Aire de repos de Marguerittes A9- sens Nîmes - Orange


Cruising spot gay in Marguerittes

proposed by sodo30  (17/09/2021)

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Type : Rest area gay
City :  Marguerittes
Area :  Occitanie
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Beaucoup de camions. Grand parking pour faire des rencontres avec des routiers ou autres...
Address :
La Languedocienne
30320 Marguerittes

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16 d. ago
Often available during the week in the morning

12/08/2024 in 20h46
I can be there to suck and get spanked I go back up the A9 then the A7 to Annecy the truckers with cabin plan have priority

13/12/2023 in 19h07
Lots of people tonight

11/12/2023 in 18h12
I will be in the area next Wednesday, December 13 in the evening. I'm looking for big or even very big cocks I suck, I swallow and I spread my legs on request Black white Arabs I love it so clean and big cumshots because they're very greedy. For truckers who want to be sucked in the heat of their cabins, I will happily come up and empty your balls

11/12/2023 in 12h32
En chaleur, je serai de passage mercredi soir Pour actifs gros juteurs

29/11/2023 in 19h10
Available to me

29/11/2023 in 18h50
Who in 45 min looks? I offer my tail to empty

23/11/2023 in 17h11
Would there be a woman, a couple or a transvestite to come and suck me now?

27/10/2023 in 15h07
27th Oct available late shave smooth

25/08/2023 in 07h35
Hi, leaving from Lyon to Marseille, naughty rest area, let me know where to find someone to suck me off along my way

02/08/2023 in 00h14
Departing from Monpellier to Lyon, I stop by the rest areas on my way... departure at 2 p.m., please...

26/04/2023 in 13h20
Possible to stop there

16/03/2023 in 08h02
Big female dog in heat dressed like a whore passing by this morning to give her ass

19/02/2023 in 00h36
Available now

01/02/2023 in 12h04
Hello Friday February 3 morning between 07h and 08h to suck you ejaculate or you want mummmmm

24/02/2022 in 19h09
Hello, I've just arrived and I'm passing through the region...I'm a good trav, a real lorry slut, I'll be in the area tomorrow evening and Saturday evening to suck and get fucked by the drivers on the break. Want to be dominated by real virile fellows as I like them. Truckers I'm yours! Active guys too!!

19/02/2022 in 16h04
Hello, passing through the region next weekend, I'm already announcing my arrival...I'm a good worker, a real truck slut, I'll be at the area on Friday February 25 (evening) and Saturday 26 for sucking and getting fucked by the cut off drivers. Want to be dominated by real virile fellows as I like them. Truckers I'm yours!

09/02/2022 in 21h03
Good evening, I'm a good trav, real truck slut, I'll be on the area Friday February 25 (evening) and Saturday 26 to suck the drivers and get fucked in the chain. Passing through the region, I am already announcing my arrival.

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