Between St. Gervais Mont-Pres-Chambord 1km roundabout


Cruising spot gay in Vineuil

proposed by monsieurmax  (01/06/2018)

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Type : Parking gay
City :  Vineuil
Area :  Centre-Val de Loire
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Small parking 1km from the roundabout before entering the woods, right from St Gervais to Mont-Pres-Chambord. From 11am in the morning until nightfall. A quiet corner and possibility to go further into the woods.
Address :
Allée de Pezay
41350 Vineuil

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30/10/2024 in 21h37
Who hot?

25/09/2024 in 09h38
Hello from the world today

29/07/2024 in 07h47
Trav dispo aujourd hui 11h 15h A deux ou a plus Me deplace sur 2-3 sites autours de blois Envoyer un mp si vous voulez

03/07/2024 in 12h24
I pass by every morning between 6am and 6:30am to suck or even get sodomized. Trucker welcome.

28/06/2024 in 16h10
Coucou une halte y est prévue cet après midi ainsi qu’à la plage naturiste de montlivault. Exhib, voir plus en fonction des gens présents….

12/06/2024 in 21h45
Thanks to the welcoming mouth which made me come?

10/06/2024 in 12h49
I will be there from 5:30 p.m.? I am open to everything

28/05/2024 in 08h10
hello I'm passing today in the afternoon

27/03/2024 in 21h56
Good evening everyone, is there a volunteer to suck me off greedily if I go there in 10 minutes?

14/03/2024 in 11h36
Guys available around 4pm-5pm at this location

13/03/2024 in 22h04
Coucou, demain midi nous organisons un gangbang juste à côté de ce lieux. Recherchons 3/4 mecs plutôt classes. Détails en MP

17/02/2024 in 08h04
hello Someone for Sunday afternoon

10/02/2024 in 23h58
I'm here, anyone in the area?

29/08/2023 in 17h45
I'm there right now!

08/07/2023 in 00h55
Thanks to the young man who came by too bad he is not on the site

04/05/2023 in 11h27
I'll be there around 1 p.m. for a date with a submissive pumper. If it's not a rabbit, it likes when there are poppers and several cocks to empty.

24/08/2022 in 11h10
Bonjour, léa trav transgenre soumise passive très salope je viendrai cette après midi pour y être défoncée comme une chienne suis ok pour doubles pénétrations abattage gang band tournante ok

09/06/2022 in 17h46
At the hotel not far away, Available for active dominant only

02/11/2021 in 08h45
Anyone around 10:30 a.m.? leave message

12/09/2021 in 11h02
who this afternoon

10/08/2021 in 18h30
Thank you to the transvestite who this afternoon pumped me well and that I sodoed with force and who finished me in his mouth and drank all my juice if he recognizes that he leaves me a private message

10/08/2021 in 08h47
A sucker around noon on this place see more

19/03/2021 in 13h14
I go there around 3:30 p.m. 3:45 p.m., which to suck me off, or even more

03/09/2020 in 16h15
I'll go take a walk alone today around 9:30 p.m.

25/08/2020 in 15h20
tomorrow in the morning of the world send mp

23/08/2020 in 10h05
Some people tomorrow morning around 9 am, left me a private message

08/06/2020 in 11h17
Hi, I want to get sucked and fucked, someone this afternoon? Response in mp

08/01/2020 in 16h50
The world tonight?

23/08/2019 in 13h47
assets available for this aprem

28/05/2018 in 09h56
they are you active noon

18/05/2018 in 10h07
the world this morning passive guy

12/01/2018 in 12h18
the early after noon world to take me

02/11/2017 in 16h32
the world tomorrow morning around 7am. sent MP

24/10/2017 in 13h07
the world this afternoon to take me

13/07/2017 in 02h13
a woman tomorrow to suck me early / mid afternoon? Mp for appointment

06/06/2017 in 08h16
someone this morning active research

21/10/2016 in 16h46
Currently on Romo, back to Nantes tomorrow morning Saturday 22/10, welcoming holes to protrude bluntly, good looking (s) nag (s) on the course!

03/05/2016 in 12h32
the world tomorrow mid-morning 04/05. made me sign

25/02/2015 in 23h22
The 26/02 ji would be to 16h30 which INTEREST

22/12/2014 in 12h12
who will soon?

01/08/2014 in 12h05
who wants to get sucked discreet and deep throat by young guy this weekend?

26/09/2013 in 00h05
I would be tomorrow during the day .... has to empty your available you

23/04/2013 in 21h24
someone tonight?

08/02/2013 in 08h42
Who fzait suck this afternoon ??? Thank you

03/02/2013 in 11h58
That this afternoon?

17/01/2013 in 14h31
Thank you to the black 72 I just suck c kan wants you !! :-) :-)

13/01/2013 in 13h57
I will be the bottom to suck 17h pr guy under 35 has tal kisses

11/01/2013 in 22h05
Tonight to suck me someone?

07/01/2013 in 08h09
Who gets sucked ?? Biz

12/12/2012 in 14h26
Who this afternnon?

06/12/2012 in 11h53
which around 17 pm Thursday, December 6?

24/11/2012 in 14h09
Who drop me a c-night? biz waiting your message! ;)

07/11/2012 in 13h07
thank you to the guy av his mercedes class that darken my ass and giclee ds mouth last night !!! Who's next?? who stoop kom a bitch? biz

06/11/2012 in 11h51
WHo available Sunday pr stoop in the day ???? No guy more of40 years thank you biz I expect your messages !!

05/11/2012 in 11h21
I passed Sunday, November 4. A married man jerked me his car then he has enjoyed.

30/09/2012 in 15h55
who avail .... ????? real!

28/09/2012 in 19h55
has 7:30 p.m. I stop and I just suck two young guys like me and fingering me !! I wanted to sell me but no damage condoms !! me !! pr has re av them and go further! !

24/09/2012 in 07h49
that available Sunday or Monday? I suck and get caught by guys under 40?

16/09/2012 in 17h14
that ok to get sucked by young 26? less please 40a

10/09/2012 in 13h30
Pass me want to act now sucks and masturbates av young guy -35 years !! see you

07/09/2012 in 18h10
which is ok for passive bogoss 26 years enduring and deep throat? I'm real and not mytho !!!!!

07/09/2012 in 13h24
you will koi kom cash ??

07/09/2012 in 13h23
mathisboy I want to suck you g 25 years I would dq the forest tonight verq 20h 8:30 p.m. av gray 308 w you will? has tonight GSPR biz

07/09/2012 in 13h04
I pass 25 g good ass and want to suck and get caught !!

06/09/2012 in 10h56
that to make me suck his cock and fucked me? I 26years real passive bogoss

02/09/2012 in 22h43
Somebody tonight?

30/07/2012 in 16h12
Who now? Looking nozzle

03/07/2012 in 23h41
Ok Friday around 19h

19/06/2012 in 23h06
I will be tomorrow Wednesday, June 20 from 10:30 to 11:30 for a good plan ...

07/06/2012 in 08h46
07/06 9 seeks welcoming mouth now

02/06/2012 in 21h21
Saturday, 06/02 9:20 p.m. I leave Romo after a sports competition and I have full scholarships. Who to me empty the time I arrive?

… close history