Hello, bien envie de decouvrir ce sauna. Des couples et/ou trans cet aprem ?
Anyone going Wednesday or Thursday afternoon?
J'y passerai jeudi 7. Qui sera là ?
Aimerais tenter la chose avec ma femme. Quelqu'un pour nous faire découvrir ce lieu ? Ce jeudi ou samedi vers 18h15. Ma femme un peu réticente mais j'ai envie d'au moins sucer (ou baiser H ou F) devant elle. Elle acceptera peut être de se faire manger la chatte et prendre du jus sur ses gros seins... rdv possible avant d'entrer.
Du monde demain en fin de matinée? Une jolie trav ou trans? Un couple avec Madame coquine?
Lieux a éviter, sauna et hammam minuscule. Annonce des évènements qui ne se produise pas ( gang bang du 03 octobre qui n'a jamais eu lieu) beaucoup trop d'homme seul
J'ai envie de faire la pute et de me faire enculer comme une chienne, des intérréssés??
Bonjour est-ce que c'est propre, est-ce qu'il y a des hommes entre 45 ans et plus, blanc grisonnant charmant, surtout clean. Si tu te reconnais écris-moi un message privé s'il te plaît
Du monde cette après midi?
Du monde de dispo demain entre 14 et 16h? J’ai un train à attendre et j’en profiterai bien pour m’amuser. Tout plan bienvenu!
Bonjour dantesk, j'ai déjà vu faire dans les douches. Mais le mieux est de demander à la personne quand tu es sur place.
Il faudrait leur poser la question
Merci PtitFilou j’y ai bien pensé, surtout qu’elle n’est pas pudique, mais je ne sais pas si la direction accepterai que l’on pisse sous la douche
Bonsoir dantesk, tu pourrais essayer de réaliser cette envie dans la douche !
Bonjour à tous, j’ai une question: quelqu’un a t il déjà fait jeux uro dans ce sauna? je suis souvent venu par le passé et je cherche un lieu pour pratiquer uro avec amie qui souhaite me faire boire son champagne. Je ne me souviens pas d’une cabine pour ça à l’Atlantide.
Qui pour m'enculer pour mon anniversaire? :p
J’y bien faire un tour jeudi. Qui pour m'accompagner?
Je viendrai un jour avec ma femme aux gros seins. Elle veut bien être mangée.
J'ai envie de faire la pute et de me faire enculer comme une chienne, des intérréssés??
Hi, I suppose there are more people on weekends? My wife wants to try...
J'ai envie de faire la pute et de me faire enculer comme une chienne, des intérréssés??
Douche de pisse et de sperme habillée en femelle sont-elles possible ?
Salut du monde en ce moment ?
Envie de tenter ce lieu avec ma femme... En juillet.
Très envie d'y aller en mec ce mercredi après-midi ....
I want to be a whore and get fucked like a female dog, anyone interested??
I want to be a whore and get fucked like a female dog, anyone interested??
Qui va à l'atlantide aujourd'hui ?
Salut. Passage possible ce samedi avec ma femme après 18h. Moi j'aime les mecs les femmes et trav. Ma femme est débutante... Elle a des gros seins et aime être arrosée. Jeux avec couple ou mecs ou femmes ou trav. Envie de sucer devant ma femme pour commencer.
Il y a moyen que je passe découvrir ce sauna demain
Très joli club, clientèle respectueuse pour ce genre de lieu. Très propre et entretenus au fil de la journée. Trois petits passages qui me laissent de beaux souvenirs... et même des numéros de téléphone... Bisous à tous(tes)
cpl bi de passage cet apres midi 19/04 pour plan en mode vide couilles sucettes a deux homme bi vers 15h (ont préciseras quand ont y seras)
J'ai envie de faire la pute et de me faire enculer comme une chienne, des intérréssés??
Je voulais dire j'y vais ce samedi 6 vers 18h30 avec ma femme pour une première tentative... Elle 1m48 gros seins. On ira avant tout mater, on verra ensuite...
j'y vais demain avec ma femme
Hello, Everyone this April 1st?
Qui y sera mardi 02 avril 2024?? J'y serais de l'ouverture jusque 17h environ
Hi trans, woman or couple during the week during the day?
Submissive transvestite passing through Paris I am looking for a dominant man to take me in hand and show me around Atlantis where I will be put on the cross to receive the spanking I deserve before being offered to suck as much cock as possible with a condom
Je suis une travestie et je serai disponible au sauna atlantide à la Gare de Lyon en mode femelle ce mardi 5 mars à partir de la fin de l’après-midi. je serai habillée comme une chienne: talons, dessous sexy, bas, cage de chasteté et plug anal en place, lisse et lubrifiée de partout. Mon snap : sallytv
I want to be a whore and get fucked like a female dog, anyone interested??
I want to be fucked like a female dog, anyone interested?
Bonjour quelqu'un peut m'en dire plus sur ce sauna?
Je vais essayer de venir sucer des queues demain vers 18h30-19h
Super après-midi en ce lieu. Un homme m'a pris en main en arrivant pour me présenter les lieux mais très vite j'ai vu qu'il était intéressé. Il m'a donc emmené dans une cabine et après m'avoir vraiment donné ce que j'attendais. Il a appelé de l'aide à la rescousse on est resté presque deux heures
Hello, je vais y passer en dernière minute. Faites signe en mp si intéressé.
Bonsoir à tous les hommes qui m'ont contacté et qui était susceptible de venir demain au sauna. Je serai sur le site ce soir pouvez me recontacter en message privé afin de faire le point Merci à VOUS Françoise
Recherche bel homme/travesti, efféminé, réservé, rencontré le jeudi 7 décembre 2023 à l'atlantide ayant comme pseudo Olivia, j'aimerais beaucoup la recroiser ou qu'elle me contacte.
