour each time I go to KS without result while on all fours in the cabin, you get fucked well. All the guys congregate in the gloryholes while others occupy the booths doing nothing. In addition, there are not many people at the moment. I'm going back tomorrow hoping to get fucked well ....
I'll be there tomorrow Friday 12:30 p.m. For soft
I'm looking for a guy to meet me at my hotel on Saturday night
I went there yesterday from 1 to 3 p.m., great time, I was well demonstrated and I also dismantled it. A dream afternoon with beautiful cock
I arrive at KS in lope mode. I'm easy to spot with a tattoo on my left arm and teyon piercings. No blah, direct plans to juice.
Sorry, due to a last minute setback, I won't go to KS until tomorrow Tuesday around 2:30 pm. See you tomorrow.
Hello. I'll be there again this afternoon in lope mode available. I love the gloryholes to suck the juice but I prefer to wait on all fours in the cabin, ass offered. See you soon.
I'll be there tomorrow Tuesday between noon and two
I'm going to go between noon and two I think
Hello. I will be at KS this afternoon (Saturday July 3) around 2:30 p.m., at the disposal of vicious, dominated guys. I am easy to spot: pierced nipples and a tattoo on my left arm. Take me by the nipples and I'll follow you otherwise I'll wait on all fours. See you soon.
Provision of my anal pussy live plan without talk and without selection
Visiting between noon and two
Is the hammam accessible again?
Want to discover this place this Tuesday at 12 pm...
I really want to go there tomorrow afternoon
Good evening who can tell me if it's open?
Hi, I'll be there early Monday afternoon, around 12:30 pm / 1:00 pm, to have a good time, I really want to be fiddled around with several hands.
Cc, ji will be around 4 p.m. if no problem getting in. Like dab always, no towel so easy to recognize naked
Seeking hot exchange or initiation
I confirm ... I was there around 6 p.m. ... still very good moments ... !!!. It is true that it is a shame to hear yourself say when you arrive, after having been closed for so long ... that the hammam is. ... down ... there are social networks to warn ...
Hello 3 things to know about the KS at the moment: - the hammam is inaccessible - the gauge is halved - badge at the entrance with the tousanticovid application It's just to warn you, I was there last Wednesday to the reopening
that's why I'm interested :)
Must try ... By cons after we can not do without ... It's too good! Paradise on Earth !
never used a sauna in general in fact :)
never tried the experiment in this kind of establishment. How does it work concretely?
Hello. If the very tall guy who worked my nipples very hard at KS then that I sucked for a long time is on this site, let him contact me by mp because I would really like to see him again. It was in the darkness of the gloryholes, Thursday afternoon. Thank you.
J'y serai cet après midi, à partir de 14h00, à dispo de mecs ayant envie de se vider. Pour me reconnaître, j'ai un tatouage au bras gauche et des piercings aux tetons.
Who at the Lére park now? Caussade
Who will be there for the reopening tomorrow ???
I'll be there, available to guys with full balls, on the 9th from 3:00 p.m. I am easy to spot: tattoo on the left arm and pierced nipples.
no idea but I'm really looking forward to it
Hi, has anyone heard of a possible date for the reopening of the saunas? I heard about a possible reopening on June 9 with a welcome gauge of 35%.
I can't wait for the reopening to be the empty ball of service
I believe that at the reopening, if my Master allows me, I would spend the afternoon on all fours, ass offered. See you soon.
I miss these places and these encounters so much, strongly reopen them
Well ... a question ends with ... a question mark!
How I miss his moments in the sauna ... I have the impression that I will never find these moments of relaxation.
Well, for the end of January, unfortunately we were right! This kind of establishment is not going to reopen anytime soon. March or April already seems a little compromised if we are confined again in February ...
Probably not before the end of January, yes, at best!
We are in full confinement, bars and restaurants closed. Clubs and saunas will be the last to be allowed to open. In my opinion not before January 21st.
When does it reopen? Their website is not up to date, it is noted on November 15th.
Fingers crossed until December 1st ...
Unfortunately no ! It will not be open: "Following the sanitary measures and the national decree which corresponds to the curfew zones, we will remain closed until November 15, inclusive".
