Bodies of Water South Macon


Cruising spot gay in Mâcon

proposed by daabeachgay  (22/01/2015)

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Type : Nature gay
City :  Mâcon
Area :  Bourgogne-Franche-.
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
New water bodies with little parking, south of Macon (exit A6 Macon Sud). The place is brand new and not very busy but great potential. Plans for many nooks vegetated sucks or more. To announce quickly to increase attendance.
Address :
Autoroute du Soleil
71000 Mâcon

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16/12/2024 in 21h26
I am in the Macon Sud carpool parking lot

11/12/2024 in 10h46
Who can relieve me?

06/12/2024 in 15h06
Who's available now to suck me off and fuck my ass?

27/11/2024 in 11h19
Je serai dans le coin pendant la pause de midi si une femme veut venir visiter la cabine de mon camion. A tout à l'heure biz

23/10/2022 in 23h59
Hello, is this accessible by semi-trailer?

11/05/2022 in 18h26
Who is available between 5.30 p.m. and 6 p.m. to give me an oil change?

03/04/2022 in 16h27
Hello looking for a big cock to suck in the car this Sunday afternoon

09/01/2022 in 16h38
A passive young guy ?? From 18 to 35 years old

10/11/2021 in 09h37
Want a good asset from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. qq?

06/09/2021 in 10h12
Want to show off… someone interested in the parking lot of the large Solutre site… 12 p.m. - 2 p.m.

17/11/2020 in 09h10
Of the world today? before 1 p.m. or after 2 p.m. / 2:30 p.m.? am a pumper

08/09/2020 in 16h58
I'll be there tonight as a bitch from midnight until very late come and fuck me and take condoms !!

07/09/2020 in 05h01
Available 5h / 7h

06/09/2020 in 22h41
Rech active guy tonight

20/08/2020 in 11h21
I am at the cormoranche lake in because I can receive a guy for a plan in my because it is discreet like well done guy max 40 years old send mp if interested

22/10/2019 in 22h09
Only this evening at the hotel contacted me by pm.

07/03/2019 in 01h52
Cuckoo for which sucked in South Macon hotel first class ... ..the Available 07/03 09/03 --- ---- ---- 08/03

02/09/2018 in 13h26
passing through Macon morning looking plan, I ramonte from Macon and Dijon on any plan to do on the way ...

21/09/2017 in 08h50
6:45 in the morning ??? I was there yesterday at 17h. What the fishermen and Varennes, not a cat.

20/09/2017 in 16h54
Somebody ???

12/04/2017 in 13h12
who wants this after noon to get sucked

12/02/2017 in 12h32
want to suck cocks this after noon

26/09/2016 in 10h09
That this week I am to the hotel Macon North! Grosse queu looking hole

02/04/2015 in 22h44
Ki EC night on Macon North Hotel Plans

… close history