Hello je souhaiterais savoir si il y a du monde le dimanche et particulièrement Dimanche 24 décembre ?? Ou le mardi 26 décembre quelle jour est le mieux ?? Merci pour vos réponse et n’hésitez pas à envoyer un MP
J'ai envie de me faire enculer comme une chienne, des intérréssés??
Bonjour j’aimerais aller pour la première fois à l’Atlantide , un jour à me conseiller de préférence où il y a du monde et que ça bouge ????
Who will go Wednesday or Thursday afternoon?
Can anyone tell me if we can change on site? THANKS
My little slutty ass will be open tonight for big cocks :p
Du monde présent vendredi après-midi ?
Bonjour, je suis en déplacement pro la semaine prochaine le 23 j aurais adoré rencontrer trav pour me faire découvrir ce beau sauna venez en mp.
Je vais à l'atlantide aujourd'hui...qui sera là ?
J'ai envie de me faire enculer comme une chienne, des intérréssés? ?
Qui pour me retrouver dimanche vers 18h 18h30 pour jouer la bas
Si jamais tu es inscrit sur le site...sache que j'ai envie de te revoir P... Désolé d'être parti très rapidement alors qu'on passait un super moment dans la cabine à l'atlantide en fin d'après-midi. Je devais partir...j'espère te croiser de nouveau... je te promets que je prendrai le temps qu'il faut. Au plaisir...
Bonjour , J,y serai cet après-midi pour la première fois de passage sur le continent. A toute à l heure peut être
J'y serai mis à dispo par mon maitre mardi 31 apres midi. Laissez mp
Des gourmandes à 14h aujourd’hui ?
Qui m’accompagne cette aprem ou demain ?
Y’a t’il parfois des FTM ?
Je cherche trans ou trav pour me faire découvrir les coin sympa n hésite pas à me contacter
Bonsoir Je voulais savoir s'il y avait beaucoup de trans et de travaux au sauna je dois venir sur Paris dans peu de temps et je voulais savoir pour passer une bonne soirée
C'est toujours un plaisir d'aller dans ce sauna. Quelqu'un sera là ?
Hier après-midi j'ai redécouvert l'Atlantide où je n'étais pas allée depuis les confinements. Lieux inchangés, nouvelle équipe, propreté top, clientèle plutôt rajeunie et, beaucoup de monde pour mon plus grand plaisir. J'y retournerai sûrement très vite, Gi
De passage à Paris, très envie de découvrir cet endroit demain vers 19h.
Je suis dans le coin entre 12h et 13h30, et dispo pour baiser des soumises et bien les faire sucer ma queue
Si possible je recherche trans ou femme
Salut j'y vais se soir après le train vers 20h44 environs
Hello I will be at Atlantis tomorrow in the afternoon
Salut a tous. Qui dispo demain soir ?
je ramène mon GROS CUL cet aprèm, j'espère croiser des grands mecs TBM hmmmm
Hello, I would be passing through Paris and would like to come to this sauna! Are there any theaters with screens showing X-rated films? THANKS
C’est normal qu’il n’y ait plus de couples « classiques » à l’amphibi puisque maintenant c’est maintenant réservé aux seuls mecs et trav/trans…
Je préfère l'atlantide car les gens qui fréquentent ce lieu sont à mon sens plus libertins que ceux que j'ai pu croiser ailleurs dans d'autres saunas y compris les couples. J'y étais aussi lundi dernier et c'était super excitant. Il y avait un couple très sympa qui s'est installé dans la cabine au milieu au sous-sol. Un couple comme j'aime, exhibiotioniste puisque il a facilité l'accès à ceux qui voulaient mater mais aussi libertin puisque madame s'est laissé prendre par un mec se trouvant de l'autre côté dans la cabine du sling et après elle s'est laissée doigter par un moi et un autre mec qui étions dans l'autre cabine contigue. Malheureusement c'est rare de croiser ce genre de couple partout. Ceci dit j'en ai trouvé plus souvent des vrais libertins à l'atlantide qu'ailleurs. Voilà mon avis.
vous préferez l'Atlantide ou l'Amphibi sauna dans le 17e ? Je suis allé à l'Atlantide y a bien longtemps avec un amie et je pensais qu'il avait fermé. Je suis allé à l'amphibi cette année et c'était pas mal, je me suis bien amusé avec une trans, glory hole etc
J'y suis allée lundi , Très simpa comme sauna un peu étroit, mais très propre . Dommage que j'y suis pas resté plus longtemps. La prochaine fois j'irai plus tôt
Qui sera cet am ? J'y serai pour jouer avec des libertins
Qui va à l'atlantide cet am ?
J'y serai cet après-midi. J'adore ce sauna. Beaucoup de beaux mecs et de belles travs, trans etc
thank you to everyone who attended
it serves around 3 p.m. / 3:30 p.m.
cpl bi passing this afternoon 08/13 for plan in empty mode balls lollipops
I'm going there at the end of the afternoon. I have a big ass and I love big horse cocks.
Hi. Who makes me discover the place tomorrow 20/06?
Bonsoir à tous. De passage sur Paris ce jeudi soir, j'y serai pour ceux qui souhaitent profiter d'une salope soumise à défoncer, Après 22h00 réception possible à l' hôtel ...... Bises. Steph
Mon cul a faim, aujourd'hui je vais au sauna chercher une bite très grosse. Écris moi si tu es tbm.
entrée libre si tu arrives en meuf !
coucou cela ce passe comment pour les travesties ?
C 'est une référence ce sauna
Pour nous avec ma femme c'était un très bon moment. Très propre, fréquenté par des gens courtois et coquins. Mention special pour la personne qui nous a reçu et fait visité pour la première fois.
black75 , tu peux y aller , c est chaud bi homo 3 ieme genre , propre et sympa
Bonjour quelqu’un fréquente ce sauna ? Il y a du monde je voudrais y aller vers 13h quelqu’un pourrait me renseigner sur la fréquentation et si ce lieux est chaud
Salut Encage95 si tu veux je doit y aller mercredi je vous t’accompagner ta femme et toi?
