Edgewood, behind a hedge forming a Frazione angle Veron


Cruising spot gay in Véron

proposed by profilsupprime  (08/03/2017)

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Type : Nature gay
City :  Véron
Area :  Bourgogne-Franche-.
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
In the hamlet of Véron named 'the barn to the Dean' on the edge of the wood, take direction well Bottin. Then 100m on the right path along the first timber, 50m further a shrub hedge an angle or you will be hidden from view. Nice place and super discreet.
Address :
4 Rue sous Lieutenant Pelletier
89510 Véron

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26/07/2024 in 16h47
HELLO PASSING BY THIS EVENING ON SENS CH to have my washer sucked and eaten discreetly available this evening 10:30 p.m.

24/02/2023 in 10h17
someone suck today?

20/09/2022 in 13h56
I can be there this afternoon, passing guy, who wants...

22/09/2020 in 14h26
who is joining me now?

18/08/2020 in 13h40
someone this afternoon?

01/08/2020 in 21h38
Someone want to join me, here I am

31/05/2017 in 13h25
Why not

02/05/2017 in 16h08
I'll try to go back tonight, but nothing sure ...

28/04/2017 in 17h22
After going to Jersey, I went there. It was 16h, I never saw anyone but I'm not sure of going to the right place.

27/04/2017 in 10h46
Is there a qq will go through to the 12pm today?

29/03/2017 in 11h30
Is there a qq going there in these days?

11/03/2017 in 19h16
Is there a particular day where there is the passage?

… close history