I hope it will be open Monday because I plan to have a good time there around 5 p.m. I will be naked as a dab, no towels so naughty
I love this sauna, I go too rarely
Closed until October 24 included! Definitely ...
Saturday October 10, 2020, I am moving around Toulouse. Serious plan and conversation to tel before only. Not serious abstain, couple, TV, man.
"Following government measures", moi09500, according to what they indicate on their site:
Hi cumeater closed for what reason?
Sauna closed from September 27 to October 10. Hopefully it can reopen then.
My anal pussy is available! Direct plan without talk without selection !!!
I'll be there tomorrow between noon and two. naturist day.
Present tomorrow around 4 p.m. for active preferably poppers plan appreciated
Ah! Owl. Thank you for the info. I feel like I'm going to go check it out soon ...
Who is going to take a tour this afternoon?
Yes I also see that there are more liabilities than assets. If you want the KS to remain open, you must follow the instructions, even on naturist days a mask is compulsory to circulate. The masks fall in full swing.
Yes I also see that there are more liabilities than assets. If you want the KS to remain open, you must follow the instructions, even on naturist days a mask is compulsory to circulate. The masks fall off in full action but this is the condition for the sauna to remain open.
Yes of all ages. And on the orientation side, there are more liabilities than assets.
In age is there everything?
I confirm it turns out not bad. There are more or less beautiful people you can pump and get pumped, fuck make you fuck anything.
You can go, it sucks, wanks, fucks ...
Hello, I saw that the sauna had reopened. Can someone tell me if with the measurements it's still worth it or if it's dead right now?
Qq one for Sunday afternoon?
Provision of my anal pussy for direct plan without talk without selection
I would be passing through the sauna in the afternoon to pump and empty balls
Who will be there this afternoon ?? Mouth and ass at your disposal
Who is available this week to go to the sauna? My ass will be at your disposal. You can also sprinkle me (bukkake style) with your semance or your Champagne (opinion a fan of uro games, hydrate yourself). Contact me by mail.
I'm going there Thursday afternoon ...
Who to introduce me to the pleasure of the sauna? Never been again ...> mp
Are the hammam and jacuzzi operational again? If so, I would go for a walk tonight.
Ch guy ready to walk around naked in a collar, leash in suitable places to agree
People tonight? And a man to take me there / guide me?
I was there on Sunday. The KS is well open, everything is accessible. The mask is recommended at reception and in the changing rooms. The number of people is limited to 4 or 5 at the bar, hammam, jacuzzi. A direction of traffic is indicated. Otherwise no other limitations in gloryholes or backrooms, it's everyone's responsibility.
.... decidedly we will have neither information on what is operational as equipment (the site and the published photos do not even correspond to reality ...) nor any feedback from the "users" at 18E l ' Entrance!!! afterwards everyone will understand why it is preferable to stay on plans in private circles which happily continue to develop !!! the KS remains disappointing !!! especially if tomorrow we are all reconfigured and therefore this sauna closed again !!!!
Sunday evening I put my anal pussy available direct plan without talk without selection
New website: Has anyone been there since the opening?
Has anyone been there since the reopening? a retuurn please?
...; remains to know what we will be able to access for 18E .... if restrictions on the sauna, the hammam and the SPA it will limit interest !!!, and I wonder if the cabins and backroom spaces will be able to be open, in which case there would be nothing left !!!! their site is silent on the subject, ditto on Facebook, they are wrong not to give details !!!!
Good evening everyone is reopened?
Who would introduce me to the pleasures of the gay sauna? Much need to relax this weekend ...
The site should open in July, the link for the website is no longer valid, rather sees FaceBook account or tweet.
Hi all !!! a guide for a first at reopening?
Reopening scheduled for June 22 !!!
Strongly yes, missing more than finding masks with holes to pump safe
Strongly yes, missing more than finding masks with holes to pump safe
Yes absolutely, I can't wait! Too want to get fucked without restraint by several hot guys
Especially since we are practically naked in normal times in the sauna, towel only, the naturist evening is Adam's evening, we are not even given a towel, and from 8pm, it is downright black out !! !!More light !!!!
