Beach mesperloc


Cruising spot gay in Plouhinec

proposed by nico94700  (07/08/2014)

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Type : Nature gay
City :  Plouhinec
Area :  Bretagne
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
After parking Beach Mesperloc Plouhinec. At low tide, go toward the rocks to the left of the beach. After the rocks, full of small sand dune beaches where there are naked guys just waiting for it to be sucked or to pump
Address :
28 Rue de la Corniche
29780 Plouhinec

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19/06/2024 in 16h28
Beautiful tails to watch or even more?

06/10/2023 in 11h20
I will be there early afternoon until 3 p.m. in the rocks

29/08/2023 in 17h07
Qui était ce beau mec qui se baladait presqu’à poil sur le sentier en marchant vite? Moi j’ai pas osé attaquer, j’aurais dû tenter.

05/08/2023 in 17h50
I sometimes go there at the end of the day...between Mesperleuc'h and Gwendrez depending on the tide, encounters there are rare

28/05/2023 in 01h41
I am at audierne camping naeco now for gourmandise

26/12/2021 in 00h17
Who wants an invigorating moment, palpate, jerk off at the edge of the well-hidden water?

18/07/2021 in 09h28
In the world this summer?

27/07/2020 in 14h56
I often go to sunbathe naked **

27/07/2020 in 14h55
Yes I often go there to sunbathe mu

27/07/2020 in 00h07
Of the world by?

31/10/2019 in 14h42
I'm there...

30/07/2019 in 17h10
Hello, I arrived on Saturday I would FREQUENTLY on this beach if males are eager to relieve made sign I accept plane with or without Kpote I'm under prep

17/02/2019 in 02h46
Who to suck me + see tonight?

09/08/2018 in 09h54
Nobody this ap?

10/06/2018 in 22h42
Hi guys

31/07/2017 in 08h11
Qq these days

22/07/2017 in 09h35
if the weather is good I will be there on the 30th in the morning and maybe also the AM

03/07/2017 in 06h01
I would be the toilet if it has 11h vs says

21/06/2017 in 13h36
C was cool to do again

21/06/2017 in 09h56
I'm there...

19/06/2017 in 13h17
Tomorrow morning would be to jy 1 st or 2 nd coves left side if it says al one of you

15/06/2017 in 05h40
QQ this afternoon

07/06/2017 in 07h31
J are going this morning I walk tet get there qq

02/09/2016 in 14h50
C nice at low tide

31/08/2016 in 19h46
Pass to see

… close history