Costes and Bellonte Monument

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Type : Parking gay & straight
City :  Saint-Valery-en-Caux
Area :  Normandie
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
The parking lot and on the cliff from the street Raoul Lesens from 18:00 Moderator: like any public place, observe the place and do not eat on site (and exit covered!).
Address :
1 Résidence le Panoramic
76460 Saint-Valery-en-Caux

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14/11/2024 in 09h27
Anyone here this morning? I can make myself available

10/11/2024 in 14h20
A desire to pump it!!!! If someone sends a message

21/10/2024 in 15h23
I can go there tonight, it says a well-hung male to empty, I'm available

14/10/2024 in 12h40
I will be there at the end of October, I will come by in the evening if you want to empty yourself, send me a message

26/09/2024 in 17h47
I'm not there anymore

26/09/2024 in 15h47
I'm here.

20/09/2024 in 09h31
I will be there this afternoon

24/07/2024 in 21h46
Tomorrow afternoon if anyone wants me to suck them like a slut contact me

24/07/2024 in 17h32
Quick shower at the hotel after leaving the office, we'll see.

22/07/2024 in 16h11
Je suis arrivé à mon hôtel j attend vos rdv pour vous vider les couilles avec ma bouche Contactez moi

20/07/2024 in 13h02
I'm traveling there from July 22, 2024 to July 25, if there are cocks to suck, contact me for an appointment

08/07/2024 in 21h25
I will be around from July 22, 24 to 26 if a nice cock wants to empty I am available

03/07/2024 in 21h11
I'll go for a ride at the end of July if you want to empty your balls I'll be available come in large numbers to dilate my anus no worries

18/02/2024 in 15h21
J y serais le 19 au 21 fevrier en femme entre 19 h et 20h Ci ça dit j ai l anus en feu cherche pompiers

10/03/2022 in 17h37
on y va de temp en temp mais rare de voir des coquins

10/09/2020 in 21h37
Who is available on Friday evening

10/09/2020 in 13h18
I can be there too

10/09/2020 in 08h40
Shy 76 I can be there on Friday too if you come

08/09/2020 in 20h38
if all is well from friday

11/10/2015 in 04h15
Available from 12 to 15 for dinner only

21/09/2014 in 18h34
peson Saturday night of 20/09 between 18hr and 19hr 30 !! shame !! are really a meeting place ??

13/11/2013 in 23h37
Looking nice cock to suck and maybe more

… close history