Croozr - Cruising sex is the dating site dedicated to sex cruising

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Gay cruising areas are meeting places where we can in general "conclude" on site.

This is gay places mostly, but not exclusively. There are at least 10,000 cruising areas referenced in France, and they can be found in the vast majority of the world, even the most refractory. Most places are located outdoors, sometimes in parks, woods, parking lots, beaches, etc...

The website Croozr - Cruising sex lists over 12,000 dating places in France and abroad : outdoor cruising areas, saunas, sex shops, discotheques, etc...

Subscribe on Croozr - Cruising sex to be able to chat with other members, see the opinion on the cruising areas, videos, erotic stories, and much more !

Good cruising !

Cruising spots: Latest messages posted

Cruising spot gay : Island Park of Love ( 38240 Meylan )

Message posted by yass738 24 h. ago
Je reçois ce soir pour un apéro , une bonne longue pipe et voir plus. Venez MP. Trav très apprécié. À ce soir

Cruising spot gay & straight : On the height of Grisolles 82170 in the woods ( 82170 Grisolles )

Message posted by edrix31m yesterday at 16:06
De passage lundi vers 18h30
Salut, quelqu'un dans le secteur ?

Cruising spot gay : Rather than gay bi ( 47370 Masquières )

Message posted by sami47 yesterday at 14:56
J'y serai dans 30 minutes pour plans direct

Cruising spot gay : Pond Veurey beside the bridge Veurey ( 38340 Voreppe )

Message posted by travplanext yesterday at 14:12
Ya du monde qui passe sur le chemin en tout cas travuro

Cruising spot gay : Pond Veurey beside the bridge Veurey ( 38340 Voreppe )

Message posted by travuro yesterday at 13:49
Toujours là !
Dans quel sens? Moi beziers Clermont

Cruising spot gay & straight : Motorway Area Bauné ( 49140 Bauné )

Message posted by jjf17 yesterday at 09:19
De passage dans la matinée, mp pour plan sans blabla

Cruising spot gay : Area Paulhan on the A75: gay cruising. Quiet and very beautiful ( 34230 Paulhan )

Message posted by yes34 yesterday at 08:36
J'y passe fin de matinée du monde ?

Cruising spot gay : Island Park of Love ( 38240 Meylan )

Message posted by tina23 yesterday at 06:26
ce soir je serai dans mon berlingo blanc avec galerie et plaque logo corse au plan d'eau étang de francin pour bonne fellation et plus afin de combler les mâles en rut 064295031 sms merci
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