Beach Mortola (ITALY)


Cruising spot gay in Latte IM

proposed by profilsupprime  (07/06/2018)

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Type : Beach gay
City :  Latte IM
Area :  Ligurie
Country :  Italie

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
After Menton, cross the border by the coast road then roll 1.5 km (park after the second tunnel-long and a little). Get off at the bi-hetero nudist beach then go to the left and Italy where gay creeks extend over 1 km. It happens in a wood above the coves.
Address :
21A Discesa del Marinaio
18039 Latte IM

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13/03/2024 in 15h19
Hello I am leaving a short message because I will be on vacation near Menton from April 1st to 5th and available on certain mornings. I am "bi" and I am looking for pleasant and sexual encounters. I could not accommodate.

02/03/2024 in 07h27
Hello, anyone available to suck me off?

26/01/2023 in 19h22
Someone to suck?

28/02/2022 in 14h47
Du monde le soir actuellement ?

22/08/2021 in 21h43
tomorrow I'll be there with my boyfriend, she doesn't speak French she likes, that the guys look at her kindly and those caress without vulgarity in front of her

26/06/2021 in 07h25
Is this corner worth the trip?

07/07/2015 in 07h28
Hi, which for the Cap Martin to July 14

01/07/2015 in 07h25
Hi, which for the Cap Martin to July 14

29/07/2014 in 10h44
jevai discover this place after this afternoon ... if there are meetings lovers contact me directly on

11/09/2013 in 11h38
I retuurn tomorrow

30/01/2013 in 17h12
I went yesterday late after noon and met a gay FPIC, we finished at home there very often guys who mate, perfect exib plan with the train !!

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