At the small bridge of sight

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Type : Nature gay & straight
City :  Longueville
Area :  Île-de-France
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
In this place there is a small bridge which passes a waterway. In a way out of sight. Occasionally backpackers but very rarely and especially the Weekend.
Address :
40 Rue Louis Platriez
77650 Longueville

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25/01/2024 in 19h41
People tomorrow?

24/08/2021 in 09h44
I'll be there in 45 mins

23/08/2021 in 10h21
I'll be there in half an hour

15/08/2021 in 18h18
who to meet me there tomorrow morning

11/08/2021 in 11h26
who to meet me there tomorrow morning

03/05/2021 in 13h39
Who this afternoon

26/04/2021 in 11h33
Who tomorrow in the morning

23/03/2021 in 16h14
Who tomorrow in the morning

01/10/2019 in 09h53
Cuckoo's all I receive is very evening Longueville want to suck and get caught by 1 or 2 guy see I am very bitch now mandatory condom and hygiene

16/07/2019 in 13h59
Who wants to get sucked

16/07/2019 in 13h30
I can be there in 15 minutes or I'll be around 15h

16/07/2019 in 08h47
I'll be there around 12 pm

13/07/2019 in 10h31
clea the path is very back from the gr

13/07/2019 in 10h23
qq'un around 11:30 12h

08/07/2019 in 09h08
good time pass yesterday good cock that g could suck without retained

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