Avenue de la Grange (The Lawn) in Montgeron 91


Cruising spot gay in Montgeron

proposed by fiddlerjoe  (06/07/2015)

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Type : Nature gay
City :  Montgeron
Area :  Île-de-France
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Large driveway lawn lined with trees, leading up Senart forest. discreet lighting, lots of shade at night, especially in the nearest part of the forest. nightlife, undisturbed as long as does not bother residents.

Want more security, discretion, comfort, and hygiene? Try Le Glory's (libertine bar with 14 gloryholes, X-rated cinema, labyrinth... in Créteil)

Address :
102 Avenue de la Grange
91230 Montgeron

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04/12/2024 in 16h05
In Prooomeeenaade... :)

03/12/2024 in 12h09
Out for a walk, all in black leather with beige high boots

01/12/2024 in 19h02
Je my ballade actuellement, j'habite a 500m, qui dans les alentours pour vidanges et ejaccfaciales. Kiss

18/02/2024 in 16h13
Bonjour, je serai demain à Quincy pour la journée, quelqu'un disponible ? Je suis du 45

25/06/2018 in 09h31
There's really action there?

09/07/2017 in 19h24
Bjr all, me and a guy who lives in the area not far'd make love in the night air for the pleasure of nice voyeurs, cleans and discreet! Who would be interested to look at my bitch sucking me and getting caught in the lightly lit wood? We can get there the nights of 13, 14 and July 15 at 11:30 p.m. to 0:00!

13/01/2017 in 00h07
Hi who want?

23/08/2016 in 01h21
There are people in this place? Ju am spending the last time one afternoon but other workers who ate nothing :(

07/04/2016 in 18h57
The world around 20:30?

01/03/2016 in 17h59
The world after 20h?

12/10/2015 in 12h46
I lend you my dick

09/09/2015 in 16h13
World 14 evening?

… close history