En face St Pierre de gaubert


Cruising spot gay in Layrac

proposed by patrick4747  (13/04/2024)

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Type : Nature gay
City :  Layrac
Area :  Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Bordure de Garonne. Sympa tranquille dans la végétation à l'abri des regards malveillants.
Address :

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13 d. ago
Bonsoir quelqu’un ce soir ?

13 d. ago
Sur place avec Mme

03/02/2025 in 08h02
Bonjour J’y passe devant ce matin

02/02/2025 in 10h34
Bjr suis h clean cher jh mince imberbe ou travesti sexy chode clean pour moment carresse embrasser cher plutôt mince europeen ou corpulence normal Aime pas poil barbe Recoi apm dans studio coquet devant filmx Peux porter sous vêtement sexy aime aussi debout sex contre sex frottement

19/01/2025 in 09h50
Hello, slutty transvestite, I receive you at my place in the afternoon, also a clean man, 2 hours, Caucasian type welcome

05/01/2025 in 10h07
Bjr imberbe très bonne hygiene recoi apm 1ou2h tbm non circonci(desoler j aime decaloter) Suis pas loin du sauna Peux porter dessous sexy

23/12/2024 in 17h20
Hello Corine the slut who kisses me tonight accepts uro in the pussy kiss

15/12/2024 in 10h24
Hello Corine sexy shemale slut beardless very good hygiene receives afternoon in Agen h also European type good hygiene normal build 2 men welcome For afternoon from 3 p.m. if available Otherwise weekday morning or evening

26/10/2024 in 21h09
if anyone tonight leave me a message I live opposite I can receive

20/10/2024 in 10h25
This is the old gravel pit? This is prohibited access

20/10/2024 in 08h52
Can't find when I arrived

20/10/2024 in 07h30
I walked around in drag with no makeup, just red lipstick, stockings, dress and heels this morning.

17/10/2024 in 22h00
Someone to take care of my tail?

20/09/2024 in 13h50
Trav slut receives on the 21st in the evening 8 p.m. or tomorrow evening 2 a.m. also Caucasian very good hygiene I am a good slut likes to suck sodomy with or without a condom see you soon

19/09/2024 in 16h20
I'm there right now if anyone wants to make love to me leave me a message

19/09/2024 in 10h47
Hello I am a sexy transvestite looking for 2 hours also uncircumcised I receive in Agen morning week weekend end afternoon ask for hygiene not overweight

06/09/2024 in 21h29
Anyone available?

04/09/2024 in 07h54
I'm going alone this afternoon to suck

12/08/2024 in 11h03
Bjr j y serai apm ver 17h30 cher trav sexy ou jh mince pas poilu cho

30/07/2024 in 07h47
j y passe pour sucer cet aprem

24/07/2024 in 14h50
j y vais c est aprem en vélo j y serai dans 15mm si quelqu un a envie de me faire l amour ou plusieurs laisser un message trop envie

14/07/2024 in 20h30
if someone is available I can come back and leave me a message very much

14/07/2024 in 16h08
Someone at the moment really wants to make me go down, I'm on my bike, I'm there until 5 p.m.

30/06/2024 in 14h29
I'm there at the moment no one too bad I really want to make love leave a message

10/06/2024 in 15h37
someone this afternoon wants to fuck me leave me a message

26/05/2024 in 13h32
Who wants to get sucked leave me a message

25/05/2024 in 18h39
good evening someone is there around 8:30 p.m. I would really like to get fucked leave me a message

… close history