Haste the reopening to discover this place for the First time ... :)
At the same time it is simpler and faster ... no need to undress :)
your question fredbi31 to "How should we dress?" made me smile because the first time I was in a sauna it was colonial 18 years ago and I remember that I undressed and I'm just staying in underwear with the towel around my hip. when i saw everyone naked i quickly understood lol
I also confirm, the place is cool and the other guys too. I have never been disappointed. Indeed the gloryholes are very nice. I can't wait to reopen. During my last visit, a well-intentioned guy took care of bringing me pretty tails for my mouth or my ass. A sacred organization, it was the top, guaranteed sperm shower. thank you to him, if he recognizes himself, strongly that we do it again.
I confirm ! In more or less ten years of practice, not a single problem in the sauna. We take his key, eventually his taps, we will undress in the cloakroom on the left, we shower and then ... PS: I recommend the jacuzzi and the gloryhole (s). If you want a guide, don't hesitate, I would be happy to show you around.
I do not think the imminent reopening, but if not, it happens very quickly, it is enough to be cool, the other guys are cool, and everything is going well, no worries to have and ... everyone is there for the same thing. :)
fredbi31, at the entrance you are given a key and tap in addition if you wish. then you have the locker room with your locker. for the outfit ?? well completely naked and you have a towel in your locker that you will wear in sarong .... or not for the most exhib. after you will see you will understand very quickly once inside;)
Passing through Toulouse in early March, bisexual active and sometimes passive, I really appreciated the few hours spent in this establishment. I used the glory hole, both in one direction and in the other, I caressed and penetrated the buttocks of a number of beautiful welcoming males in the dim light or simply in the light ... I am full of liquors according to my adventures in which my tongue and my lips are made strong to give pleasure and to take it. I recommend the KS with great verve and I will retuurn with great pleasure!
Coucou à tous, J'espère que vous allez bien en cette période inédite et peu réjouissante ! Je mets juste un petit message ici pour vous faire à tous des bisous coquins virtuels (pas de risque avec ceux-là). Vivement que cette épidémie disparaisse pour que le confinement soit levé et qu'on puisse fêter ça...
Availability of my anal pussy Friday from 12:30 p.m.
Hello .. Can someone tell me if Wednesday afternoon is a theme afternoon, or just an ordinary afternoon for gay and bi? Thank you
Surely passing this afternoon around 3:30 p.m. to discover this place. Hoping to find good juicy tails there. Kisses
Who tomorrow in apm, for adam day?
Excellent time yesterday afternoon at KS ... quite pretty hot world in a very welcoming place ... the ideal cocktail to spend very pleasant moments ...
flo31 I think that's what I'll do ...
Barbatruc20, this is not to say it is best that you go directly to the bottom
Are there a few people in general on Monday in early afternoon?
Although want to go on Friday ...
I would start Friday after noon that to take care of me !!!
Who cho me discover ks Friday night for the evening blackout? Coming by mp
Hello there are people here want to have fun am rather passive
Who well hung thick tail, see very thick for Saturday, February 15 in the evening
no gloryholes side changes !!! these are the meeting places and catchments of this sauna !!!
Hello. World tomorrow at the black out party?
If we believe the comments, no major change for the gloryholes! So if it's like before, there is a wall with two or three holes after the jacuzzi, on the right twice. But the best glory is at the bottom of the sauna, at the end of the corridor which crosses the cabin with the sling and the one opposite with the seat. There you will find a real little dark labyrinth full of holes. A large glory wall with three, four holes. And other holes nearby. You can (or could) suck while being sucked at the same time, a real treat! Finally, all of that is if it hasn't changed since the reopening, but let's count on the regulars to confirm this. Kisses to you, h44du32, and to all.
Who to guide me and offer me active males on the sling tonight?
I want to go tomorrow afternoon
Certainly this place is always much too bright !!! such an area deserves a much more subdued and hot lighting !!! especially the SPA, and now the sauna, and access corridors are too enlightened !! there was a time that was more "sensual" from this point of view !!! The projection room had already left the place has a great cabin smoking, but it is also in the spotlight, frankly smokers are on display !!!!!! and this room, nice in its time, has not been refurbished elsewhere !!! The other small projection room, that of the background, out glory, left also lost a lot of his side felted among other again due to the lighting !! Otherwise cabins and back rooms are pleasantly in the semi darkness! Am I the only "a feel"
j plans to go there between noon and two, early after noon. Motivates me to make my?
