Forest Kit drink Briare place of gay cruising in the Loiret


Cruising spot gay & straight in Briare

proposed by brug045  (01/06/2018)

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Type : Nature gay & straight
City :  Briare
Area :  Centre-Val de Loire
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
nice forest where the guys are parked in the roads and walk. This cruising spot is Briare. From Gien, take the roundabout towards A77. Parking lots are located on each side of the road, with roads entering the wood. Meetings at all hours and even some mornings to 5H and 6H.
Address :
45250 Briare

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12 d. ago
Bonjour qui cette après midi

18 d. ago
Bonsoir, du monde ce soir?

08/01/2025 in 17h42
Possible for me tonight. Private message. Thanks

17/08/2024 in 19h57
Bonjour à tous, je ne suis pas de la région et je viens pour le boulot en septembre. Je viendrai certainement courir parfois en sortant du boulot vers 18h. Le coin est sympa? ☺️

18/06/2024 in 19h37
Back for the evening and night, pm if interested kisses

17/06/2024 in 17h14
Hi everyone, I'm going to sleep there tonight, I'll be there around 7pm for the whole night. Really want to spend a naughty evening with a trans or serious guy, want to jerk off and suck each other, more if we hit it off.... Pm!

13/06/2024 in 15h25
Hi, who seems to be co-opting Briare tonight for a juicy blowjob? Or more if you like?

10/06/2024 in 17h44
Around Gien between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.

10/06/2024 in 15h02
Get caught tomorrow

27/04/2024 in 14h54
I will be there early on Friday May 10th in the morning so if anyone is interested send me a PM

24/04/2024 in 16h48
y serait vendredi 10 mai au matin de bonne heure si quelqu un est intéressée envoyé moi un mp

20/04/2024 in 16h09
I will be there early on Friday May 10th in the morning. For those interested, send me a PM.

19/04/2024 in 11h35
Who's fucking me tomorrow Saturday from 1 p.m.

17/04/2024 in 14h38
Passing this evening? Want a good cock!

06/04/2024 in 11h40
What about the world?

31/01/2024 in 20h02
Is the place still working? I've been there more times and nothing! One or two guys staying in their cars!

10/01/2024 in 15h18
Hello, are you passing by this evening?

05/01/2024 in 09h16
Hello who is going today

02/01/2024 in 07h30
Are there people today send me a road pm welcome

20/12/2023 in 13h19
Person? Mp

20/12/2023 in 11h38
I'll be there at 1 p.m. to suck and mutual jerk off

08/11/2023 in 20h14
Anyone out tonight despite the cold?

02/11/2023 in 21h23
A transvestite, a woman or a male/female couple available tomorrow Friday November 3 between 12 p.m. and 2 p.m.?

28/10/2023 in 22h26
A transvestite, a woman or a couple m/f available one afternoon next week

20/10/2023 in 16h23
who saw this couple

20/10/2023 in 14h03
Read the messages there is a guy who is trying to make his 21 year old girlfriend watch and fuck him

20/10/2023 in 14h01
Which couple?

20/10/2023 in 13h31
Who has news of the couple?

19/10/2023 in 08h44
looking for guy 20/35 years old to watch and take my 21 year old partner on Friday October 20 around 1/2 p.m. I receive Gien sector

18/10/2023 in 13h22
I'm there this evening! Come have fun!

12/09/2023 in 09h59
people Thursday morning?

05/09/2023 in 13h49
Passing by this evening, if anyone is interested..

31/08/2023 in 16h02
Come on, a beauty and her cuckold I'm coming

31/08/2023 in 15h04
I'll be there in 1 hour Private message if tempted

29/06/2023 in 17h55
Je repars à 6h demain matin N'hésitez pas

29/06/2023 in 17h46
Je suis garé ici pour la nuit Petit apero coquin pour femme ou couple ?

29/06/2023 in 12h21
Bonjour à toutes et à tous Je serais dispo sur gien en fin d'après-midi jusqu'à demain matin Je peux recevoir dans la cabine de mon poids lourds Pour femme ou couple N'hésitez pas

29/06/2023 in 07h55
I go there in the morning for single women or couples

17/06/2023 in 06h48
Little tour Monday morning to suck

10/06/2023 in 16h33
given the weather it's raining I'm going home

10/06/2023 in 14h33
today at 4:30pm for sucking and more

06/06/2023 in 20h49
Tomorrow I'll be passing by around 7pm. Anyone want to come and have fun?

16/05/2023 in 11h26
want to go there in trav slut in the evening if there are active people

07/05/2023 in 06h06
Mini skirt cu bare stockings wears jzrretelles for several tails

05/05/2023 in 22h19
Who in 30 minutes?

06/04/2023 in 20h53
Passing by in 30 mins

08/03/2023 in 18h06
Good morning. A woman to taste my juice in the evening or this weekend? contact pm

25/10/2022 in 16h19
Hello Anyone in the parking lot?

11/10/2022 in 12h43
Bonjour Je passe souvent fin d, après midi

03/10/2022 in 11h08
hello from the world there on Friday at the end of the afternoon / beginning of the evening?

