Area Peel


Cruising spot gay in Baralle

proposed by profilsupprime  (09/07/2013)

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Type : Rest area gay
City :  Baralle
Area :  Hauts-de-France
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
After the station and the parking on the right, there is a small wooded park with tables and benches and full of bushes.
Address :
Les Croisettes
62860 Baralle

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29/11/2024 in 11h29
Anyone want to get sucked now?

27/11/2024 in 23h03
Anyone late afternoon wanting a blowjob?

31/07/2024 in 07h02
I'll be there around 4pm for a good while

26/04/2022 in 07h58
I can be available for those who want to have fun in the morning between 7:45 a.m. and 8:15 a.m. and sometimes around 6 p.m.

09/04/2021 in 14h11
Good luck to find a wife

09/04/2021 in 12h18
I'm there until 1:30 p.m. For women only

09/07/2020 in 14h32
I'm there for 1 hour

02/07/2020 in 18h02
Sorry but it will be roncq road center. Not enough time to go there

02/07/2020 in 16h04
Tonight for the night

15/03/2020 in 00h17
Someone one evening

16/08/2018 in 20h34
Who wants a cock sucking trav tonight?

06/08/2018 in 20h50
By night break tonight on the region, between 22h 10:30 p.m. if interested private message :)

21/01/2018 in 17h08
The world now?

18/10/2017 in 22h53
You or I was born t have not seen on the air of rest

18/10/2017 in 19h49
active guy looking pourmebaiser cabin

13/09/2017 in 12h51
What Wall Lime me?

15/06/2017 in 11h22
Around 18.30 that date

14/06/2017 in 13h28
That Thursday?

31/05/2017 in 17h59
18.45 19h date

31/05/2017 in 13h40
Free late Wednesday afternoon Who?

30/05/2017 in 08h51
who tonight?

21/03/2017 in 16h22
Who to 17.20 today

08/02/2017 in 12h30
Who now? Y am

05/02/2017 in 18h32
any wall after noon on Tuesday

18/01/2017 in 22h51
I'm on tonight arras

09/01/2017 in 21h16
That going?

06/12/2016 in 12h18
Who lime me now?

03/12/2016 in 00h48
Who to avail ds arras sector?

16/11/2016 in 18h36
Good evening I am.

08/06/2016 in 15h54
Who want to 18.30 1900

12/05/2016 in 12h12
What wall in an hour?

22/03/2016 in 12h33
Who now sense cambrai Arras?

01/10/2015 in 00h22
J'm'y stops Friday APRM retuurning to Paris to suck the road

01/09/2015 in 13h01
J y am

13/05/2015 in 15h49
Y am Wednesday 13/05 to 19h, I suck who will.

29/10/2014 in 02h55
Want to be empty by woman couple transvestite or onsite contact jusqua 7:00 Message

… close history