I'll be in tomorrow afternoon and two
It is open 31 to 12h to 19h hours are on the website
Yes Phy31 there is a steam room, sauna, spa, bar etc ... it's a bit like the Colonial except that everything is on one floor.
Good morning all ! I am looking for a person who receives home the week of January 6, from midnight to fuck me without restraint, and make me his bitch, I'll obéissente his orders. Leave me a message
I long to go back to make me deeply rutted like last time
J went there Friday 20th afternoon. Great place warm and refined, I love the new decor
19 euros is very expensive I find
Opening Day Monday very nice. The waiting had sharpened appetites. Sauna enlarged. Non-slip floor. More ditches where we took the foot. Worn mattresses were replaced. The doors of the box shortened top and bottom allow better ventilation. It transpires least in the box, suddenly you can linger longer. Lol. The hot tub is less massaging, it looks like the former Colonial. New red lantern style lights. In short an effort for a more attractive place. Rest the price. Better to subscribe.
good, as one does a feedback when there are people in the sauna and that reopened yesterday: no significant changes except spa and sauna and floor refurbished, and probably with a lot technical details that we do not see. Otherwise many people this afternoon (probably to make up for lost time) so it was very hot ... by against heavy hand ....: entry 19 Euros !!? not cool it .... subscriptions are the best formula for the purpose always being good to not let you go anywhere (not too much risk while c became the only sauna bi / homo Toulouse intramural, a metropolis of 750,000 people !!! this must be the only town with this population in this - look good supply of other existing cities luckily c is the city "rose"!
Ks tomorrow between noon and two. That available? I would retuurn on improvements.
hello, since the KS is supposed to reopen today, Monday apm and if someone happened to a thank you back with your impressions, I intend to go even tomorrow apm me ....
I saw on facebook reopening Monday, December 16th !!!
prior and following the site should reopen Friday, December 13th has confirmed however on the work he's no expansion were mainly works tightness to follow
No it's close since September !!! They should open in December
... I confirm, Colonial will remain larger and on two floors, but when the KS reopen the cards will be replayed !!!
I would say the Colonial but I have never tested ..
Hi sauna is closed for renovation until December, you might find the door closed!
I look forward to the reopening! Too want to fuck me by several hot guy as last time. My ass wanting more
Ks is closed from September 15, for 2 months for work
Hmmmm! I have my fucked by two very hot guy, the first kiss me alone and he did it very well and then he went to another man, I have to suck the two together hummmm, then a treat they lowered me each one in turn. I had a cock in the mouth and ass and finally they took me two together without restraint, two cocks in my little ass wide open. The last I finished lowering myself as a big dog. Hmmmm do again with more man!
Not many answers, you are shy
Sorry I'm available Friday afternoon
Leave me messages to warm myself!
I'll be in the room with the beaded curtains, ready your queus!
Friday in place between 12h and 14h
I'll be there Friday between noon and two, you must enjoy it, from what I understood it closed two months from September 15 to work
Who wants to join my Friday from 12:00? I am passive
While the world Thursday beginning of the afternoon for good parts of fuck? Mp
Hello I can go today 10/09
Last available from my anal pussy live map without blah
Who tomorrow between 12h and 14h?
I'll be aaujourd'hui from 12:30 to 14h
Last avail of my holes Direct plan without blah and without selection
A tbm cho tonight? I'm in front of the Japanese garden, side boulevard Marquette
I'm going to start tomorrow August 22 apm sauna that available?
Chrisstef not the sauna is male (gay / bi)
The hf torque they are accepted
Qui pour lundi entre midi et deux? Réponse en MP Merci
To avail this evening empty fashion testicle! I Uninhibited
Thank you to the guys who kiss my Sunday evening ks !!! S he recognizes contact Mp
A rather active guy tonight to accompany me to KS?
J offer my mouth and anal pussy! Who interested?
Hello, I think spend tomorrow night or Wednesday night. interested people to join me?
I'll be there from 12:30 to 14h
Lope Uninhibited available in the evening for fetich
I want a guy under 35 to suck regular recipient was a North balma plane Toulouse or during the day.