15/08/2022 in 11h46
bonjour du monde mercredi matin

03/08/2022 in 17h05
Hello, anyone at the end of the day or the beginning of the evening,

22/07/2022 in 17h01
Will there be people tonight?

17/05/2022 in 11h03
I'm there by bike

13/10/2021 in 16h57
I will be there tonight on 13/10 looking for passive

23/06/2021 in 00h20
Dude to suck tonight?

12/09/2020 in 18h50
I am there. I am waiting for someone to present me with 2 beautiful big cocks. And I offer to do what you want with me

20/12/2019 in 19h10
Who of available tonight?

06/08/2019 in 20h09
Rested tonight to be your testicle empty

02/08/2019 in 10h34
Who to take me and do what sucked by young guy tonight

12/07/2019 in 01h15
The world now available?

10/07/2019 in 20h13
Person tonight who wants to relieve himself? Doing good start well empty testicle

10/07/2019 in 20h13
Person tonight who wants to relieve himself? Doing good start well empty testicle

10/07/2019 in 19h02
The passage of people in the evening if so send me a message

29/05/2019 in 23h45
I road crossing on June 4 evening I seek active hot guy with good bite and good squirt I'm a liability

29/05/2019 in 23h16
The world now?

28/05/2019 in 18h27
I'm in the area on the parking fluid relay redaction for the night if there is world interested send me a message

18/05/2019 in 19h54
Really want tonight is someone who goes there?

12/05/2019 in 11h05
World tonight to pump me?

22/12/2018 in 00h36
Who morning or midi

21/12/2018 in 22h44
Good lil plane this morning around 11am. If the guys admit that it makes me sign.

13/12/2018 in 19h46
is t he world right now despite the cold

21/11/2018 in 19h17
it would the world tomorrow at 13.30 in case

18/11/2018 in 14h50
A woman or cple this afternoon, please?

18/11/2018 in 14h50
A woman or cple this afternoon

15/11/2018 in 20h11
aprem the world tomorrow ...

28/10/2018 in 23h40
If an asset does bzer road to message me and I'll stop my Monday night I di a well ASSETS LIABILITIES NOT blocked and is a good juteur Finally I chch guy over 40 please

24/09/2018 in 00h42
That Monday 24 at 6:30

31/07/2018 in 13h50
A woman Friday around 21 / 21:30 for under boardwalk or other?

25/07/2018 in 23h25
The world tonight?

31/05/2018 in 00h01
Who in the morning around 6:30 am

07/04/2018 in 15h26
I just saw again that this place is proposed while not bizzare

04/04/2018 in 09h59
A couple morning?

29/03/2018 in 14h29
The world's available?

04/03/2018 in 13h22
Who come to plunge his big cock right now?

23/02/2018 in 09h52
Who is to morning?

13/02/2018 in 15h13
A Cpl today?

09/02/2018 in 09h41
The world today?

07/12/2017 in 14h13
Who today?

14/11/2017 in 15h00
Hello I am looking for some moments cuddling with a naughty granny preference. I am very nice and very pig or I can be very simple. Search an ongoing relationship ... Ladies and gentlemen, if you know a very naughty granny around Gien Briare bonny ... Do not hesitate to get in touch or give me a phone number or postal address, email ... Thanks has all and good looking!

05/09/2017 in 13h44
What that one for now

24/06/2017 in 17h26
who wants to get sucked and put my appointment the 27/06 from 9:15 a10h15

21/04/2017 in 14h34
The world tonight?

14/04/2017 in 11h35
I'm in the parking lot of the top (roundabout) until 12:30.

09/01/2017 in 19h50
may be passing tomorrow mid-morning. tjs news of this place. sent mp

16/07/2016 in 15h24
I will pass the 19/07 has 15h if interested or interested leave me a message here or on my fiche.Merci

12/04/2016 in 18h04
is still the world goes, because I spend the morning normally

23/01/2016 in 16h48
research to gang bang with several men without retained if possible in a road trailer

29/09/2015 in 12h57
BJR jy'd be around 15h

16/09/2015 in 16h25
F or Cpl available this afternoon

16/09/2015 in 16h25
F or Cpl available this afternoon

03/09/2015 in 16h03
World (35a MAX) tonight from 20h15-30 ???

30/08/2015 in 20h10
Person motivated to destroy the wooden fence night gradually suddenly saw or another because it is spirit to kill the place! There is a large concrete block as if someone has an agricultural machine or another to lift and send it elsewhere or to ditch ... This place, it's on, live again!

23/05/2015 in 14h58
I'd be in after 26 noon for the right time sex

15/04/2015 in 01h20
someone to Wednesday 15 20H? (- 35a)

19/10/2014 in 15h24
Somebody tonight at 20h? 35years great Max !!!!! Want to make me pump and a nice ass! in pv

16/10/2014 in 03h49
Is a man under 30 years available Thursday night for fun plan? I really want to get me pumped and make me a little ass

02/09/2014 in 12h58
I would be tomorrow 03/09 14h 16h for good sex plane

21/07/2014 in 13h29
I would be on Wednesday after 23 noon, at the edge of the pond waiting for a good time sex

03/05/2014 in 19h43
young guys Monday, 05.05 in early morning

15/02/2014 in 21h55
someone available to Sundays from 5:30 p.m. 5:15 p.m. ET to suck me back.

