Is this place still active?
Goodnight tonight I'm in Orgeval on delivery trucks car Conforama if it says you let me know
The world now do emptied?
jy am this morning let me know 06 40 50 21 79
j someone I spend 3 times a week
tomorrow morning 9am 11am
that this evening from 18h to 20 hours
I'll be there this afternoon between 16h and 17h
will go for twelve o'clock
who goes there this morning? beckon 06 40 50 21 79
jy going tonight if someone gives me appointment j not like rabbits
that's going to prevent today before SMS 06 38 30 08 36
who will aujiurd hui early am or tonight 19h 21h
today who will? my possible or am end
jy am today from 11am A 12H 30 which sucks for good
to which end aujourdh ui am in the day or tomorrow morning or am or late pm
very good plan yesterday Beur 30 super. very nice club real juice torrent
the better it is to fix appointment
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