I like to know if there are people on weeknights?
Maybe passage between 12:30 and 14h, which would find my way
Bjr I'll try to Tuesday, 5.28 apremidi
as one is naked or almost naked, a trav will be naked too!!!
Who tonight from 20:00 to KS? Leave me a message, I really want to suck and fuck me without restraint by several guy
Last available from my anal pussy live map without blah Uninhibited
I'll be at KS tomorrow from 12:00 12:15 who wants to reach mid? J really want to get caught by several guy at the same time! Being fuck and suck at the same time
Who available Friday from 12:00? I'll go to KS, eager to sell me and suck more guy at the same time! Let me please posts
I'll be there from 15 / 16h for sucking big cocks. See you soon
Who would join Friday, 04/26 from 12:00 to KS? Leave me a message, I really want to kiss me without restraint by several guy
Last available from my anal pussy! Plan without taboos and without blah
First for me last night in this kind of place. What happiness! Clean, friendly service, respect, I found what I was looking for so I come back this afternnon, with the hope of finding a beautiful tail like that last night or more ....
Who come with me Friday night?
Who will be this Wednesday night?
I do not know if you're on this web site, thank you to the guy who fucked me in the cabin! And that I have to suck sauna extensively From 12:30 to 1:30 p.m.! Too bad for another guy that's not attached to us.
Who join me in KS tomorrow afternoon at 12:00. J really want to fuck me without restraint by several guy! Leave me a message
Ok cool any time to minidiamitre
I'd be today around 14h eager beautiful games coming with me?
I'll be there Wednesday, 3/27 afternoon from 14h to 16h about
I'll try to go this week a apremidi
I am willing to accompany you there! In addition, it's been a while since I have not been there ...
Living there apremidi this? Me, I'd be at 13h 30
Hello I will be Tuesday afternoon
Hello I will be Tuesday afternoon
Hello I should retuurn this afternoon a week I love the sauna
Hello I would be today around 14h eager to plan ass, who wants to join me?
Hello jy be tomorrow between 13h and 15:30. I hope to spend a hot moment.
... Jonathan31390: actually it's a shame !!! because you physically more attractive !!!
Hello everyone ! J went there Friday afternoon, it does not move much, c bad! There was a bit of my world that that mater. One guy decided to c m tackle it my kiss me no more, no strong the guy c I who had to make it back and forth on queue to take a bit of fun! Too bad, I hope next time more cocks défoncerons me much ass! Bi soon
I think I could go Tuesday apremidi who wants to join me?
Hello everyone ! Who join me tomorrow KS from 12:30? J really want to get caught without restraint!
J there would be Friday afternoon from 12.30
Hi ok if you can wait 18h
Hi ! I'll be there this afternoon around 15h. Feel like a nice sweet and virile man at a time.
Hello everyone ! Who can get me on Friday from 12:00? I love to suck good cock and getting caught without restraint! Offered me and I will satisfy you! J have a huge desire for sex hard ......
I am available from 12:00 Friday, 01/03/19
Hi everybody ! I look for a plan on Friday 01/03/19 able to receive me, rather passive with an expert mouth and a nice ass welcoming, warm and humid !! Offered me and I will satisfy you!
Hi ! Who can see me this afternoon at 12:00! I rather passive, I love sucking and getting caught!
Hello everyone ! J really want to make me stoned Friday, 1/18/19. The few can get me home, I'm very discreet. Available from 12.00. Let me private message! ps: I am very greedy!
Hello ! Who can get me on Friday 18/01/19 at 12:00? I love sucking cocks good, I am very greedy! I spread her legs for a good deep sodomy. I would be available to your desires !!! ☺
Although want to go this Friday! Who accompany me?
Hello I will try to go Sunday, 01/06
Hello there someone to come with me to the sauna or elsewhere?
Hello today just sauna with me
I'll try to go on Friday night
Hi just want tonight very nice hard cock
Yes it is repaired and very nice sauna for my first visit
desire to go to the sauna, but which one? advices? Toulouse or Carcassonne or ...
coming Friday night, active research to spend nice time I like several plans
I'll be there in 1 hour if the world Ya
active search preference for a pleasant time open plan more I like plan with poppers
Great place! J is have a good time. I will retuurn
Hello everyone ! I am looking for a plan that just having me on Friday from 12:00. I love sucking cocks long and make me stoned! Let me private message. ps: I have very hungry !!! ☺
I am to 22h, which means my mouth and my ass?
