Behind the promenade paved paths hotels


Cruising spot straight in Gerzat

proposed by openfun63  (04/07/2015)

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Type : Nature straight
City :  Gerzat
Area :  Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Often behind the hotels of parked cars later in the evening to meet discreet and close to the city Small grove between Adagio and BandB ... Many possibilities. Moderator: like any public place, observe the place and do not eat on site (and exit covered!).
Address :
70 Chemin de Donna Vignat
63360 Gerzat

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13 d. ago
Anyone want to suck me off?

09/07/2024 in 22h00
23h j y serai Qui me rejoinsss Bises

23/02/2024 in 16h28
Damn if I had known I was stopping by this afternoon for cuni.

23/02/2024 in 15h53
Someone ?

03/11/2023 in 00h05
Femme ou couple joueurs Dans le coin

18/07/2023 in 23h20
Woman or couples in the corner

09/04/2023 in 18h48
I will be tonight at the 1st class hotel Aubière

25/01/2023 in 11h41
E evening at 11 p.m.

21/09/2022 in 22h52
Hello, is this where there is a house partly in ruins?

07/06/2022 in 16h22
Passage now?

13/04/2022 in 21h31
From the world now?

04/11/2021 in 16h59
Cock sucking available immediately at the hotel

04/11/2021 in 13h10
For the very good or good suckers can stay at the hotel tonight around 5 p.m. or 6 p.m. would be on site

16/06/2021 in 22h29
From the world over there?

06/05/2021 in 17h59
Quzlqu'jn poyr mii tonight 23h

12/11/2020 in 02h37
Small paths that allow you to deviate a few tens of meters from the main streets?

03/07/2020 in 12h09
This is where this place I can't find!

15/06/2020 in 19h49
Of the world ?

30/10/2019 in 17h28
The world there?

28/10/2019 in 18h38
Tonight and tomorrow night at the B & B 2

27/09/2019 in 17h41
Instead of error that was at the aeromodelisme

27/09/2019 in 17h39
Someone by the white 207 views 5 minutes ago?

30/07/2019 in 15h12
The world in the early evening ??? MP for interested braize hot !!

13/06/2019 in 10h10
Of the world ?

05/06/2019 in 18h24
I'll be there in 40 minutes in mo van if there are interested

25/05/2019 in 11h02
Qqun all away

09/10/2018 in 07h15
The world now

02/05/2018 in 15h47
I can get to my hotel a true asset tbm the night of May 3 to 4 I am passive. I suck and I swallow I'm fucked. Seeking instead of stripping in outside.

08/08/2017 in 08h31
I am the B & B until noon naked on my bed just push door to room 77

02/02/2017 in 13h39
I am the b & b this afternoon and this soir..quelqu exchange for a pipe?

26/12/2016 in 13h11
hello looking for me to suck and fucked a washer woman or man traves favoriser36

27/09/2016 in 13h00
I am open to any proposal, + active / passive +++ it's up to you and offer to MP. I will be tomorrow Wednesday 28 truck for the day if ca you say a nice little plan. 6:00 16h. PS: if I have room for my truck.

12/07/2016 in 06h22
bjt I would perhaps Friday to walk into a bitch

02/06/2016 in 12h49
that group of 2.3 or more for active guy suck and make me kiss the chain or group and watered me cum on my bitch face a Saturday morning here

25/04/2016 in 14h02
Who motivated today ??? Very eager to have me suck and fuck a pussy !!!! Mp for interested private photo possible !!

04/04/2016 in 08h17
I would be Monday 04 to Thursday, April 7 in the evening. I receive in hotel

13/01/2016 in 20h16
Jy'll Tonight 23 pm

23/12/2015 in 22h50
I will be tomorrow at 15 am at modelisme

28/04/2015 in 18h46
If interested in answering mp

28/04/2015 in 15h28
World tonight on Clermont cabin plan?

27/04/2015 in 20h17
Is there any woman or couple Especially tonight?

31/03/2015 in 10h44
Someone Midi 31/03

07/03/2015 in 22h36
When to spend to cross woman or couple?

23/01/2015 in 18h12
Who for a meeting ?!

… close history