Ça nous fait pas peur si c'est respectueux
Bonjour sa arrive mais souvent madame est très demandé et sa peut être gênant si c'est une première fois
Bonjour, j'en ai rarement vu. De mémoire il me semble qu'il y a une soirée ou journée dédiée (le jeudi je crois).
Bonjour. Les couples H/F fréquentent ce lieu? Je compte venir avec ma femme demain
Je compte y passer à la fin du mois pour ma première expérience dans un sauna
Appointment 3 p.m. Tuesday 11/04 between H sticky, meeting with desired trav, 1st visit for us 2,
Hi how are you ? I'm going there this afternoon (end of the day) for an hour to meet trans people if anyone is interested
I will be tomorrow Sunday afternoon who will be there?
Monday 6 naturist evening from 5 p.m. I will be there of course ;) if you are more than 19cm thick write to me.
I like this sauna. I go there regularly and I will be there at the end of the afternoon. Who goes there too? The staff is friendly and often filled with beautiful trans/trav and handsome guys.. If you have a very thick write me. vivi
Hello, are there still Saturday night parties?
I will be passing today this afternoon around 4 p.m....if BI libertines are also available to meet and play together, I'm in...as usual.
Hello, We will be passing by this afternoon from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. for plurality and sperm shower. See you later
Bonjour à tous , qui pour me la mettre en début Après midi ? Histoire de s éclaté
Alright thank you so much☺️☺️
yes there are cabins with doors which is a shame!
Oh not bad and are there cabins to be a bit more private or what?
I may be planning to go there with a friend in a few weeks, is this sauna good in terms of hygiene? Or is it the same style as the sun city?
I will be at the beginning of the afternoon if there are any real playful libertines for a group plan between trans or trav men... see you no doubt
Hello, I plan to go there around 6/7 p.m. let me know you are going too.
I would like to go there on Friday...
Hello, I am looking to find trans or trav beautiful people to let my sex be expressed and be the object of desire. Come in pv
Bonjour J'y passerai cet après-midi vers14h-14h30. En espérant voir du monde
I come to the sauna this Saturday 26/11. Arrival expected before 4:00 p.m. I will be taken in hand, exhibited and offered by my Master.
Hello, I will be there on Tuesday, November 22 around 2 p.m. I would love to be accompanied. Feel free to send me a PM
I planned to go there this Friday 4.11 from 3pm. In trav with my beautiful lingerie and my heels of course. Beautiful active males who want to come too?
I'll be there today at the end of the afternoon if a bi libertine couple or naughty man is in the area... see you.
Planned to spend this afternoon also
Chubby... Will be there this Wednesday afternoon from 4:33 p.m. to 7 p.m. Suck and fist
Who's going to atlantis this afternoon?
Anyone going to atlantis this afternoon? I'll be there around 4:30 p.m. just in case.
I'm going back to atlantis tomorrow tuesday if someone plans to go there to meet...send private message. Looking forward...
I'm going there on Saturday July 2, so I'm looking forward to meeting you.
Anyone know if the MDT (formerly Rue des Dames) has reopened somewhere?
People at the moment. I'm thinking of coming there as a guy..,.
Can someone explain to me how it's going and what kind of clientele there is in private please
People Friday, June 3 at the opening?
People this Saturday afternoon?
Hi everyone, I'll be there on 06/14 afternoon. I hope to find plenty of assets to fill. See you soon
j'aimerais découvrir ce sauna un vendredi en avril, mais j'aimerais savoir s'il y beaucoup de mecs bi qui y vont ? et si oui, la tranche d'âge ? merci à vous de votre retour et si quelqu'un veut m'accompagner pour me faire découvrir, je suis ok
The website link http://atlantide-sauna.com no longer exists? Error 403!!!!
If you're on this site...we had a super hot time yesterday afternoon in the basement at atlantis. want to see you again... you asked me in the showers if it was really me you were with in the basement. You have one hell of a sex
Who's going to atlantis this afternoon?
Good evening, passing through Paris, I'm going Thursday evening for a premiere. Hoping that there will be beautiful trav or trans. Or a nice cock to take care of my little straight ass
Not yet tested the WE? Is there a lot of people on Sunday or is it better during the week?
I would like to go there for the first time with a person who will often leave me a message
I'm going tomorrow to atlantis... looking forward to meeting you... who will be there?
Bonjour Du monde ce jeudi après-midi ?? Je pense y aller en mec..,,,
In the basement, there are three cabins which communicate with glory holes or bars. The one in the back has a sling too.
Hi everyone. Are there gloryhole cabins?,
Hop happy holidays, planned visit to Atlantis this afternoon around 4 p.m. who will be there?
Return to Atlantis today around 3 p.m.
In lack of sauna I will come back tonight I hope to see people I am a bi active H
Great time spent yesterday afternoon in this festive sauna. It was Brazilian Saturday. Delighted to have the knowledge of "C" a Brazilian trans and to have met some libertine player guys open to everything. A sauna as I like. If any of you are there...hope to see you again at the sauna or elsewhere.
Hello everyone. Too anxious to discover this club. Bi. Excellent licker and sodomite. Hope to have a good time. Couples. Women. Fine trans. Msg to mp according to your fantasies
Bonjour, Voici les tarif : Plein tarif : 28 € Passe-Journée Tarif : + 3 € Plein tarif + sandales : 31 € Hommes (moins de 27 ans) Militaires-Policiers : 22 € Hommes (moins de 22 ans) : 15€ Couples (homme et femme) : 25 € Femmes: 5 € Carte Privilège Couples (Entrées illimitées pendant 1 mois) : 45 € Forfait 10 entrées: 250 €
Plein tarif 28€ Passe-Journée(1)Tarif + 3 €Plein tarif + sandales 31 € Hommes (moins de 27 ans)(2) Militaires-Policiers(3) 22 € Hommes (moins de 22 ans)(2)15€ Couples (homme et femme)25 € Femmes(4)5 €Carte Privilège Couples (Entrées illimitées pendant 1 mois)45 €Forfait 10 entrées(5)
J'y serai aujourd'hui aux environs de 12h30 jusqu'à 14h30 pour homme et groupe d'hommes actifs Byz
Karine, if you show up as a girl, admission is free, I think.