02/02/2014 in 22h39
after a time I will be against to 23h! has all the young males :)

02/02/2014 in 17h07
someone tonight after 22H?

17/01/2014 in 21h51
someone LESS than 35 years on Sunday night to 23H?

17/01/2014 in 18h39
anyone under 35 years currently to approximately 7:30 p.m.?

11/11/2013 in 15h56
a hairy guy who wants to get sucked into a truck Wednesday night max 50a?

16/10/2013 in 18h15
Hello I would be tomorrow 17.10.13 around 12:30 who want to get sucked and take my ass called me if you went there.

07/10/2013 in 09h15
a guy under 35 years available in the day on Friday, October 11? (Privately thank you)

22/09/2013 in 06h06
Who early this morning?

13/09/2013 in 21h25
That evening around midnight on 13/09

05/09/2013 in 11h52
someone tonight with a good ass to empty my balls?

04/09/2013 in 16h59
who tonight?

03/09/2013 in 16h58
qulequ'un tomorrow Wednesday night?

22/08/2013 in 16h55
From moonde is Thursday night ?? write me here or pv

12/08/2013 in 12h28
The world Monday night to tell me ?? 23h 22 pv

12/08/2013 in 04h09
me that night

11/08/2013 in 03h11
Who will be there in the hours to come?

06/08/2013 in 12h45
The world is Tuesday night? Contact me pv

01/08/2013 in 01h57
qui ce soir ?

08/07/2013 in 13h21
around 15:30 for good sex plane

19/05/2013 in 16h10
Someone available to 17 small road h10 of arrabloy to suck me back

11/05/2013 in 01h30
qqun now Wood kit?

08/05/2013 in 16h19
I am the world under the 35AN?

07/05/2013 in 21h08
Young people under 35 years tomorrow afternoon? Around 2:45 p.m. / 15h?

05/05/2013 in 21h51
Young people under 35 years tomorrow morning around 10h15-10h30?

04/05/2013 in 07h44
-35ans of guys Monday morning to 10h15-10h30?

15/04/2013 in 14h01
someone around 15:30 today ???

03/04/2013 in 15h51
can be passage Monday in the morning, are there any young people?

01/04/2013 in 14h43
I am right now in the world?

01/04/2013 in 11h08
The world this afternnon 14h ?!

31/03/2013 in 00h15
Somebody Monday at 14h ??

29/03/2013 in 16h27
Against time I'll be there for 19h

29/03/2013 in 13h36
Who at 18h under 35years nice to plan?

29/03/2013 in 12h30
9:10 p.m. average hard cock and juicy sucking thoroughly

29/03/2013 in 08h05
Guys -35 years tonight at 18h for nice plan) ??

05/02/2013 in 09h57
Who can y'etre the 6 - 7 - 8.02 ??

25/01/2013 in 08h12
World Friday 25th?

07/01/2013 in 11h39
Hello all of those 45 here I am looking for a married bi friend with a rolling touran minivan often moving in Paris but lives recently in the 45 gray touran registers 45 also man of fifty years with mustache and strong enough. Thank you to tell me if you cross the road to pass a hello from his friend's 77. I count on your help.

07/01/2013 in 00h28
The world Monday evening around 23h ??? leave mess or deprive here

23/12/2012 in 21h43
The world tonight?

21/12/2012 in 14h45
Ji will be from 17h finally

20/12/2012 in 17h22
The world tomorrow from 16h? (- 35 years!)

13/12/2012 in 21h40
If not rep ...

13/12/2012 in 18h16
And tonight worm 23h 0:00

13/12/2012 in 12h59
The world in the late afternoon? Ver 18 hours?

06/12/2012 in 23h22
No damage

06/12/2012 in 21h50
Who goes there tonight?

24/08/2012 in 16h08
Jy am, the world?

23/08/2012 in 17h01
The world tonight from 22h? Here or in pv! Or tomorrow available all day!

22/08/2012 in 07h44
Today the world about 10:15?

19/08/2012 in 22h10
World Wednesday from 10:15?

13/08/2012 in 09h25
Someone on 17/08 around 9:30 ??????

13/08/2012 in 03h34
Someone around 10 / 10:15 instead?

13/08/2012 in 02h28
Someone today, Monday around 10:45 am / 11 am?

12/07/2012 in 13h55
someone after this afternoon from 15:30 ????

28/06/2012 in 10h45
I'll be there at noon on 28/06/2012 to suck you or me who want to take

18/06/2012 in 03h30
This morning jy pass that sucks me?

11/04/2012 in 23h44
I'm noon tomorrow to suck for those who want ...

18/03/2012 in 10h27
Hello world is going this afternoon Sunday 18/03

02/02/2012 in 16h41
Who this afternoon February 2 want me to pump?

… close history