Hello and which available today?
Hello and which available today?
Hello that available Sunday afternoon here or elsewhere want to booty call?
I'll be there tomorrow at noon
I'll be there tomorrow at noon
I'll be there from 12 to 14h that come from? Very want to suck more rods and getting caught
Would love to go there Wednesday I rather passive like me take poppers Ya active with beautiful queu sauna or other
Hello I seek a tbm guy suck on Saturday 11 afternoon.
Gay damn good with nice little hairless ass sucking and guzzle couillles I suck until ejaculation in my greedy mouth I would be Tuesday 08/07/18 from 15h to 0:59 colonial good bouncer balls get your tail full I would have very hungry! 06/45/00/59/41
Hello there they had the world today?
I would pass on July 17 NPAs to suck me and dominate from 15 pm poppers open to proposals
Have fun, Lope31! Kisses on the hole.
I want to see you still Dom, I miss you too much, remember you ...
I hope to see you soon ... ... it is too hard ... ... patinl
Cc ki soon m1 By pressing mp
I would have 15 hours to come?
Hello I'd surely coming Friday afternoon?
Cc ki minvite me mide travsexy
D. I hope every day that passes a sign from you ...
Thank you to the guy who took my turn Each one yesterday between 13h and 14h blast
I am available Friday afternoon from 12h30 to 15h for coquiner KS. dy eager sucking cock and my raise !! Let me messages if that aunt you to meet my
Cuckoo's naughty! J would like to go there one of these days. J wonder if this is a good place. MP Posts
Who am today between 12 am and 13.30h very urge to suck and make me take a good hard rod
I spend tomorrow beginning of the afternoon.
04/03 Hello I will try to come today late afternoon
The world tomorrow between 12.30 and 13.30 trés want to sell me
the world this after noon in the maze !!!!
Passing surely tomorrow at 13h, if ever somebody goes!
Hello I would be in tomorrow 02.02.18 apremidi
Full tails empty? I intend to come to the sauna on Thursday or Friday ...
very fancy a time without blabla ieudi 21 December 17 apm proposal to thank you
Want to go get a sauna, next week. Someone to accompany me?
The world tonight for the evening of Adams?
I would come to Sunday sauna end deprm 05/10/17
Who on Saturday afternoon to put me guys available for projections. Suck see SM Add appointment and I just thank you
That this afternoon? I will post me the glory hole for Swallow what is present, if interested pm
Who to follow me next week?
I understand I not see you today ... shame
I would go to the next day naturist;)
I'd be this Saturday, May 13 from 12 am
when is the next nudist day? I would like to go. I am passive and available to suck thoroughly and me fucked
Who accompanies me in early April?
ALAN318, waiting to see him, if you want, I'm here! ;-)
Always a pleasure, this sauna! I went twice on Thursday, the day of Adams (13-14 and 17-18 h). Thank you for all the good tails that offered me their juice again the great gloryhole the bottom, a treat ...
Who goes there Montauban tomorrow night? 01/13/2017
Adam evening tonight, I offer my big ass shaved!
Someone Montauban stake tonight?
Hello I'm going out tonight sauna but I hesitate between KS and Colonial tell me or you'll find it for you! a +
The world after 11 am or it is empty?
sauna available after noon Saturday from 16h. I am looking for bm guy to take me, I'd be on the 3rd gloryhole left side ercan tv al air buttock.
very greedy Lope de tails and juice, Friday, for you gentlemen!
I'll go check it out for glory Wednesday, 7.9 16h
Thank you to the rascals who regaled me in the hammam on arrival, toilets, gloryholes ... Special mention to the great wall, handsome man who offered me his superb sex and anus, and finally in beauty, its juice over an hour to suck this beautiful cock, very hard, immensely long and thick! A real delight, and I know that the pleasure was shared! What August 15!