Good evening, what are the prices I can't see that on their site thank you in advance Byz Karine sometimes
Sorry, last minute impediment, I will not be able to come today.
I will have a good time this afternoon
I see who you are talking about but it seems to me that it is rather an operated trans (woman?) Afterwards I do not know her personally but when I had been I saw her (before the start of the health pass) so her goes back
I am looking for a woman who often went to this sauna. She was usually at the bottom with her dildo. We have spent time together several times. Does anyone know her?
Who can tell me more about this place in Pv? Thank you
H bi active for TRAV and H this afternoon
People this afternoon to join me?
I would be there this afternoon 20/07 from 3 to 5:30 p.m., to suck and get fucked ...
I'll be there this Tuesday 07/20 afternoon to suck and get caught from 3:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
I would be there from 12 p.m. until 3 p.m. this Wednesday 07/07/21 I hope to see nice things there if someone intends to go send me MP biz
I will go for a walk today, I hope to have fun with rebeux and blacks
Who is coming tomorrow afternoon?
Hello everyone Received this morning the message from Atlantis to all its subscribers announcing the reopening this Wednesday, June 09 at noon. It's going to be a party!
I also hope for an opening quickly, I miss it, my on the site of the seahorse (another libertine saunna) it marks opening authorized only from the beginning of July, so to follow
I'll be there on June 9th for the reopening I hope it will be exceptional! I'm waiting for your messages to know if you'll be there
Hello, I went to Atlantis this Thursday to see. On the door, a poster dating from last October but no indication for the reopening. Nothing on their site either. As long as it reopens like the others on June 9th...
Reopening scheduled for what date?
Thank you for your answers !
The 20 km / 3 h rule is for walking, I strongly doubt that the legislator has provided for exemptions for very intimate contacts with strangers, which is still, we must admit, the best way to nab the virus ! So unfortunately the saunas are not about to reopen, finally for those who have not gone bankrupt in the meantime ...
@hmurparis, the sauna is always Closed. Opening scheduled not before January 20, 2021
Hi, with the 20 km 3 hour rule, is the sauna reopened?
Good evening, are there women or couples who are hot in Paris?
@ davido94 no it's still closed. Opening scheduled in 6 weeks ...
Reopen today? It is still relevant ?
Hello I would like to know if it is open on Saturday thank you
sauna + gym so all closed
Has the sauna opened or not?
Damn, it was open yesterday
Hello, the sauna is closed until October 9 due to COVID
I will be there Tuesday 29 from 12 to 2 p.m. and totally naked, notice to exhib voyeur
Very want to go there tomorrow night. Blacks or rebeux motivated?
I believe there are not many Bi Sauna open at the moment
Thank you Tony I had planned to go there tonight I will fall back on another !!!
Hello the sauna is closed from yesterday until September 1 for the moment
hello who would like to go with me Tuesday night?
I plan to go tomorrow 04/08 I love this place, my I haven't been back since last year, with the end of confinement I hope to find people there to have a little fun
Someone going there this Monday 03?
Santa Claus in red !? It is in green: https://www.secourspopulaire.fr/peres-noel-verts
With all the c ....... s that can be read here and elsewhere, here is to have reliable information: http://www.snegandco.fr/
Already it will not reopen before at least June 2 and will the cash hold? Hopefully because losing Atlantis would be catastrophic for workers, we have so much fun.
@foxerbi I don't see it too much and that's what bothers me ... :-p
Do you see how access to the sauna with containment?
that's for sure it's tempting ..... lol
I have never been to this sauna yet (yet not very far from the apartment where I am confined…) Reading your messages, I see that there are very exciting moments going on. I am an old regular from Beverley (unfortunately closed) and the Atlas (despite its more targeted audience) Tell me more about this sauna
nathalie52a75 - I think there are a lot of people who are starting to be "waiting" .......... personally I hope that all the places of debauchery will become lively again. In any case, it is certain that all the transvestites of France will be available in all these places .... lol
After the end of the epidemic, I will put my body in self-service here or elsewhere, tied up and blindfolded!
I'll be there this Thursday afternoon around 4 p.m. biz
Are there a lot of bi guys? Or are the guys only interested in working and trans there?
Tomorrow Tuesday March 10, 2020 I will be in the sauna to get fucked like a little slut and naughty bottom You will easily find me open panties, fishnet stockings garter belt, black bra Do not hesitate to put your tail in my mouth and your fingers in my pussy ... I love being available I will probably be between the backroom and the adjoining cabin, open door the cat offered to whatever you want to put there ... Do not hesitate to tell me if you want to piss on it ... You can flood me in the shower ... anything goes with a little slut like me! PS: I will be in the sauna around 2:30 p.m. 3:00 p.m. until around 6:00 p.m. My snap to contact me easily: jjouer78
I went there this Wednesday really top to be popped like its
I'll go there this Wednesday afternoon I hope to enjoy myself with beautiful tails ...
I will be at Atlantis this afternoon around 3:30 p.m. until 5:30 p.m. approx Stockings, bra, black slit panties ... If you see me don't be afraid to come and kiss me ... My pussy and my mouth are thirsty tails. I like everything sucks, sodo, double, piss ... I will be available for all your desires ... Contact me by snap to arrange an appointment: jjouer78
I'll be there this Thursday from 2 p.m. Hoping to find gourmet or submissive. Too much want to empty me well ... let me know
Who will be the 02/19/2020?
I go there I hope there are people
I go there I hope there are people
I'll be there this Tuesday 11/02 hope to have fun ...
