Bois de Courcy towards Brimont


Cruising spot gay in Courcy

proposed by ameliesupport  (30/05/2018)

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Type : Nature gay
City :  Courcy
Area :  Grand Est
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
A26 to Lille second output after reims direction Laon, N44, 1èer right towards Courcy. You cross the village towards Brimont and before Brimont, you pass through a small forest.
Address :
51220 Courcy

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17/10/2024 in 16h46
Available for poppers juice plan

16/09/2024 in 14h01
I'll be there in 10 minutes

16/09/2024 in 13h47
I can be there

16/09/2024 in 13h45
Anyone in 20mins?

07/03/2024 in 18h58
Hello, who would be available? I want to suck and more

10/10/2023 in 13h31
Lieux très mal fréquenté Je me suis fais caillasser la voiture par un jeune con à qui j'ai dis "non' Méfiez vous Bisous

11/06/2023 in 16h41
I just passed by... deserted and impossible to park, no parking. It's just a road that crosses a small wood

09/06/2023 in 09h58
People today? 09/06

12/05/2023 in 16h13
Rencontre sympa une bonne petite pute Dommage du temps A revenir

02/05/2023 in 14h31
Someone in this early afternoon.

24/04/2023 in 12h25
Someone in the early afternoon

14/02/2022 in 12h08
Quelqu un entre 12/14 pour me sucer Voir plus si affinitee

24/08/2021 in 11h49
Someone around

05/06/2021 in 14h56
Who today to get sucked

04/06/2021 in 13h11
Someone this afternoon

18/06/2019 in 22h22
Made me sign

26/10/2015 in 12h39
Someone in early afternoon

23/06/2013 in 02h31
hello, I would be tomorrow years after noon

22/11/2012 in 11h49
seeks h mounted to sodomize me I suck me in lingerie and stockings

… close history