Hi, you contacted me yesterday afternoon but strangely I can't find any of your messages. We were supposed to see each other tomorrow morning at 6:30 but sorry I can't come, very bad news yesterday
hello would be in the parking lot from 6:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. I suck thoroughly and swallow good creamy sperm kisses to all
Hello I will come on the 15th and 16th for 6:30 p.m. until 7 p.m. to suck thoroughly or facial ejaculation at your choice
Hello tonight 6:30 p.m. until 7 p.m. I suck thoroughly or with facial cumshot
In the morning this week 7:45 am I suck hard
Carmelite Parks zero zero
Bonjour Je passerais ce soir 22h 22h30 serait sur parking en attendant aimerait une ou des bites à sucer bien crémeuse possible de me baiser et me pissé dessus
Who available this afternoon, I receive!
One morning next week before 8am would love to suck a cock or more thoroughly
Bjr of the world on the arrow tonight I am a truck driver, leave msg I would tell you where I am at the end of the day
Sorry could not be there my wife just warned me that we were going on vacation 15 days with friends in the south I will leave a message when I get back
Next week from August 17 to 21 would be free from 9 p.m. make an appointment
People tonight on the spire?
Last night couple man at camping on vacation came to the park they kissed me on the table
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