I am whole evening, if you want to cum in a greedy mouth and a generous ass ...
jy will this afternoon to glory holes
I go Saturday 3:30 p.m. if you are bm feel free to come see me, I'm big beardless with glasses
Naturist Day on Thursday. I'm there. 'D join me, finally only passive jmecs
Who comes today around 12:30 eager to suck a good hard rod and let me take
Monday 2 world debut of the afternoon?
hello I would not be by appointment March 10 OF 19 HA 23 M
hello I would ks to March 10, 19 ha 23 h for sex poppers appreciated
Cul self-service 18/02 to be banged and filled from 19h
The sauna is not much frequented by youth as Colonial, finally this is the image that one has, however, there are guys in my warmest taste and then there's still often a few men between 20 and 40 years, but perhaps more still from 40 to 60.
I confirm comment "discreet cocksucking"
Hello, do not hesitate to contact me privately for exhibitionism, caulking, or motion pipe and soda to juice! Kisses on your tips, guys.
great time to reproduce ... .....
Mouth juicy cocks available
I go Thursday 12:30 to 6:00 p.m. Chooooo
I think to go on Wednesday 25 November, if that tells you ... :-)
Nearly sucking a very hard rod and let me take Friday from 12.30 am to 14,30h several better
... should find a more private place !!!
Good evening, I retuurned this am ..... always regrettable that there was all this light, it takes a lot of sensuality and suggestiveness of damage ..... I continue therefore regret the old configuration, the decidedly options become hyper rare Tlse has ...;
A good relaxing time, on Wednesday, in good company!
hello I would be there to suck + soda and make tepu ass available Thursday, September 17 from 15 H
Hello I will be there to suck me suck more sweet for soda I love this cool places and therefore own appointment Monday, 14.09.2015 from 12 15
Here, jy came back from reopening Positive: bin !! it's more "neat and clean" as before, and it is c ... tjrs top debatable: access to the hammam ,: idea of what you move !!!; back room area left: why have reduced to this? negative: much (and too) lighting of the previous dark side (black lights out evening course) was much more sensual / suggestive, -Hamman suréclairé !!! what a shame !!!) I have the impression of being another al Sauna Tlse you know, the one where we absolutely do not like too much light ...; sorry for smokers who are in the jar right in the entrance and into the light ... !!!; we lost the prjoection room which was very nice though, and no visible tjrs videos from the SPA, also under the "
If you want, we can go together, and vttistepourjh Cuissu31! ;-)
I personally would be disappointed to be disappointed traditionally being attracted by KS as other rare Toulouse saunas, I will certainly go there as soon as possible, we're all probably a bit further from tlse, or have been brought in due practice of other local places KS pdt work: =) must surely as we forbid it again .... and we will have the pleasure of seeing the beautiful and warm youth previous contacts, if they come back !! !!
What is your opinion on the makeover of KS?
Deeply the end of July that we can again enjoy the KS that will take a new look!
Who just fill my ass this afternoon
Someone today to a sauna?
Never came but I would come Wednesday. Contact me
the world tomorrow Monday night or Tuesday night?
I would like to make a sauna, Wednesday 14/01, if anyone wants to join me, please contact me. Hugs.
I'll be here tomorrow early afternoon.
That comes smashed Friday night
I look for the guy that I met Tuesday between noon and two who loved my hair and my ass. I would like to see you again.
I go around 14:00 today, I hope to see active beautiful tail for my little hole very welcoming
Pacha31, I will (for Tuesday)!
A good time for relaxation and five, six tails taken into mouths, a very juicy at glory hole. Hum!
Good evening, warm people for tomorrow evening sauna?
Toulouse crossing Bonjour for two nights I wanted to know if the world of the site would be in this sauna tonight or tomorrow night! A +
Thank you to the half-dozen tails feedings to gloryholes!
Very want to suck and offer me tomorrow between noon and two. Who is interested ?
April 29 !!! From 21h Hum ..... !!! You come????
Free advice ds this case: avoid theme nights ... and choose the most sensitive times (therefore the least busy hours) there is all one or the other .... at least there are two of to decide, then yes of course !!! always protected ...