Hello everyone, I will be from 18h to closing, will you join me or accompany me? Contact me privately for appointment!
Qqun to accompany me next Monday, big desire to discover !!!
I go to open and stay there an hour before going to work. All assets are welcome to spend on me
Please note I did have me. Closed at 20h due to strikes.
I will pass this aprem to pop me and dump me max
gentlemen; take note; Sunday, December 1, from 14h, I would come with a TV girlfriend, we are missing.
I'll be next week in the afternoon, hoping that there will candau couples or pretty travs ...
At Atlantis this after noon to fuck me like a whore offered. Made me what you want. sucks, soda double fisting, piss, juice ... I love ALL ... come enjoy me without restraint and made me what you want ...
Chubby wall head tidal passive ... loves sucking beautiful tails and travs hom ..... .. + few days PARIS..je ch cho map ... there will be 14 / 11..17 / 11 and 21 / 11
Passage 18h evening around 17:30 the hard cock as toujour
Gentlemen to TV cravings, I would be at Atlantis with a friend TV 3 Sunday from 14h to satisfy your cravings .... contact me by mp
I spent a good hour in the evening last week for a two evening and there were trans Brazilian who spent their time chatting with their buddies. Not seen any sex. Otherwise the atmosphere is quite nice.
For a gay possible to suck? Is there a specific event? thank you
I'll be there Sunday 20 from 1:30 p.m.... gentlemen, I'm waiting for you in good shape... message in pm
Someone to accompany me or suck me tonight?
Passing by on 14/10... hummmm... thank you to this handsome stranger in the hammam with a tail... a tongue... if he recognizes me... contact in pm. Hugs to all.
Hello my Rabbits, Here am warm home warm! So to be on Atlantis today from 17h. Kisses where you like, Marina-the-Bourgeois
bjr paris on Wednesday, 09/18 Hotel has dimension love Elisha field appointment kokin evening or sauna libertine but I do not know if you have information peck .....
Hello my Rabbits, Here am warm home warm! So to be on Atlantis today from 17h. Kisses where you like, Marina-the-Bourgeois
Who's hot to go today? Rebeu and black welcome :)
hello I would be Lyon station in the early afternoon ... I like to meet an active man ... see more at Atlantis.
Hello, someone this after noon?
Hello, I'll be there tomorrow afternoon, happy to see some familiar (s). I count on your dicks and pussies for your rust off after my long vacation.
Hi all I think will spend night after taff why not until closing if the mood so ready
I intend to go in the late afternoon tomorrow or Thursday, there will be the world of the site?
I go this afternoon will be
Another great time to really great sauna clean the staff is very nice and friendly people I am empty;)
Another good day on Thursday afternoon, despite am too shy!
I come on Thursday afternoon to honor my favorite trav. Being very slutty in my spare time, I also hope that some males will be interested in my washer.
I would be this Sunday 23/06 I hope to see the beautiful things
hello all I will organize a gang bang / bukkake next week ... date to be here Baguerra. FYI I am on the site under the name Atlantis: baguerralatravestie kisses to all interested ... .... to beckon
Another great afternoon at Atlantis. Thank you to some familiar (s) with which the various (SW) I played, enjoyed and done well enjoy. The bi-trans-trav evening is in full swing but not possible for me to stay. Shame!
Who's going this afternoon? Transvestite?
I intend going there Thursday, 6/20 can someone explain to me the operation and attendance MP
If someone goes there ajd, he points out.
it was very hot this afternoon. I had fun.
What is the average age for bi evening trans trav?
Passing this apm (14h / 15h) on June 7, Paris 13, looking for a welcoming throat to keep warm, feminine and if possible
Person motivated for today? No rebeu or black?
Hello, I really want to go tomorrow afternoon to play with a rebeu or black. Contact in mp
I'll be there on Tuesday 4/6 afternoon until 18:00. According to your desires in active male or female fashion bitch to protrude. Eager to enjoy with you. Bizzz
Hello, I spend to much Bi !!
Another good afternoon to Atlantis, always cozy and clean. There I found a happy little accustomed group (s) of any kind and I am broke me. Unfortunately I had to leave when the evening "bi, trav, trans" began in full swing. Sure I will retuurn.
I 've never been there, people go there today?
The world this afternoon? (11/05)
I will be in the sauna this Sunday, May 5 from the end of the after noon / early evening for TV / trans evening
I'll be there this Saturday 04/05 afternoon hope to see beautiful things ...
who goes there this afternoon?
Lol! Sabine responded well;)
Frerebarbus. Lol. When you're only the best you can find c is 1 woman to 10 men whatever the place and often prohibitively expensive. But I will be you I will not try if you judge a place on a single day of the week .... But maybe reality s adapt to your desires (irony)
There's no woman in this saunna for s fun. There are only men and trans. I'll have to find another sauna paris. All the best
the world this afternoon?
Bjr do sauna or there are couples or women?
Who will be al atlantis sauna tomorrow afternoon women or cpl?
I will be December 20 from 13h
Je vais aller voir si il y a de bonnes queues....la dernière fois j'ai baisé une bel trav
While in Paris I'll go see if there are players ....
Hello, HBI asset for Trav / H liabilities. I'll be there on Sunday afternoon.
Hello. Will you about the world tomorrow afternoon (woman / transvestite / trans). I think there be between 15h and 16:30. I hope to clear my bitches in heat. Leave me your msg in private. Looking forward to see you there.
Hello I will wish or be accompanied by Cpl man kisses Wall mp
Very good afternoon yesterday, Sunday, many people, maybe even too much, but good atmosphere and friendliness, I found a very welcoming mouth to make me cum.
Atlantis al passage this Sunday, October 14 from 15 am to grab a cock max then you tomorrow gentlemen
There's glory holes in the sauna? I want to suck straight
anal plug up, dog collar, body with leather straps, Ms. gangbang will be offered in the sauna Sunday, 9/30 at 19:30. it will surely be accompanied by Sally, his transvestite girlfriend ...
