Coin suce tranquille près de la Grange


Cruising spot gay in Boyer

proposed by profilsupprime  (19/05/2022)

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Type : Nature gay
City :  Boyer
Area :  Bourgogne-Franche-.
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Après la centrale EDF petit tunnel sous le chemin de fer. Plan suce le matin entre 8 et 9. Coin discret (voir photo)
Address :
71700 Boyer

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10 d. ago
Who would be available now 13/2/25 at 4pm for me to suck him?

26/09/2024 in 18h38
Who is available Monday September 30th end of day?

30/07/2024 in 09h14
If you pass by this area, do not hesitate to let me know, I will be happy to suck you off

20/04/2024 in 15h50
I just sucked a guy from this site (he doesn't want me to reveal his nickname). Not only was he very well hung but he also literally flooded my mouth with his juice. So good! The cherry on the cake is that he kisses divinely well. To do again whenever you want LT

22/01/2024 in 14h30
Hello, I just passed no one there but given the time and the weather today I understand On the other hand, discretion I didn't see any cool little corner maybe you will detail a little more in a next message see you soon

21/01/2024 in 10h24
J’y suis passé ce matin sans penser y croiser quelqu’un. Quelle ne fut pas ma surprise une fois le tunnel passe. Un mec d’une cinquantaine d’années se tripotait la queue, à ma vue il a voulu ranger son outil mais je lui ai vite fait comprendre qu’elle me donnait envie. Je me suis agenouille pour prendre son bel engin en bouche. Il a mis sur ses mains sur ma tête et s’est mis à ramoner ma bouche en me traitant de salope. Il a joui rapidement, il y en avait tellement qu’il a coulé sur mon manteau. J’ai adoré !!! Je ne sais pas si tu es sur ce site mais si c’est le cas n’hésite pas à m’envoyer un message on remet ça quand tu veux bel inconnu.

04/01/2024 in 07h34
After talking and making an appointment, I met a very nice man in this new place. He made me suck his beautiful cock and I had a lot of fun sucking it. His cock was powerful and he knew what he wanted. He ended up cumming in my mouth, I loved it. We also had the opportunity to exchange a very sweet kiss. To do again whenever you want, beautiful stranger and even more...

28/12/2023 in 15h10
A new corner. I'll go there soon. If anyone wants to meet me there so we can have fun, don't hesitate to suggest dates

04/12/2023 in 10h03
Who wants me to suck him? If interested pm

30/11/2023 in 09h46
Quiet corner where I spend from time to time

05/03/2023 in 13h36
Looking for a cool guy with a big dick or a cool little dick to meter me today!!

05/03/2023 in 13h10
Looking for a big cock to suck in the car and a small cock to meter me!! Cool

20/05/2022 in 07h53
Salut humm un nouveau couins

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