Forest road to La Motte-au-Bois

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Type : Nature gay & straight
City :  Morbecque
Area :  Hauts-de-France
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Near the old station of La Motte-au-Bois, between Merville and Hazebrouck. Take the road opposite the church and to 300 m. This is the path on the left, just before the exit sign of the city. Moderator: like any public place, observe the place and do not eat on site (and exit covered!).
Address :
Chemin de Vieux-Berquin
59190 Morbecque

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30/12/2024 in 13h53
I'm going there this Monday 6th at the end of the morning, just in case...

02/10/2024 in 11h25
Still frequenting this place?

28/08/2024 in 17h57
Anyone out tonight?

01/08/2024 in 05h07
Who comes to get sucked

29/07/2024 in 18h58
Is this place still active?

22/07/2024 in 18h50
Out in the evening this week?

10/07/2024 in 11h06
Cc du monde le matin de bonheur pour ceux qui voudrait se faire pomper au jut voir plus habillé en dessous féminin préférence homme 50ans et plus

06/07/2024 in 19h58
From tonight's mood in the corner...

04/07/2024 in 06h09
Hello men this morning in slut mode I need juice. I swallow or you fertilize me

17/06/2024 in 18h53
Who's going early in the evening this week?

13/06/2024 in 05h13
Bonjour les zhommes J'y serais se jeudi matin 13 juin. Pour vous satisfaire

05/06/2024 in 16h07
Anyone out early this Thursday evening?

11/04/2024 in 10h34
Too bad, it's a nice place, there's plenty to do

11/04/2024 in 08h58
I've never met anyone at this place. Who still goes there?

10/04/2024 in 16h06
Anyone out there these days?

20/10/2023 in 14h56
Sa bze encore par la bas

03/10/2022 in 12h37
I'm nobody

02/10/2022 in 00h25
hello I will be there Sunday October 2

23/05/2022 in 16h08
For the afternoon and the night in the brewery area if you ever pass by... give a sign.

08/03/2022 in 13h32
A couple or woman this afternoon?

25/01/2022 in 15h26
People today?

18/01/2022 in 05h20
Hi, do I want to spend the night of the world?

06/10/2021 in 15h03
I am there, there is nothing, no one.

15/07/2020 in 18h00
I will spend the evening around 8:30 p.m.

13/05/2020 in 22h04
it moves there?

29/10/2017 in 17h17
there will soon ki

25/12/2016 in 22h02
Thank you, good end of year festivities

06/10/2015 in 09h32
jy will be Wednesday or Thursday and

26/09/2015 in 18h56
Carole, I would frequently from the time change

11/10/2014 in 21h46
there is a car park to park it

… close history