I put makes today from 16 hours filled balls and stiff cock warranty !!
Hi a guy bi BM free night for us to discover this place?
At Atlantis this afternoon from 15:30 to take full the ass and mouth
It's been a while since I have not gone I will make a jump to 20h ... great desire to pump .....
Late Sunday afternoon with my full balls, looking feminine or sexy trans transvestite with welcoming mouth or ass offered to dump me, women and couples please.
I'll be there Thursday afternoon with my stiff cock and my full testicle I hope the presence of very pretty bitch trav I love her !!
Sabine78 thank you for your feedback expérir it :) Yes of course it is better to make your own opinion, I etai Just a little surprised to see such a disparity between the evidence. After what is sure if they are mistaken for one place can be as disappointed :( For the record I'm not gay I appreciate strict girls with dildo ....;) was made exclusively passive My question or of the TS / TV assets;) Thanks again!
Chodlope92 that saunas is very neat and clean and welcoming. And for the hustlers never seen and astonish me that people do leave. The welcome is friendly may be because that is small enough and many regulars. C is true that it is a sauna that trav like to but not enough to be a majority. You have more to fear couples as they attract all my men lol this and there is no regular farouches.et then c is really small. By cons, if you're gay you're in the wrong place. So be it your misinformed or you're in the wrong place. But everyone's tastes. And make you your own opinion ...
I heard everything about this sauna as much harm as good :( this is so creepy as some say? Some evoke the presence of hustlers on site so it claims you some cash to fuck ??? Last question, evokes some majority presence of Trav / trans sometimes, in this case there are also t he active (me fucked by a beautiful trans I am not against;)?) Thanks for regulars of their information;)
Atlantis al passage this Sunday, May 20 from 15: 30 pm and 20 pm to make myself fucked and suck cock with cumshot in the mouth many come and dare tackle m I'm not so fierce on Sunday gentlemen kisses
Who to make me test the sauna Sunday 13?
I'll be there Saturday, May 5 at 17h with one of my lopes (married guy 47A submitted) to put at slaughter. There will be 4 feet to suck you hooded nature and get soda (with hood) Black and rebeux appreciated WB
jy would this after noon 12h-18h trans trav to come have fun with me
in the corridors too, especially the dark in the basement ......
Thursday is tjrs for trav? One can go ds sauna with low?
Who would invite me tonight
At Atlantis this afternoon for playful sex trav trans or submissive man
al atlantis this Sunday, April 1 from 15 h 30 to take full buttocks and mouth gentlemen
Hello I confirm my arrival this afternoon in the sauna
Who will be this evening I would be
there are more women here?
I would have atlantis this Sunday, February 25th from 15 h / 15 h 30 to get it fucked my ass as usual
al pass Atlantis on Sunday January 21 from 15:30 / 16 am until 20 pm / 20: 30 pm on Sunday gentlemen
I went there between 16 and 17:30 today. Not a dick stroke.
Who will be tomorrow afternoon?
Frankly disappointed between that dildo alone with a grumpy and couple that just came advantage of the sauna I do not know what to say. Ligiene are deplorable (I find a walk on top sperm).
J went there Sunday afternoon to see. I was hoping to find two men. As the previous bcp message blacks and mestizos there were bcp hustlers. No ... I have not even me or suck suck ... or do not go over the top I n
I was tonight ... a little creepy. Public rather suburban, 90% black / mestizo / rebeus of all ages. Many trans. I do not know if most guys were bi or not .. I'd rather attracted trans. Not my thing but I wanted to go there once to see ...
Atlantis al passage this Sunday, December 17th between 16 am and 20 ha tomorrow gentlemen
Hello I would like to know what the atmosphere of this club? is there some woman or couple or only bi or trans? Thank you for your answers
I go on Thursday afternoon, will it?
Hello. I go to the sauna this afternoon. I'll be there for me to suck and blow the submissive bitch in heat eyelash. I'll be there until 16:30. Look forward to see you there with the slut slut outfit.
Hi all I would be in Paris on Monday and Tuesday (13/14 November) amateur bi Working in a place I could go to for two good afternoon, thank you in advance for your kisses messages to you
Tomorrow late afternoon ... for hybrid thin and very slutty transvestite man?
Who for me to discover this sauna?
that could go between 12 and 13 o'clock?
I'll be there tomorrow I think about 18:30, someone tries ca?
I would al atlantis this ap each day between 15 am and 30 pm to 20 am fucked ass and suck dick with cum in mouth
This Thursday, 14 of 14 to 17h ...
J there would be Tuesday night? Of the world ?
Who will be there tomorrow
Hi, I'll be there tomorrow afternoon from 14H30-15H. I really want to take me to discover sodomy. Leave PM if interested.
Hi, I'll be there tomorrow afternoon from 14H30-15H. I really want to sell me, to discover sodomized. Leave PM if interested.
Hi, I'll be there tomorrow afternoon from 14H30-15H. Leave PM if interested.
Will there be in the world today Thursday afternoon ?? I have never been
has this AD from noon to 16 H gentlemen to make you suck and fucked my big ass bitch
I also go in the week, in the evenings nudist
J will spend next week discover nudist evening
I want to test the sauna, naturist evening: it worth it?
