Beach Beauduc


Cruising spot gay & straight in Arles

proposed by saxo  (05/05/2016)

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Type : Beach gay & straight
City :  Arles
Area :  Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Beach that deserves after a dozen kilometers of track drive. Many opportunities so it's huge and wild. For nature lovers plan.
Address :
Lieu-dit Beauduc

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31/08/2024 in 16h12
bonjour, je voudrais y aller, mais je connais pas.. quelqun pour m'y emmener ?

23/08/2023 in 23h21
I forgot to say I'm going tomorrow Thursday August 24 I will arrive between 10:00 and 11:00 leave me a private message

23/08/2023 in 23h16
Hello I am passive and a good mouth and a good little ass to take for 1 or 2 active guys too I'll be there tomorrow morning around 11:00 between Sainte Marie de la Mer and Beauduc just after the beach and I will be naked on the beach with a big blue towel

12/08/2023 in 10h53
Hello people today on site?

09/02/2023 in 22h14
I confirm my presence on this place tomorrow evening at least Sunday evening, I camp on the spot and yes even in this period. Kisses.

08/02/2023 in 00h33
On the place of Saturday morning see the day before to Sunday. Kisses.

18/01/2023 in 00h39
Hello, is it running right now?

02/09/2022 in 12h22
Someone late afternoon?

15/02/2022 in 17h49
Sucetbroute I'm going to spend this evening around 9:30 p.m. you were which side of the beach of piemanson thank you

15/02/2022 in 14h53
Hello, we are in piemanson for 4 days, want a four or threesome.......

14/09/2021 in 05h08
Visiting Saintes Maries this Saturday, September 18

15/08/2021 in 17h39
Are there CPLs or women this week?

17/09/2020 in 14h42
bjr available next week the day but not working for sunbathing and sex here or at the saints or espiguette or beauduc ... leave a message for appointment ... plurality friend with pleasure .. read my file ... kisses

18/08/2018 in 10h08
I go camping this weekend pleasure to meet you

22/07/2018 in 13h53
Who can give me the way in private? I do not know where to go to access !! I have not been back for 15 years at least

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