@cumeaster ... good analysis .... quality and respect prevail ... so everyone can find a lot of pleasure
there is no accurate data but I would say the average age is between 30 and 40 years. KS I seem to have a slightly less young people than the Colonial but often less cautious or exclusive. There are people of all ages: young people between 18 and 30 years (occasionally), men 30 to 60 years (the most common and rascals) and older gentlemen. There is something for every taste ! ;-)
I'll be fine come the apm, but understand that coming in scooter ca do a bit far. : *
I'll be there this Friday, 14/02, it is the naturist evening and blackout? I hope to find people to take me.
I fully agree with you!! when you fuck in the hallway or the black parts have to accept all hands! if you get locked up in a cabin !!! me I was in the maze, doubled busy sucking two cocks and there was a guy who comes behind and who decide to take me! well I let myself do !! and I even loved it !!!
I like that touch me !! lol
against by not bcp asset !! it's too bad!!!
I admit that yesterday aprem noon that was pretty hot !!! I liked mmmm !!!
I never tried the evenings yet
exact. I go this Friday there ... it's nice the aprem nudist! it'll be even hotter
I put my mouth and my beautiful ass was available tonight to 21h
My mouth and my ass will be available in good cocks
Good lope 47 years fucked Saturday from 14:00
J'y vais le jeudi aprem Vive les rtt... Avec un pote lui aussi actif et ttbm Pour les gourmants ;-)
I go to Thursday 12:30 ks Me bm active and active-hung pal
Tender is the Night KS! Thank you to the beautiful brown with whom I have shared a long and sensual hug in the jacuzzi ...
I would be Saturday afternoon and really wanted to get me fucked by several cocks, I'll be there with a pot
Hi guys, well, mostly passive cute .... Join me at ks. I am from 4:20 p.m. Until then, I can read private messages Bizz
Very good afternoon KS yesterday. Not many people compared to the night, but a very nice home, friendly regulars and especially a perfect partner I sucked long before he lime my ass thoroughly with plenty jute on my butt, almost between, and on my groin ... Thanks also to some tails I sucked before, during and after. Including that of the glory hole, one after the chain curtain, which put me in mouth full!
Who this afternoon, Thursday, July 18, 14 - 17 pm?
Someone wants them to pump tomorrow?
I was there on Friday after noon, it was hot in the steam room, I met a nice guy
I go this afternoon Ch passive bf
I would go there tomorrow afternoon, anyone?
I would go there tomorrow afternoon, anyone?
Thank you to the man very hefty I pumped glory hole last night around 20 pm, a big Christmas gift ...
Who will be this evening around 23h ??
Who has the evening Friday, 07.12 to 22.30h my ass and my mouth available groups appreciated guys
I'll be there from 12:30 to 15h, perhaps more. Appointment with a cute liabilities of 31 years. If you want to join us and so cute ... please
active from 13h to feed a mouth or ass
Who will start Saturday after noon?
tonight from 19h to kiss me ???
that's going to date has 2:30 p.m.
Cuckoo, Fir and Clebuan! I am willing to introduce you to the KS when you want! I'm passive but not quite inactive ... Hugs.
who wants to be pumped, and take me this after noon?
Huge evening KS! It was hot tonight ...
just this afternoon .... more highly reduced rate for young people !! I'm waiting for you
Who wants to pump it and complete an ass beauy Wednesday?
I think to go this Wednesday, if the assets are starters ...
I offer my mouth my ass tonight KS from 20h to 22h Who am
AS AVAILABLE This after noon FROM 14H TO ME SCREWED ass and suck me
You can receive, Francois?
Error I go Tuesday evening THAT AVAILABLE FROM 20H TO ME SCREWED ass
Who for a ride KS now or tonight?
I think to go tonight, which is hot?
With pleasure ! Anyway, it was great! See you soon, I hope. Hugs.
Seen too late damage again
I think rather go to Colonial, it tells you?
Who accompany me? Wednesday, October 12?
I want to go Wednesday, which interested?
Are glory holes (two in the new maze) and at least 5 or 6 in the first labyrinth has 4 glory Pipe one of which is for sucking nozzles and a glory hole to be picked ass or fisted thoroughly ).
Always nice, I sucked cocks 4 different, at least, but a little quieter than usual, probably vacation!
A nice sauna where you can do good encounters ... Corner glory hole is great since it was redone! The population is a little older at Colonial but less snobbish and hotter!
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