Who of this this afternoon from 14h to 16h. I'd be fucked for a porn max. Contact me mp
I go this afternoon. Very want to sell me. Who will be there? Feel free to contact me by MP
al atlantis this Sunday, June 4, 16 ha 20 h to get me fucked ass by a max of guys as usual tomorrow's gentlemen
hi, While in Parus next week Monday 29 available from 17:30. Would there it a good active beyond 45 years eager to show me the place? discussions private message
Atlantis al passage this Sunday, April 30 between 16 am and 20 pm to get me fucked ass by a max of guys as usual on Sunday gentlemen
I'll be there tomorrow afternoon. Is there a good submissive slut preferably trav to accompany me. I await your msg sluts
I'll be there this afternoon from 14h. I hope to find to bitch popping their ass. Make me know if you want to join me
Atlantis al passage this Sunday, April 16 between 15 pm and 20 pm to 30 take me a max of cocks in the ass and mouth as usual so if you gentlemen cross labas n not hesitate me I am addressing sui spas very fierce
of trav probably yes, but if sometimes, rarely, a few women or couples sharers, expect a tough concurrency
I'll see if I go this Saturday afternoon. This would be my first time. I'm bi, there are couples and women and transvestites?
al atlantis this ap each day between 16 and 20 hours to get me fucked in the ass by a chain max guys
I'm going there on Monday afternoon around 15:30. But not in drag, right dude !! But if there are beautiful cocks to suck (with hood) and more if affinity ....
For those that would interest I opened a profile on the messaging site atlantis. Leave me your messages. Hugs
What crap for nothing ......., ..,
Hello I seek a man or men to take me in a sauna Thursday, February 9, if you are ok thank you send mess in pv
Bo evening I epassage of Thursday 26 of 7am if a collar woman or a transvestite wants a rogue appointment contact me by pm Good evening to all
Philo I'll probably go there late Tuesday afternoon, around 17h
@exhvoy yes you do what you want to go to when you respect others
Would like to try this place once ... but I'm shy ...
Hi, can you be naked in the afternoon? I'll go on Wednesday 11
Too bad, if I had known I would have made a tour just for you :) warn me next time.
Tanko92 if you're too shy to go alone I accompany you there with pleasure
Hello, I would like to discover and have a guide to masturbate, suck and make me deflower the small hole, gently .... then by a big cock
Very nice naturist yesterday evening I sucked good black pricks young, and others, I still hope more next time!
Tomorrow for me suck and get banged the puck.
Who pour.me suck and get banged the CULR tomorrow between 13h and 16h. A transvestite would be the top. Leave me a private message.
Which of the available 24 or August 25 to 13h 16h to empty my balls ..... leave me a msg
Hello I m bid for Man mini wall 50 site visit kisses Dany
Hi I think to go next Friday if anyone wants to join me and enjoy transportation
al atlantis this ap each day between 16 am and 21 pm
I will be tomorrow Atlantis al ap from noon to 16 pm to get me fucked like a good bitch with a cock Max
hello I will be tomorrow from 14h ... kisses Flo
I go tonight that for naturist evening
I leave my appointment out there around 14:00 / 12/30 depending on traffic
I'll be there this June 1 from 14:00. That comes kiss?
Who will be this afternoon ?? Very warm in this rainy Wednesday ...
hello I will be Thursday, May 19 from 14h (amoins you invite me home before !!!) kisses
Understand that attendance is random whether to genres that ages, quantities, ethnicities. But from my visits: women are rare and usually middle-aged. couples when there they seldom participate. trav / trans qques few events but more for trav h mostly I can only recommend it after noon Sunday, it's where I met my warmest times and do not forget that it is the participants that create the atmosphere, so well do your bitch and you will inevitably attract cocks.
Understand that attendance is random whether to genres that ages, quantities, ethnicities. But from my visits: women are rare and usually middle-aged. couples when there they seldom participate. trav / trans qques few events but more for trav h mostly I can only recommend it after noon Sunday, it's where I met my warmest moments
Active queue looking for my mouth and my ass;)
Naturist only from 17h or is it possible to be naked all the time?
I'll be this afternoon at Atllantide sauna to suck and fuck me (with protection)
Warning travcosplay SNCF strike on 26 Predict a plan B or looking for a carpooling
Naturists evenings they give a mini towel instead of the big, so you were naked ass and dick in the air ..... Typically women and trans trav remain sarong or lingerie, the privilege of the weaker sex! And for me it's just as well, it's funny.
Hello I want to know how is the naturist evenings on Tuesday and if there are often couples or trans. Thank you for answering me. Biz
World Friday 22 afternoon? I'm passive, I suck and fuck make me
for points everything is explained on the website https://atlantide-sauna.com/index.php?Itemid=645&option=com_content&view=article&id=80&lang=fr&catid=2
there are direct metro to Lyon station
travcosplay89 - small Bercy station and about 15 to 20 minutes walk
not the reduction is retuurned if you already transvestite. print a map, it's a street behind, so not visible from the station. And Paris train stations is not that of Auxerre, there are plenty of outlets, you get lost easily!
Yes cloakroom woman trav trans couples with mirror, hair dryer. passage Customers with baggage can leave the guard in a room.
Reduced price if you retuurn to daughter, see free, will see their site
The sauna is not a sauna and steam room, there are cabins and a hot corridor. So you come in girl with makeup and everything. And we males are enjoying vous.q
Well seen ! it only reinforces my distrust against small young dating sites. Often big mouth but small balls.
Yes Atlantis has you keep your key, there is a bracelet with
Tomorrow beardless men and intensive trav for sensuality full games
I hesitate to go tomorrow
there are couples and women over there? Want to go again ...
It goes without sucette78. Thank you for your answer .
You can do what you want submitted. Apart disrespect or annoy customers who do not share your inclinations.
I probably spend a ride Friday, March 18 after 20h or Saturday night. With current chastity, is that it raises a concern in the sauna?
I hope to meet with beardless men and greedy trav and hugs tomorrow after noon.
Hello, can you be naked in the afternoon? Who can tell me? Thank you
C how Sunday. Would limit starting.
the world between 17h and 20 h?
I go after this - twelve o'clock around 17:00
I'll be in the cabin equipped with a sling blindfolded poppers is available!
I spend Sunday I hope that there will be trav / trans :)
hello I pass this after noon Saturday, January 2 to see a girlfriend but why not meet men for more if affinity GOOD YEAR TO ALL AND ALL
First pass yesterday afternoon. I thank all the rascals who took care of me, both those who have fucked me than those who caressed me leaving me feeling totally woman. I will retuurn in January now.
