Bridge skid bourdou

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Type : Nature gay & straight
City :  Savines-le-Lac
Area :  Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
After Savines bridge gap direction, you arrive on the deck of skid bourdou, take left on the open ground before the bridge and take the small dirt road that passes under the bridge and continue until the end of the lake J y am often weekday evening or weekend from 21h (for woman or couple) No daytime because often too crowded I'll wait :)
Address :
Quartier La Centrale
05160 Savines-le-Lac

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01/11/2024 in 10h44
Anyone out there right now?

01/08/2024 in 21h46
Bonjour à tous, Ne vous précipitez pas sur notre messagerie privée sans avoir lu notre profil ! Nous serons dans le coin du 5 au 14 août et nous aimerions avoir quelques précisions sur ce lieu : nous avons l'impression que l'épingle n'est pas bien située. Le descriptif parle d'un terre plein "avant" le pont or sur StreeView, point de terre plein central. Si quelqu'un pouvait préciser les choses pour les touristes comme nous... Est-ce rive ouest ou est du Riou Bourdoux ? Merci !

20/06/2024 in 15h05
Hi, 28 year old straight/bi on vacation in Savine looking for a plan, I'm only active, PM me for more info

12/08/2023 in 12h56
Hello, anyone around?

23/05/2023 in 10h55
Anyone now Tuesday at 11:20?

05/09/2021 in 12h02
I would be tempted to go there this afternoon. If someone is hot...

24/05/2021 in 23h54
Hello everyone I will be visiting Wednesday Thursday on spray and gap I'm looking for good cocks to pump Come in Pv if interested

25/07/2020 in 20h43
I'll be there tonight. Anyone interested?

28/08/2019 in 15h49
Hello sorry yesterday I did not could come tonight I'll go on to neck 22h for couples or woman beckoning

27/08/2019 in 17h24
Hi I'm on the lake savines so if there's a couple or woman or bi woman I'm interested to 9:30 p.m.

24/08/2019 in 18h24
Hello. The world tonight or tomorrow? Feel free to contact me via private message.

02/04/2019 in 20h09
Hello! I receive tonight at the hotel in Embrun players ... People around here?

19/02/2019 in 08h01
Hello all!!! I would be traveling in the corner tonight ... who would want to join me?

24/12/2018 in 07h19
ON THE ROAD OF THE ALPS Tuesday if interested small report brief e CHRISTMAS rascal.

22/09/2018 in 18h02
Hello. The world tonight? I'm nice and open minded .... Feel free to send me a private message. I move very easily ....

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