Font de Saulières

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Type : Nature gay
City :  Saint-Germain-du-B.
Area :  Occitanie
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Petit endroit sympa. une petite route qui monte, c'est un cul de sac. Au bout un chaîne et un beau carré d'herbe pour s'amuser (parfois il n'y a pas la chaine).
Address :

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13 d. ago
Du monde chaud ici ce soir !?

19 d. ago
J'y suis passée ce soir, c'est visiblement un lieu de dépôt d'un fermier ou entreprise (des branches fraîches y sont en tas) et donc une propriété privée Je ne suis pas sûre de la pertinence de l'endroit, toutefois c'est calme et accès facile

20 d. ago
Qui ce soir???

23/02/2025 in 14h29
???warm world here today?

14/02/2025 in 21h47
Hot people here tonight ;)

01/02/2025 in 21h50
Warm people here tonight? Hmm

31/01/2025 in 20h08
Hot people here tonight :)?

30/01/2025 in 20h25
Is there anyone motivated here tonight, huh?

29/01/2025 in 20h19
Anyone here tonight??? Mp

19/01/2025 in 21h51
Anyone there?

19/01/2025 in 21h02
??? SO

19/01/2025 in 19h34
Anybody warm here tonight?

08/01/2025 in 17h35
Anyone here tonight????

06/01/2025 in 22h24
I am?

29/11/2024 in 16h24
Hot people here??

03/10/2024 in 10h48
Hi, I know the weather isn't great at the moment, but if anyone is interested in me serving as a sperm receptacle, contact me.

22/09/2024 in 14h49
Anybody warm here tonight?

19/09/2024 in 14h17
I go there from time to time

18/09/2024 in 16h01
Anyone here?

17/09/2024 in 21h27
Yes possible?

17/09/2024 in 16h18
Anyone here?

03/09/2024 in 10h18
I will be there this afternoon from 3pm to empty you if you wish.

02/09/2024 in 16h21
I'm here it's nice if anyone needs to vent

31/08/2024 in 23h42
Anyone here?

… close history