Hi anyone interested to go there together one evening and enjoy a carpool?
shaved costs, I would check it out tomorrow, would there be a male wall and domineering to take my hand?
Seeking Straight to suck thoroughly
Hello. If there is a youngster hairless pussy and delicate style that wants to suck a nice manly dick in front of everyone at a party naturist and exhibitionist, I invite with pleasure. I am enduring ...
told bonne_salope for myriahm !!!
A Romain92 this sauna is mixed and open to all genres (I just appreciate Atlantis for its tolerance). So why specify that you do not want to be unpleasant and cats with this couple? Nobody forces you to take care of Madame she will not jump on you and there are enough lines to meet you ^^ To my shame part not be available tonight because I have loved taking care of Mrs ;-)
I need a place where I can prove my active men subject we shall be 11 to serve as the vacuum balls can you tell me if I find this has atlantis
I have 24 years and I wish nice guys to accompany me: max 30 years ... Send me a photo and your face as by mail: zaphyr75@hotmail.fr
Who interested in passive subject? This afternoon passifsoum13@gmail.com
looking for 1 or 2 transvestites this apm 20/01
Passage today from 12:30 to 2:45 p.m. for couples trans Uninhibited let private message thank you
It is the poor who are crazy about charity. The travs can smell naphthalene, 59 pins romain92 the cock must be gamy: D
I'll go the 21 if a man subject in women's underwear is ready to be offered contacted me
That's philo_tv, continues to pollute the messages with your automatic notification, repeated and irrelevant as to remain the only one to post here .... Very productive, really!
No need to advertise, it is always full of worldand filled starved .....
MDF = Death From Hunger guys who at least vaguely feminine form are grouped into 6 pack minimum and start running in the hallways without rancor Philo, to each his own, the Atlantis sauna just is not a place for me
The truth is brutal: it is you who made the constantly advertising for Atlantis saunas and chameleon and idm needs no advertising, all those who regularly attend gay saunas know that this is not a bogus place do not worry, many naive and MDF will continue to patronize your favorite saunas, the business will be able to continue
I subscribe me to the last afternoon lingerie no reduction to entry, nothing special has happened in terms of lingerie, there had just trav more than usual if you are looking short sex with guys go rather see the side of idm and if you want to fuck with trans beautiful, only one solution: pay escorts that's how it works
G is testing this afternoon, ct opened about half an hour and there were already a few guys For age 35-45 has been counting for the majority. By turns against it for not much ... It took me to go in the dark corner to bribe ground I suck cock ... The sauna is very small, but still the guys dare not much, must start the movement it starts ... Otherwise c own must admit, I would pump 5 or 6 tails in one hour so positive even if the price a bit quiet, not on whether it is still profitable. At the time I retuurn I think
Indeed ..... too expensive in terms of the services offered ... Hammam itty bitty, tiny sauna ... But this place has its fans ...
will possible to tell me any love pv well for a ride
To be there often when I lived in Paris, it is true that it is beautiful bcp transvestites are difficult or think they are stars
who is Marie? woman or trav?
A little trick: they make a coupon for couples! And they do not differentiate between mixed couples and couples of men! So if you are alone and that you do not mind waiting a little outside that another type only shows up you can (after a quick explanation for the guy that plays the game) have the couple price !!
Way too expensive compared to the services offered: tiny steam room, sauna itty bitty, little cabins .... bof..bof .....
mouaip finally they went from 20 to 26 € for single men and there is that single men ... (I'm not against the way) but I must admit it is happening not much ...
Hi, I intend to go around 13:00 Saturday 24/8 Someone goes there too?
22/08 today between noon and 14 pm?
Hi, I'm running my little ball tomorrow ... your dick !!
Someone is Saturday 19/01 at lunchtime?
I'll be there tomorrow from 12am. Someone ?
I await an opportunity to go there but it was recently redone
petitepedale you leave my warns me when you go back
There's no worries, trav heaps and going down suspenders and heels, very liberated club !!!!
hi seeking women or trav very good vacuum balls
refusal entry after this afternoon at the entrance I was told that this is the book that is accustomed normal? : s
sorry for this time against very untoward I am forced to cancel my visit to the sauna thank you for this day which will include Karine kisses !!!
if not I will be imponderables Tuesday, October 9 until around noon to 15:30 to make me break down at the chain kisses
there are virtually no women or so fat and ugly, it y 'has a particular recurring and gets orgy, personally not interested in this woman but I must admit that it attracts all starved
when is there the most women?
I'd probably tomorrow around 19:30
you're really nice, saying 1f to 1h. I will say 10am to 1f
Tomorrow the world to open ??
You would get naked at any time of the day?
hello I seek if voeyux trav give me appointment to empty my balls
Want to go Sunday. Other gay?
that for me to discover this place?
I'll be there on Sunday from 16h, I have appointment with 2 assets to make me fart the puck, if you want to enjoy a good pussy please
you may be going to what time?
atlantis the sauna is one of the cleanest I've ever been but it is actually small
Beur muscular anal slut to rech trav woman or domineering and enculeuse possible to atlantis sauna?
If you're in the same outfit as your picture, it's desire !!!!!
Thursday December 29th atlantis sauna from 17h, if you love a smash rebeu pussy I am happy to suck and impale myself on your cock, I like spanking and let me deal with little slut, I arched an ass and a rugged pussy, I can wear fishnet stockings or jockstrap
hi I went yesterday to the sauna I'm my blew not quite to my taste but c was tasty !!!
hi jy'll probably Tuesday from noon to 15h30 in naughty trav to jump to the chain kisses
jy I am often it makes 6 years that I frequent sauna is the week of quiet time if there is a transvestite or woman who wishes I face her visit to the capital I
jy going this after noon !! its branch QLQ?
close history