Looking for a short walk where there are possible meetings in the afternoons with several domi. PM for location
Who this afternoon wants to get sucked take me take
I'm looking for a place to go for a walk so that I can meet some domi...
Who I suck here or around
who in 20 minutes wants to suck me off
dispo cette aprem ver 16h proposer moi ici ou alentour en MP
I'm going there at 9 o'clock, I want a good mouth for my cock, please PM me here or around
Are there any people this afternoon?
I'll be there at 3:40 p.m.
I can go there around 8 p.m.
Salut je passerais ce soir entre 17h30 et 18h30 besoin de me vidé ici ou alentour ver st beauzir avant le vieux four petite route sur la gauche a la fin de la grande monté mppour rdv
Hi I'll be passing by tonight between 5:30pm and 6:30pm I need to empty myself here or around near St Beauzir before the old oven small road on the left at the end of the big climb mpfor meeting
Hi need to empty myself here or around towards st beauzir before the old oven small road on the left at the end of the big climb mppour rdv
Hi I'm going there this morning at 9:30 am need to empty myself here or around near St Beauzir before the old oven small road on the left at the end of the big climb mpfor meeting
salut j y passe se matin a 9h besoin de me vidé ici ou alentour ver st beauzir avant le vieux four petit route sur la gauche a la fin de la grande monté mppour rdv
Hello, is this spot exclusively gay or are there sometimes women or couples looking for straight guys? THANKS
je passerai vite fait a 9h 30 pour me faire sucer MP si quelq'un d' interesser
Who is available this afternoon send a message
Hey who wants to pick me up in my van on the side of the road like a little whore?
Passing on May 31 around 11:30 a.m. MP
I'm there for 30 minutes mp
Who is available for a suck plan?
Who is available to come to the beach?
I'll be there in 30 minutes.
maybe passing by around 9:30 to get sucked PM for appointment
I'm there until 1:20 p.m. to suck
Want to suck me off who is hot to come to my place before 7 p.m.
I'll be there in 15 minutes
Hello, I will be there on Thursday 4th after 10am, send me a message to let me know who will be there.
Looking for a woman or couple to have fun in private
I'm having a little sauna hammam and then I'll come here or around to get sucked MP please
Je me fait un petit sauna hammam et après je passerai bien ici ou alentour me faire sucer ver 18h30 MP SVP
Hello I am 26 years old I am bi and I would like to meet a couple age does not bother me send me a private message
I'm having a little hammam sauna and then I'll stop by here or nearby to get sucked MP please
This week for master and group, novice looking for places and interested
Hi I'm going to stay there until 10pm don't hesitate to come see me I really want to touch some cock
Hello when you leave Brioude after the sign it is the second on the right you will see the road goes about 500-600 m before coming back to the main road
Hi, can anyone explain to me where these cruising spots are? I can't seem to find them, thanks.
bonjour je serai au sauna cette aprem a 14h de l aquabulle de brioude pas trop de monde donc ideale pour exibe et faire connaissance . MP pour en discuter et rdv
I'm leaving work if there's someone available I can get there around 11pm
Hello everyone before 5pm?
I'll be there in five minutes if you pm me
I'll be there tomorrow, 12:20-1:20 pm approx, white car parked on the left side. for blowjobs and cock sucking
Anyone available in 30 min?
On brioude between 11am and 12pm to suck me off mp please
Tomorrow in the vicinity for several experienced domi
I'm there between 12:45 p.m. and 1:15 p.m. to clear the line
I'll be there tomorrow at 12:30 :)
Du monde pour me sucer ici ou alentours mp svp entre 7h30 et 8h 30
Anyone want to suck me here or around, PM me please
Who to suck me available until 8 p.m.
Hello everyone this morning?
Bonjour, Du monde cette semaine les après midi là bas ?
Who is available this morning?
Looking for master and places
I'll be there in 10 minutes to get sucked
trop envie de me faire sucer autour de ce lieu max 20 klm merci de me MP
I'm there at 12:20 to suck. PM please
bien envie de passer me faire sucer a 16h ? MP svp
really want to come and get sucked at 8am this morning? PM please
PM me for suck plan tomorrow
People now want to make me suck
available at 12:30 p.m. here or elsewhere for exibe sex moment, PM for appointment
J'y passe à 20h30 voir di quelqu,un à envi de me sucer ou branle mutuelle, ou couple exibe
and I spend this morning between 8 and 9 with a very full queue, for a couple, a woman, bi MP, I can move around this place if necessary.
I will be there between 12:30 p.m. and 1 p.m. to suck. Pm if interested
I really want to go and have me drained pm if anyone is interested
Are there people here this afternoon?
Hello, I would like to know if there are guys to suck in this area where, like many others, there is nothing? Thank you pm
People tomorrow afternoon?
I really want to go there if someone wants to suck MP before 5:30 p.m.
I'm there for 10.15 minutes
For whoever wants, I'm there until 7:30 p.m.
Who and available this afternoon
People this morning? Want to fzire me pump
hello I'm there for the evening but it doesn't seem to move much in the area too bad
Hello I don't know this place but think I'll go tomorrow afternoon to try to meet new cocks to suck and take me pm if interested thank you
I'll be there between noon and two today
For the evening of the 14th or 15th I am looking for Cpl including active bi or active H who can receive for PM sex evening for appointment
I will surely be there tomorrow afternoon, plan jerks off and sucks fast
Someone this morning around 10 a.m. to plan sucks
Jy comes to see at 11:45 if someone wants me super cock
i am for emptied of the cock
I'll be there in 15 minutes
Are there still people going there? I stop by at 5:15 p.m.
I go there after 5:15 p.m. who to suck me off?
J. Am there until 2:45 p.m.
Hi I'm going at 10:30 am want to get sucked, PV message
Kikou tomorrow Sunday sex plan around 10:45 am. Up to you
j, am there to empty the tail
Someone has fallen at night too much want to make me suck around 6 p.m.
Hi, I'll be around 5:30 p.m.
Hi everyone Anyone planning to drop by in the afternoon?
Anyone around this afternoon?
I'll be there for a suck plan around 3:45 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
I would be there from 10am to 11am for sex .....
Hello I'll be there at 3:45 p.m. or 4 p.m.
Ji am from 2:45 p.m. to 4 p.m.
In the afternoon for my mouth and my buttocks? Send message before THANKS
Hello. Someone there around 3 or 3:30 p.m.
who to be emptied around 3 p.m. mp
I'm there waiting for a nice cock to suck and my buttocks to take
Saturday May 23 my mouth and my ass available from 3 p.m. Leave a message
Hi I suck in the mornings 7:30 a.m. toilet from the post office to the cinema
which aprem Monday to suck it
Hello I go to evening Brioude I wonder if there is a cruising Wii or not too far from the Emile Zola Street not know Brioude thank you to answer me
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