A64 direction hoardings area Bayonne Toulouse

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Type : Rest area gay & straight
City :  Bordes
Area :  Occitanie
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Highway hoardings of area in the direction Bayonne Toulouse dredge it in the toilet at the beginning of afternoon and dusk
Address :
La Pyrénéenne
65190 Bordes

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06/12/2024 in 12h36
Someone goes this way or the other around 7pm

02/12/2024 in 13h38
Sur l’A64 ce mardi 3/12 dans l’après midi, direction Toulouse, je souhaiterais en profiter pour faire une pause coquine . Messieurs, si vous avez envie d’une gaterie voire de vous occuper de mes fesses, contactez moi pour organiser cela Léa, gourmande et obéissante, à votre service

22/11/2024 in 06h59
Nothing to do with this place, if someone passes by the area of ​​Bagneres de Bigorre it would be with pleasure a moment of pleasure, woman, couple, man, transvestite, trans, possibility perhaps to receive

21/11/2024 in 15h57
Passing by this afternoon, big 21cm tail for woman or couple

09/11/2024 in 13h30
Nothing to do with this area, someone available near Bagneres de Bigorre in the evening, woman, couple, trans, man

09/11/2024 in 09h52
Someone for a no-strings-attached plan?

07/11/2024 in 18h05
I am looking for a woman for a no-strings sex date

22/06/2024 in 15h27
Anyone there??

21/05/2024 in 09h26
Well, I'm going there this morning to suck everything that comes up...

30/03/2024 in 16h42
Hello ready to suck cocks

10/08/2023 in 11h23
I'm going there today around 1:30pm to empty you with my mouth and my ass. I won't be in a hurry

08/08/2023 in 20h52
If anyone has any idea, let me know.

15/06/2023 in 07h27
I will be there late Sunday afternoon to relieve you or more!

23/05/2023 in 10h56
Someone is coming around 7:30 p.m., woman or couple preferably but also a guy to empty me

06/08/2022 in 22h05
Anyone want to get pumped in the evening there?

29/04/2022 in 17h51
This morning around 10 a.m. a guy sucked me he was very good to ride I hope to see him again to do it again

16/03/2022 in 16h44
Who's available in 45 min direction tarbes??

26/12/2021 in 08h45
Anyone late afternoon?

15/12/2021 in 05h37
Who this morning around 8:30?

23/10/2021 in 07h57
Who this morning?

14/08/2021 in 01h16
Nobody tonight?

09/02/2021 in 16h27
In 10 minutes to make me suck

02/02/2021 in 12h27
I spend there today around 2:30 p.m. 3:00 p.m.

21/11/2020 in 12h46
Who wants to suck me

05/09/2020 in 21h13
Good person interested so I will cancel

04/09/2020 in 21h19
Someone Sunday around 11:15 am

21/08/2020 in 18h48
Search for contacts on bagneres de bigorre or very close for appointments

27/07/2020 in 08h24
No one on bigorre bagnere to suck me off. During the week

26/07/2020 in 15h46
Who to get sucked around 5:30 p.m. bordes area towards Tarbes or at the Ali tour de tour today

02/07/2020 in 17h50
Good since nobody is interested I think cancel ... Thank you

30/06/2020 in 19h40
Someone late Friday morning in the rest area or in Tournay ...

24/06/2020 in 11h47
Who available at noon to get sucked

07/06/2020 in 07h23
Someone early Tuesday afternoon on bagneres de bigorre to suck me?

20/11/2019 in 18h51
Bj Moi sexy transvestite submitted with sexy lace below I seek active guy and domineering, I receive in any hotel Friday evening discretion am and paunchy man beefy welcome. Nadia kisses I give my guy for such serious Curious motivated or fitter rabbit refrain

24/09/2019 in 12h45
that tonight at midnight to get sucked?

30/05/2019 in 01h36
Passing on June 3 morning mouth has available.

27/04/2019 in 12h55
I'll be there tomorrow, Sunday 28 available for kiss me, my ass will be available for a nice cock ...... around 17h30 - 18h

09/04/2019 in 11h33
Who in 40min

01/11/2018 in 12h21
Sunday, 11/04 I'd make a stop around 18:00 / 6:30 p.m. in the direction Bayonne - Toulouse ..... I seek actively to take care of my ass ...... Minivan Ford dark green.

20/07/2016 in 13h30
Tomorrow morning between 6 am and 7 am

14/02/2016 in 01h33
CC I seek active tonight

15/08/2015 in 13h04
I would spend tonight live map ssr

10/08/2015 in 21h10
who will be there this evening on weekdays

19/07/2015 in 14h05
This evening or another day

19/07/2015 in 12h01
looking road map to stuff with me as a rigorous SSR bitch

23/06/2015 in 22h24
Someone tonight? J y'm up t 23h

31/10/2013 in 18h53
Sunday shift, I go st sebastien towards Toulouse .... envy plan cho leave me message.

30/08/2013 in 21h49
that available tonight for my mouth. Passage, very hot and very slutty looks good fat tails juicy goods to drain

15/05/2013 in 14h49
Saturday 16h active is hot

06/03/2013 in 07h41
person when I went I went to the area of ​​Pyrrennes and the Straps

05/03/2013 in 07h36
I passse tonight Tuesday 5th at 17:30

… close history