1st floor Bercy station


Cruising spot gay & straight in Paris

proposed by jerome94  (24/06/2013)

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Type : Public toilets gay & straight
City :  Paris
Area :  Île-de-France
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Public toilets on the 1st floor of Bercy station !!! Attention from time to time, the presence of the cleaning lady !!! Update: I'm going on and what becomes cho. Maids monitor who comes. In addition there are devices at the entrance; it may become paid shortly ... 48.839039,2.383081.

Want more security, discretion, comfort, and hygiene? Try Le Glory's (libertine bar with 14 gloryholes, X-rated cinema, labyrinth... in Créteil)

Address :
48 bis boulevard de Bercy
75012 Paris

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25/10/2024 in 09h25
Who is available before my 11:20 train from Avignon?

11/05/2024 in 08h04
Who for the train to Auxerre?

10/02/2023 in 10h19
Hello, does this place still exist?

13/04/2019 in 16h08
Is this place is still valid ?? I have to take a bus Monday morning, good drainage allow me to sleep well .. if someone wants to suck me?

28/12/2018 in 12h09
@ Colinm91 I'll be over there in the late afternoon

19/02/2018 in 07h26
I'd be the 19/02 of 13h has 11hg30 I shaved head and black jacket

14/02/2018 in 19h26
They are not condemned these toilets, since there are pay toilets on the ground floor?

14/02/2018 in 16h47
I would be Friday, 16/02/18 at 2:00 p.m..

09/07/2017 in 09h12
Ki Bercy station tonight to get sucked jarrive is 6:40 p.m.

03/01/2015 in 18h19
who wants to be put down dick tomorrow Sunday around 30 15H?

31/10/2014 in 20h22
Who Tuesday, 4.11 between noon?

19/11/2013 in 12h17
that the 20/11 at 13:30 to alleviate the

18/11/2013 in 18h09
I'm tt qq'un to chance?

07/11/2013 in 09h59
Correction Friday, 8/11 ...

07/11/2013 in 09h49
I'll be there tomorrow (Friday 8/10) 20h at 20:45 if that tells kk1 ... Otherwise the ter Migenne to burgundy.

27/10/2013 in 22h39
jy shook Monday, October 28 to 18 h20. if someone sucked seen

09/10/2013 in 17h52
Tonight at 20 pm?

08/10/2013 in 17h40
At tt chance qq. one would be there to 18.30 it today?

08/09/2013 in 17h53
Tonight 20 pm?

01/08/2013 in 17h00
Someone would it pass between 18 and 19 pm?

09/05/2012 in 18h27
qd jy'm pass they had the air definitely closes

21/10/2011 in 12h57
I'll go Sunday morning from 9am to 10am to see how 'it? and who knows who I could burn and suck?

19/09/2011 in 10h45
Someone's going to 18h30- 19h? Thank you to specify whether the toilet bottom or top

12/09/2011 in 14h36
Would be fine for a ride Monday night around 20h, amateurs?

13/08/2011 in 20h29
paramour to the train or what ?????

08/07/2011 in 20h01
good cock to relieve the week between 19 and 20:00 anyone?

21/03/2011 in 21h12
jy am going to see actually c is very quiet

21/03/2011 in 08h06
What time to you?

18/03/2011 in 18h45
jy am Sunday 19h

12/01/2011 in 23h54
are the toilets on the 1st floor or ground floor? you can watch how? urinals or toilets hole between closed?

21/10/2010 in 00h57
they are how these toilets? there it goes what? I'll do a Sunday morning around 8am tower

21/10/2010 in 00h57
they are how these toilets? there it goes what? I'll do a Sunday morning around 8am tower

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